Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wikipedia, Ziopedia or Judeopedia?

I recently got an account at Wikipedia and after a while, I started editing some pieces. I got really excited about it. I was one of the wonderful Wikipedians. I talked to people about what a wonderful site it was. I started spending a lot of time on there editing articles. It was fun. Yaay! I loved Wikipedia .

There was something kind of weird and cultist about it, but, if you understand the theory of cults well, you will understand how I found that appealing, as I felt I had become an adept - one of the anointed ones.

Another thing you will realize if you understand cult theory is that people like me will tend to get thrown out of most any cult, organization, political party, and God forbid, corporation. I shudder to say workplace, though I have improved now in that it usually takes them about a year to fire me for insufficient brown-nosing and chronic rebellion.

Thus, alas, my induction into the Wikipedia cult was doomed from the start. The fatal blow? I branched out from editing non-controversial stuff and one day I decided to edit some articles dealing, peripherally, in one way or another, with Jews. You know, like Jews, Israel, Palestine, the enemies of the Jews (the designated "anti-Semites"), stuff like that.

Why? Cuz those are some of the most outrageously sucky articles in the whole suckathon called Wikipedia, that's why. I lasted about two days, carefully making only the most minor, cautious and reasonable edits.

Then, disgusted and enraged, I penned this gorgeous spit wad of a F-you missive, like a rock through a window, and left it up on my homepage to see how long it would take before the Wikipedia Cops showed up to haul me off.

Took about 12 hours before one of the worst sociopathic militant Jewish ethnocentric nationalists on there (a former member of Oingo Boingo, no less) did his tribal duty and murdered my membership in Wikipedia. I am now permanently banned (permabanned) from editing Wikipedia, till death do us part.

Update:I am pleased to report that two noble Wikipedia administrators have opposed my permabanning on jpgordon's talk page. Details here. I'd like to throw a shout to Wiki admins Jahiegel and Everyking for their very principled stand.

Note that jpgordon is continuing to call me a "virulently anti-Semitic bigot". Also note that a casual perusal of Gordon's talk page clearly reveals him as a sociopathic, militant Jewish ethnic activist.

Kevin MacDonald, a brilliant modern thinker, makes clear in his works, especially the brilliant Understanding Jewish Influence - Background Traits For Jewish Activism, that militant, highly ethnocentric Jews simply cannot distinguish between those who criticize them in the tiniest way and the people who want to throw them in the ovens.

Any criticism harkens the threat of another genocide, and all non-Jewish humans are divided into two halves: the obsequious pro-Jews who slavishly shower praise on the tribe, and the "Nazis", ranging from everyone who ever utters one peep of criticism of the Jews to those who want to finish Hitler's work.

Quoting psychologists Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck, the "irrational beliefs" at work here (in cognitive therapy speak) should be quite obvious.

As far as being banned from feels...good! It's an honor. All decent progressives should strive to get banned from Wikipedia. It's like getting thrown out of the Republican Convention.

In case you are wondering, here is the gigantic "fire me" letter I shoved up on my homepage:
Smash Ziopedia!

Hello, my name is Robert Lindsay, an independent Leftist journalist and blogger in California. This is my Wikipedia (actually Ziopedia) page. My popular blog, which has received over 50,000 visitors in over a year and currently gets about 150 visitors a day, can be viewed here.

First, I would like to point out that Wikipedia is an illusion and probably does not exist. There is, however, a bizarre entity known as ZIOpedia, which masquerades as Wikipedia. Ziopedia means that Wikipedia has been taken over by Zionists, Jewish ethnocentrists and their Gentile supporters.

Most articles having anything to do with Jews or Israel exhibit Jewish or Zionist bias, despite noble efforts by many Ziopedians to promote the Wiki farces of Neutral Point of View and other types of scientific and scholarly discipline.

Most of these people are militant Jews, but some are liberal and Leftist Judeophilic Gentiles. This has wrecked much of the quality of many of such pieces. Make the tiniest edits to any of these pieces and the militant Judeophilic gatekeepers immediately spring into action to "protect the tribe", and all of your edits will be reverted within hours with no discussion given.

Try to discuss and you will be met with silence or the usual dissembling, sophism, lawyerese, nonsense, BS, diversion, nitpicking, ad hominem, red herrings, false comparisons, and trivialism, along with and every logical fallacy known to mankind.

Not only that, but you will be put on Ziopedia's very own Neo-Nazi watch list"! LOL! Can you believe it? Object to Ziopedia's control freaks, and you're automatically a Nazi - even Commies like me.

The founder of Ziopedia is a sleazy porn merchant named Jimbo Wales. Jimbo has deep links with powerful US militant Jewish interests. He is also a passionate Zionist. The vast majority of Wiki admins, arbitrators and top staff are also Zionists and Judeophilic. A vastly disproportionate number of them are also Jewish.

Jimbo Wales runs this fraudulent website with an iron fist, along with his Wiki-fascist PC brigades. Go against Dear Leader Zio-Jimbo and watch yourself get slowly banned from the Ziopedia Travesty.

Please come to my talk page to discuss the outrage called Ziopedia or anything else related to my contribs.

If you are opposed to Jewish ethnocentrism and Zionism receiving preferential bias on Ziopedia, please become a contributor (non-monetary!) to Ziopedia and help fight the Zio brainwash. It's probably hopeless, but at least there is strength in numbers. If you have a blog or post to Usenet, please spread the word about how Wikipedia is really Ziopedia, or maybe even Judeopedia.

Above all, do not contribute one nickel to this Ziopedia Joke in its present form. Starve the beast. There is no point contributing to Ziopedia, a website that blatantly promotes imperialism and racism while pretending to be anti-racist, liberal and particularly unbiased.

The parts of Ziopedia not dealing with Jews and Israel are often remarkably unbiased, scientific and professional and adhere to scholarly standards. This stands in naked, painful, embarrassing contrast to the Ziopedia's Alternate Universe of anything even slightly Judaic. Feel free to contribute to the non-Judaic Ziopedia Universe and feel pride in what it is and shame and what Ziopedia could have been.
Nice, huh? Actually, I was stupid enough to think that they believed in free speech there (they claim they do), and I actually thought I would get away with flipping a great big huge verbal bird like that. Ah, but I am so naive.

For the uninitiated, on first glance, like a lot of evil things with pretty faces, pleasant manners and diabolical cores, Wikipedia looks pretty neat. It's an open-source encyclopedia, created by anyone in the whole world who wants to help work on it. Kumbaya! Let's all communistically hold hands together and work for free on the free encyclopedia for the whole world. Yaaay.

And what's more, anyone can edit most any article. Even you. Or me (well, not anymore). Wikipedia has this neato New Age touchy-feely aspect about it, with a hardcore dollop of nerd tossed in. It feels nice, groovy, fun, smart. They have all sorts of neato sounding rules and sayings that they like to bandy about. That's part of the culty thing, but you don't see it at first.

The rules are really de facto garbage nonsense, like "no original research" or "no personal blogs cited" or "neutral point of view". And the sayings are Chairman Mao-like stuff like "Be Nice", "Wikipedia is not therapy", bla bla.

Only after you dive into the black heart of the beast do you realize that the rules, like Lenora Helmsley's taxes, are only for "the little people", i.e. everyone not in with the Wikipedia Elite Cult. After a while you figure out that all the Mao-like dictums are the products of so-called "benevolent dictator of Wikipedia" Jimbo Wales.

You realize that the sayings are not neato or groovy, but instead cultist aphorisms from super-creepy "Dear Leader" Jimbo. Jimbo likes to say stuff like, "We want Wikipedia to be the sum total of human knowledge", and "We are creating a free encyclopedia for every poor child in Africa".

That, along with his comments along the lines that Wikipedia is an alternate source of information to the corporatized media, is sure to warm the hearts of Leftists, liberals and progressives. Except that...Jimbo is none of the above!

After a while on Wikipedia, you start shaking your head wondering what kind of politics the Cult Leaders of Wikipedia espouse. And like any good Maoist commune, groupthink pervades Wikipedia. Except you can't figure it out at first. Are they liberals? Yes and no. Are they conservatives? Yes and no. Are they Zionists? Yes. Are the religion-hating (except Judaism), science-worshiping, atheist skeptics? Yes!

So you go read up on criticism of Wikipedia. Leftists say they are Rightists. Rightists say they are liberals. And yet...they are neither. Finally you crack the puzzle. Wikipedians are..."computer geek libertarians".

Dear Leader Jimbo, a self-proclaimed libertarian, stated that no aid whatsoever should be given the victims of Hurricane Katrina. He called that government aid "fascism". Wikipedians love that word, along with "Nazi" - both reserved for anyone Wikipedians don't like.

See here how Dear Leader Jimbo is willing to suspend any and all "rules" (they already selectively enforce or suspend them anyway) on Wikipedia in order to keep "Nazis" from editing articles. Well, that's nice, but who is a Nazi? According to Wikipedia, I am a Nazi, since one of the militant Zionist Jews on there put me on the Wikipedia Neo-Nazi Watch List.

Could it be that Jimbo is a reactionary who deliberately tries to chase Leftists off Wikipedia and is hostile to all progressive and Left viewpoints? Dear Leader Jimbo doesn't think that corporations should pay one nickel in taxes and doesn't think that government should do anything to help its citizens.

His pet peeve in recent years is apparently "government-sponsored health care", surely a dire threat to mankind. Almost all of the top-levels of the Wikipedia Cabal are Objectivists, or libertarians, if not Fox News conservatives.

Almost all of the administrators are conservatives or libertarians, and one is a Moonie. It's a white-collar, conservative neocon, White American point of view. Wikipedians oppose the minimum wage, any and all social programs and, sharing Jimbo's view, any and all aid to Hurricane Katrina victims.

A very large number are also militant Jews.

And this is a much more sensitive subject. On the Wikipedia Review, a site set up by Wikipedia refugees to critique the site, one poster gingerly tested the waters on this hot-button issue. He notes the obvious - that the upper cabal and administrator level of Wikipedia is chock-full of militant Jews sociopathically pushing a Zionist and pro-Jewish point of view.

He nervously asks about how they should broach the subject of what he calls the "Wikipedia Jews" without "sounding like a bunch of anti-Semitic a**holes". Indeed. And that is exactly my dilemma as I write this piece, which is why I held off writing it for over a week.

Note: The link above has been removed by Super Defender of the Jews Selina, a top administrator at Wikipedia Review. First she made a post ridiculing me for saying she shuts down threads that deal with Jews, then she did just that. Whatever. As you can see, Wikipedia Review is starting to develop serious self-censorship problems on The Jewish Question, like most of the rest of our terrified society.

Selina vigilantly stalks Wikipedia Review, searching for references to That Question and threatening to shut down any thread that mentions it, while threatening to ban anyone who discusses The Question That Dare Not Speak Its Name.

There may be a reason for this in the history of Wikipedia Review. Wikipedia Review was apparently founded by a banned user from Wikipedia named Igor Alexander. My research reveals that Igor is indeed what he was said to be on Wikipedia Review - a notorious neo-Nazi, White Supremacist and Holocaust Denier.

Some feel that Igor was actually Alex Linder, founder of the Nazi Vanguard News Network , but on investigation, that is clearly not true. See my comments section for more on this fairly obscure matter.

Mr. Linder is a terrible person, a neo-Nazi, virulent racist, anti-Semite and Holocaust denier. But he is very smart, is a superb writer and is very funny, if you can distance yourself from his genocidal persona. It is useful to look over his site to see what such creeps think like, so as to understand them better. I pray his attitude is not so common.

Many Wikipedia Review members were perturbed by Igor's seemingly excessive focus on certain themes such as The Jewish Question on Wikipedia. After a while, almost everyone left and the new Wikipedia Review (the one you see now) was formed when one of the members bought the current domain name.

So, like the post-WW2 German government and many Jews, the new Wikipedia Review may have some valid reasons to be paranoid about anti-Semitism. Not that such paranoia typically makes sense, but it helps to understand why people do things.

See my comments section for comments by a current Wikipedia Review member on the founding and current status of Wikipedia Review, along with some remarks about my comments about that site in this post.

Alas, the gatekeepers are everywhere.

The huge over-representation of militant Jews on Wikipedia is one of those aspects of Wikipedia that is not immediately obvious, but kind of creeps on you after a while. With time, you start to realize what it is and it knocks you out of your chair when you do.

For what you see in this aspect of Wikipedia is a full-blown Jewish Media Control Conspiracy, operating right in front of your very eyes, in full view to anyone willing to look.

The perpetrators of this conspiracy even brag about what they are doing as they cavort through Wikipedia on their psychopathic mission to defend the tribe. They gleefully call themselves names like "The Cabal", "The Jewish Cabal", and the like. But woe to anyone who points out the obvious. If you do, you will be immediately banned from Wikipedia as a "hate-monger" and a "Nazi".

The size of this cabal is not large - maybe 20-30 militant Jewish tribal activists (actually, doing more research into Wikipedia, I think it may be far, far larger than that) but they also have the backing of the huge, largely rightwing Judeophilic Gentile Zionist cheering section behind them.

Having said that, I assume that Wikipedia is probably full of Jews dutifully editing away at linguistics or math or computer languages or biology or whatever, who have no relation to the Cabal. They just write about their fave subjects, and don't write about anything having to do with the Jews.

And some Jews write about Jewish subjects in a non-militant, fair, balanced, NPOV way. I should point out that moderate Jews, moderate Zionists and Jewish dissidents on Wikipedia are also ferociously attacked by the militant Cabal.

So, probably the vast majority of Jews editing on Wikipedia have nothing to do with the Cabal, and probably don't even know it exists. They are innocent. And the Wikipedia Jewish Cabal has the total support of a huge number of Wikipedia Judeophilic Gentiles, who back the Wikipedia Jewish/Zionist Cabal agenda 100%.

Which, when you think about it, is a pretty good example of how your average Jewish Media Control Conspiracy works in real life.

A few militant Jews converge on a media enterprise or enterprises with the goal (usually independently, and not necessarily conspiring with other like-minded folks) of gaining enough influence over the enterprise or even taking it over completely in order to "protect and promote the tribe" (mostly to protect).

90% of Jews don't have anything to do with this conspiracy and aren't even aware it exists. They are office workers and students, shopkeepers and librarians, who worry about getting enough sleep and their love life and paying their bills and who is mad at or in love with who today.

The worldly affairs of the tribe are far away. If they know about the conspiracy, they either angrily deny it, or shrug their shoulders, or even oppose it. They are innocent.

I think, right there, with the Wikipedia example, we can explain a lot of the Jewish Media Control Conspiracy Theories bandied about, restrict the more florid theories, and answer most of the silly rejoinders to the theories too.

Keep in mind, too, that most conspiracies are done by individuals who share the same goals without necessarily elaborating them and working together to carry them out. That's all you need to pull it off. You don't need smoke-filled rooms, game plans, scrimmage lines on chalkboards at halftime, false identities or secret handshakes.

And actual conspirators love to project. In the midst of a media control conspiracy, conspirators will rant and rave about how their ideological enemies actually control the media that the conspirators themselves control. Don't ask me to explain such Rube Goldbergian defense mechanisms. Consult a psychology text instead.

See here where the Wikipedia Jewish Cabal got so worked up over "anti-Semitic bias" at the same Wikipedia they actually had under lock-down control themselves that they actually set up a page dealing with the subject. Oh, my head is spinning.

Also see this archived user page from 2003, where a typical fanatical activist " Wikipedia Jew" (a teacher at a Jewish school) was actually on the verge of being banned from Wikipedia due to his unrelenting hostility, rudeness, paranoia, sociopathy and promiscuous flailing of the "Anti-Semite" and "Nazi" epithets.

For instance, this fellow was convinced that 2/3 of Wikipedians were anti-Semites. He also referred to Wikipedia as "Nazipedia".

The Wikipedia Jewish Cabal, while quite powerful (see Fear Ireaan's comments on the page here), seems to have been less dominant back in 2003 then it is now.

Do note, however, how long this criminal-type Jewish user, RK, was allowed to get away with his antisocial behavior before he was finally (sort of) disciplined. And note below how nowadays, with the Cabal so deeply in control, pro-Palestinian editors are banned quickly for behavior that is meager in quality in longevity compared to RK's.

Typical of fanatical Jewish activists, RK felt that he was 100% correct in all of his wild, baseless, bizarre accusations and behavior. Even more disturbing is his claim that his fellow teachers at the Jewish school shared his strange, near-delusional views.

One more thing: actual conspirators usually get extremely angry when exposed, and one of their favorite epithets is, "Conspiracy theorist!" In the dumbed-down yet nevertheless conspiracy-riven USA, that is actually a put-down. Kind of like, "Jews do NOT control Hollywood, dammit! And if you ever say that, you will never work in this town again!"

You think I make all this crap up, in my deluded mind? Heh. Here is the talk page of one of the highest-ranking members of the Wikipedia Jewish Cabal, Izak, w+ho has disgustingly been allowed to run amok like a criminal through Wikipedia, trashing much of the site. Just read the talk page; I will say no more.

Here is a poor pro-Palestinian editor, Alberuni, banned for fighting the Jewish Cabal on articles relating to the Israel-Palestinian Conflict. He was banned for "POV" (point of view violations).

What that means in Wikipedia Jewish Cabal 1984 double-speak is that he was trying to make some of those articles slightly more fair and unbiased. Here is his sad talk page, documenting the crimes committed against him on Wikipedia.

Here is the pitiful Sanhedrin Ziopedia Kangaroo Kourt proceeding against poor Alberuni. Read it and weep. This page also lays out in disgusting detail the depredations of the militant Zionist Jewish crooks who are destroying Wikipedia.

Here is the tragic talk page of Yoshiah, a decent Wikipedia Jew who is going against Jewish groupthink on Wikipedia and catching the full, ferocious brunt of Jewish Wikipedia militants for his transgressions. Yoshiah is a Jewish convert to Christianity, a type of Jew traditionally despised by militant ethnocentric Jews.

Here is the excellent homepage of HistoryBuffr, who also rants against "Ziopedia" like I did, but for some reason has not yet been given a targeted assassination by the Wikipedia militant Jewish bullyboys. Matter of time, I guess.

But look here! Just recently, while I was editing this article, poor HistoryBuffr, an eminently fair editor, has been banned from editing Wikipedia for two months, and has been banned from editing articles on the Israel-Palestinian Conflict for one year!

Here is the laughable, pitiful, Kafkaesque "decision" to kill HistoryBuffr on Wikipedia by the preposterous Wikipedia Kangaroo Court hanging judges in all its gory outrage.

You have to understand Wikipedia a bit to realize what a ludicrous joke this decision is. On Wikipedia, if you are fair-minded and oppose Jewish chauvinism and militant Zionism, it's just a matter of time before the militant Jewish Zionist creeps nail you up too.

This insipid copy of a Wikipedia talk page shows you just how insane and stupid the 8th-grade-playground-on-acid called Wikipedia really is.

Note halfway down where the Zionist thugs that run Wikipedia can't decide if the Occupied Territories are really occupied. Except that international law is unanimous that they are. Wikipedia Thought Police think they should be called "disputed", a view rejected by 100% of all experts in international law.

Here is another travesty, concerning the Wikipedia article on Marwan Bargouti.

See here for a take on Wikipedia as a Jewish Media Control Conspiracy from an unfortunately blatantly anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi site. Despite the disgusting nature of the site, it's still an intelligent, albeit much exaggerated (as many such sites are), take on the matter.

I don't know about the sayanim stuff and about the monitoring by Hillel, SPLC, and ADL types, but I would not put it past the Wikipedia fanatics at this point.

For a radical critique that pretty much avoids the anti-Semitism above, while dredging similar waters, see this brilliant, gorgeously written critique from the blog Americans are Ambitious Wolves.

Hey, where does Wikipedia get all its money anyway? Good question. No one seems to know, and Jimbo won't answer any questions. Hmmm.

This long, intelligent article, titled Swastikapedia, gives a detailed overview of many of the problems that plague the Wikipedia disaster zone.

A much more recent article by the same author, The Great Failure of Wikipedia , rambles quite a bit, but nevertheless makes some excellent points, the most important of which is that Wikipedia does not believe in majority rules.

That is, in a vote of 74-1, the losing side can win the vote if the lone vote against was an administrator. Or a vote of 75-45, the 45 losing votes can win because they were "of a better quality". And on and on. He also points out, as I have in this piece, that there is a group of people who are dedicated to destroying Wikipedia.

Wikipedia-Watch has a lot of great critical stuff on Wikipedia.

The site was founded by one of the Wikipedia pioneers, who subsequently left and turned into a Wikipedia-hater, apparently because he is a decent person and was offended by the Wikipedia sewer.

The author of Wikipedia Watch is also a very active contributor to Wikipedia Review. The Wikipedia Cabal and Cultists have initiated a vindictive campaign against this dissident, in true cultist fashion.

Perhaps you want to work on Wikipedia, but are disgusted at the thought of having to dodge the Wikipedian punks all the time? Well, there is a fork of Wikipedia called Wikinfo. Unfortunately, it is headed by Fred Bauder, a conservative, who is an administrator on Wikipedia , and participates in the usual Kangaroo Kourt Krap.

Nevertheless, on Wikinfo, he seems to allow his decent side to come out and play, and Wikinfo is free of many of the problems of Wikipedia. Wikinfo's criticism of Wikipedia is here. Conclusion? Wikipedia is garbage.

If you are a Zionist, a conservative, a neocon, a libertarian, or just a person with a serious lack of ethics, head on over to the Wikipedia mud puddle and wallow away to your heart's content.

I am going to argue that all progressives, liberals, Leftists, Muslims, Arabs, anti-Zionists, pro-Palestinians, and basically all decent people in general, should just avoid editing on Wikipedia at all costs. If you go there, the gangsters are likely to rake you over the coals and you are probably going to get really angry. Sooner or later, you will be banned.

You may spend a great deal of time on excellent edits only to have them "reverted" (destroyed) instantly, with no comments at all, by one of the creepy Wikipedia Warlords. If you are already editing happily on Wikipedia, by all means keep on doing it. But I will also advocate that none of us should give one nickel to this highly ethically-challenged enterprise.

If you think you can just avoid this mess on Wikipedia by not messing with Jewish-oriented stuff, you are probably mistaken. Although my info is sketchy, I have been told that the Jewish Cabal is not the only cabal on Wikipedia. Reportedly, there are all sorts of other gangs and cliques and mini-cabals sociopathically running amok on Wikipedia in many other areas of the site.

There probably is no avoiding the revert-wars, edit-wars, flagrant power abuses and other BS if you edit a lot on Wikipedia. And no matter where you edit, sooner or later you are doubtless going to run into the Ayn Randian Objectivist Libertarian Cabal types who basically run the place. If you are progressive at all, I doubt you will find that a pleasant experience.

I suggest that anyone who thinks like we do and wants to work on the Wikipedia project head on over to Wikinfo and try to work there for a while. Wikinfo really needs a lot of work. One cool thing about Wikinfo is that you can import any Wikipedia article you want to from Wikipedia and just stick it in Wikinfo. Then you can edit it or just leave it up there.

Down with Wikipedia! Down with Jimbo Wales! Down with Ayn Rand! Down with sociopathic militant Jewish ethnic activists!

Update: This piece was recently linked at a major New Zealand magazine called The Listener in a piece called Cuts Both Ways by Russel Brown. Brown refers to this article, noting:
Bizarrely, a freelance journalist who disengaged from the project accused Wales of leading a cabal of right-wing Zionists intent on giving the site's political content a particular slant.
As usual, when one talks about certain things that are so painfully obvious that they hit you in the face with a left hook, even when, like me, you would love not to see them, one is thrown in with the tin foil hat crowd. God forbid that any ethnic conspiracy, or any conspiracy, had ever taken place on this good, green Earth. To suggest this, one must be off one's meds, no?

This post was also linked at the Wikipedia Review, which I still regard as an excellent resource.

Predictably, "Selina", the administrator who reflexively shuts down any topic that mentions the word "Jew" and bans the user as a "Nazi", accuses me, a pan-humanist universalist, a homicidally anti-Nazi, deeply anti-racist, fanatical anti-fascist Leftist of "Nazi-like racism against Jews". She also calls me a "f*****g maniac", which is arguably true, but you would have to check with my girlfriend to make sure.

What's important is that Selina's behavior, like the fanatical Zionist reaction to the Walt/Mearshimer landmark paper on the Jewish-Israeli Lobby in the US (see Juan Cole's great but futile petition to the Conference of Major US Jewish Organizations for more), serves to shut down debate about an important topic.

Worse, the terror of anti-Semitism that makes so many Americans so censorious and self-censorious about The Jewish Question creates the scenario where the only people in America discussing such Questions are anti-Semites and militant ethnocentric Jews and their Judeophilic allies like Selina.

In this "debate", the pro-Jewish side is not really having a discussion so much as they are standing in the bleachers trying to shout down the whole conversation. The anti-Semites are just calling names and trying to pick a fight with the other side. Everyone other than these two parties is standing in the corner, silent and terrified.

Because such Questions never get discussed, we end up with a very bad situation.

A scenario whereby Hollywood and the US media are heavily under the domination of militant members of a tiny, ferociously ethnocentric ethnic group that uses these means of communication to brainwash the US public into going along with the ethnic group's politics, and then uses an "anti-racist" sledgehammer to bash anyone who dares to point out this obvious, demonstrable fact in mixed company.

You also end up with an ethnic lobby that has Congress, most state governments and the Executive Branch by the short hairs, to the point where the Lobby is able to give lawmakers marching orders on US foreign policy.

You end up with disastrous wars like the clusterf**k in Iraq and a threatened nightmare in Iran. You end up with 9-11, oil embargoes, the tragedy of the USS Liberty and the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon.

While ethnic warfare may be the norm in the Middle East and much of the world, it needs to be roundly condemned as anti-American in the melting pot USA. Certainly all ethnic warfare, Jewish or otherwise, needs to be seriously slammed by all principled progressives as antithetical to both our universalist ethics and to basic norms of human decency.

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