Thursday, July 27, 2006

Aim For the Cross

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here.

In Qana, Lebanon, site of a previous notorious IDF massacre a decade ago, 2 Red Crescent ambulances were recently hit with IDF missiles. Both missiles were direct hits, slamming right into the center of the cross on the top of each ambulance.

Not only did the IDF deliberately target those ambulances, but this is yet another sign of the Jewish anti-Christian race hatred that often comes out in Israeli wars. In the siege of Bethlehem during the IDF's Easter Offensive in 2001, the IDF not only deliberately attacked Jesus' birthplace, and IDF soldiers deliberately shot at crosses and Christian statues in a display of barbaric Jewish bigotry.

You must recall that amongst Orthodox Jews, the cross is an object of contempt. The organization that conducts conversions for the Israeli government has, as part of its conversion ceremony, a ritual whereby the convert is required to spit on the cross. In the 1970's, there was an uproar across Israel because Jewish children were using the + sign in their Math classes.

No nice Jewish boy or girl should be forced to draw this horrid Christian symbol, the drawing of which is a sin under Medieval Jewish Law. The controversy was settled when Jewish kids were allowed to write "t" instead "+". No kidding.

Around the same period, there was another furor in Israel surrounding a postage stamp that had a Christian church on it. Turns that if that was not bad enough, there was that hated cross, visible, but oh so tiny, on the steeple. It was eventually removed and the state of Israel was redeemed.

When Israeli soldiers and police raided Christian homes down through the decades, on many occasions, if a cross was seen on the wall by the raiding security officers, it was instantly ripped down or smashed on sight.

From the date of Israel's birth in sin in 1948 until now, Israel has delighted in destroying Christian cemeteries and archaeological sites, in addition to the hated Muslim sites. Of course, Jewish cemeteries and archaeological sites are usually treated with utmost care.

I bring up the base religious hatred of so many backwards, regressed Jewish primitives in Israel as a case in point to Israel's many strong Christian supporters.

Do these Christians really want to support those who regularly pray that Jesus is suffering in Hell, who preach that Jesus is being boiled in semen and feces in Hell, who say that his mother, Mary, was a whore, and who clearly state that not only did the Jewish Sanhedrin elite kill the Jewish rebel Jesus, but that, as a Jewish heretic, he clearly got what he deserved?

Not only did he get what he deserved, but one gets the impression that if Jesus were to ever return, I am certain that this element in Judaism would just love to kill him one more time.

Over 50% of all Israelis fall into this Medievalist mindset, a group who, in general, harbor major hatred towards Gentiles in general. Israel's Gentile supporters should carefully consider the fact that over half of all Israelis are super-racist bigots who hate us as a group.

For an in-depth analysis of this phenomenon by the late, lamented, Jewish humanist, Israel Shahak, see Jewish History, Jewish Religion, The Weight of 3,000 Years (I have read this book and highly recommend it). The book can be found online here.

Sorry, but sadly, it is only found on anti-Semitic sites, though it is not anti-Semitic. Chalk that up to general fear of being labeled an anti-Semite, a fear that often only anti-Semites will face down. The book may be purchased here.

Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel , by Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky also deals with this subject. The introduction on Ziopedia is here, and the entire book can be found online here.

Both books have had a hard time finding prominent publishers in the US and have received little publicity. Apparently most bookstores do not want to touch them. Of course, anti-Semites drool over these books, but don't let that stop you from dipping into them, because these books are not anti-Semitic at all.

Both of the authors are simply rationalist Jewish critics of religion in general, especially the Jewish religion. They focus on the Jewish religion simply because they are concerned Jews, not out of irrational animus.

For the particular subject of this post, traditional Jewish hostility towards Christianity, see Shahak's little-known work, The Jewish Hatred Towards Christianity (Unfortunately, also on the anti-Semitic Radio Islam site). This short piece is not anti-Semitic either, but is simply a factual analysis of a primitive and barbaric trend within the Jewish religion. This article was used as a reference piece in writing this post.

In writing this, please understand that this post in no way is an attempt to diminish the horrible, Nazi-like, homicidal bigotry and religious hatred that has been present in many Muslims for centuries, especially towards Christians and Hindus, and to a lesser extent towards Jews, despite Muslim BS propaganda about "tolerance". There is nothing tolerant about the supremacist Sharia, jizya and dhimma.

Nor am I overlooking the ancient Christians' tendencies to murder heretics, nor their religious-based pogroms against Jews, nor Catholics' mad mass-murdering bigotry against Protestantism in the Middle Ages.

Nor do I overlook the paranoid racism of ultranationalist Hindus, who deliberately provoke Muslims, wage pogroms against them, idolize Hitler and Nazism and exhibit bizarre paranoia about Christianity and its proselytization.

Nor do I, of course, let the maddest of the mad Christian fundamentalist Reconstructionists off the hook, who exhibit similar mad hatred of non-Christians.

I am just pointing out the very obvious here, despite the fact that these various fundamentalists all despise each other, often to the point of being homicidal towards the Religious Other, that in so many important ways, they are oh so similar.

Describing the similarities of various fundamentalisms goes beyond the scope of this post, but research into the various fundamentalisms should demonstrate to the observant and open-minded reader how they all plow the same field. The real radical differences are not between the various fundamentalist cretins, but between any fundamentalist, or all of them, and radical seculars or atheists. Try to get your mind around that one.

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