Sunday, July 16, 2006

Wendy Campbell Deconstructs Michael Moore: "Finding the Fault Lines in 'Fahrenheit 9/11'"

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here.

The following article is another in a series of articles written by one of my colleagues, Wendy Campbell. It was originally written on July 1, 2004 under the nom de plume "concerned American". It was rewritten on March 26, 2006. I am really pleased with this article. Like many angry anti-Zionists, Wendy has gotten caught up in the heat of her rhetoric in the past and has caught quite a bit of heat for that.

Just Google her name to see more. Even the Jerusalem Post called her a neo-Nazi and the British anti-Zionist activist Sue Blackwell went to the extreme of publically distancing herself from Wendy. The Wikipedia entry on Wendy refers to her as an anti-Semitic bigot. It also lists her among Wikipedia's BS List of Anti-Semitic People.

At best, Wendy has often been a lukewarm anti-Semite, one who has been manipulated into this cage by devious rhetors with more ignoble aims. At worst, I really do not think she knows what she is getting into. At least I hope she doesn't know what she is doing. If she does know what she is doing, then she is heading down a black path indeed.

At any rate, I am not aware that she has advocated harming Jews in general in any way, which is a reasonable definition of a dangerous anti-Semite. Nevertheless, she has in the past and continues in the present to make statements about World War 2 and the Holocaust that are nothing more than rehashes of the worst German pro-Nazi propaganda. Shame, shame, shame, shame.

It is an excellent truism that in human affairs we should not attribute to evil what is instead a product of incompetence (or, I would add, ignorance).

Almost all critical-Semites and anti-Zionists (myself included) are going to drift into anti-Semitism at times. Big deal.

Considering that our opponents, militant Zionist Jews, are almost all advocates of an openly racist philosophy, the occasional anti-Semitic utterance on our part hardly seems much of a sin. Despite their ultra-racism, our opponents are rewarded by full inclusion in our society, including access to the pinnacles of our economy and the deepest bowels of our government.

For us critics of militant Jewish behavior, on the other hand, it's often hard to make a living. In many workplaces, private, nonprofit or public sector, there is often a militant Jew somewhere in the background who has something to do with signing the checks. There is also the threat of the Jewish advertiser boycott.

After all, Jews, 1.8% of the US population, reportedly control 25% of the wealth in the country. If you are going to criticize militant Jews in the US, you may be relegated to working at Burger King.

I lost a number of advertisers soon after the publication of Wikipedia, Ziopedia or Judeopedia? The reason given was that "my site does not comply with the standards that the advertisers require". I assume these advertisers took exception to the critical-Semitism of that piece.

No matter what we say, our opponents will call us anti-Semites, bigots, haters, racists, Ku Klux Klansmen, Nazis, neo-Nazis, Jew-haters, terrorists, etc. Even the mild Xymphora is now coming in for attack.

Poor Juan Cole just had his most recent academic appointment to an Ivy League university torpedoed by corrupt Zionist Jewish furies, who play for keeps if they play at all. I am also acquainted with Juan Cole. Juan, to his credit, hasn't an anti-Semitic or even racist bone in his body. The corrupt and dishonest campaign against this man is a crime.

Nevertheless, I think we still need to watch the anti-Semitism, for our own consciences if for no other reason. Let the corrupt militant Zionists and those gullible enough to take their bait wallow in the mud puddles. There is a dignity to the high road.

It is never too late to rehabilitate a reputation, although many militant Jews would like to put a stake through your heart upon the first misstep in criticizing their special tribe and bury you for life, only releasing you if you crawl on the floor and abjectly kiss their feet in humiliation.

In this article, I feel that Wendy shows signs of maturing as an activist and an author. Here, she watches her words more carefully, and her rhetoric is calmer and more reasoned. She does a better job of avoiding the easy anti-Semitic cheap shots and instead chooses to row into the difficult waters of critical-Semitism.

It's hard to row your boat is such choppy waters, but I wish her luck on your journey nevertheless, should she choose to turn the wheel and drive on the high road, where the scenery is better anyway and there are fewer belligerent pedestrians and other drivers to get in your way.

On to the article!

I decided to re-visit this article that I had originally written immediately after I saw Michael Moore’s “daring” documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 when it first came out in July 2004. I have decided to update it because the issues are still timely and as of yet unresolved.

And on top of that, whenever I tell people I have made some political documentaries, they often ask me “Oh, like Michael Moore?”. I usually say, “Something like that, but much more daring. It’s actually much more politically hot. Much more relevant. Check out my website”

Please note how many people are still under the impression that Michael Moore is somehow daring. It makes me laugh to think that people think that. Then again it also makes me angry. And it makes me sad. Finally, though, I do think that more people are starting to get the real picture Moore. And that makes me feel cautiously optimistic.

Michael Moore’s cowardice (and avarice) reveals itself in many ways, although he pretends to be your average person, and a good Christian on top of that. For example, Michael Moore himself, and many others, seem to be impressed with his “courage” to chase down and harass the aging Charlton Heston in his documentary Bowling for Columbine, because Heston was the figurehead for the National Rifle Association.

Hey, I’m not into guns myself. In fact, if any guy I have dated in the past has ever told me he has bought a gun, my first reaction was first to be alarmed and then to run the other direction. But the fact is, that in some situations, I feel that it is a citizen’s right to have a gun, especially in certain situations, such as, as one example, if you live out in the middle of the Wyoming wilderness.

Interesting side-notes: Do you realize that the massacre at Columbine would probably have been called a “hate-crime” if the criminals were Arab or Muslim, or even Christian Fundamentalists?

But if you do a Google-search, you will discover that the criminals who committed that massacre were of a certain ethnicity/religion that rarely, if ever, seems to be mentioned in connection with “hate-crimes”. Hint: it starts with a “J”. Ever wonder why some kinds of “hate-crimes” are worse than other “hate-crimes”?

[RL: Is it true that the Columbine killers were both Jewish?]

Ever wonder why magazines such as Vanity Fair will write a huge article about the alleged rape scandal at Duke and emphasize that the accused men were Christian, even to the point of printing a photo of the chapel at Duke in the article?

Yet they have chosen not to do a huge story of the young Jewish men who were guilty of burning many churches in the South earlier this year, and it is certain that they would NEVER include a photo of a synagogue?

[RL: Is it true that these arsonists were Jewish?]

In the same issue of Vanity Fair (June 2006) notice how they feature an in-depth article, The War They Wanted, by Craig Unger, who is obviously a Zionist and probably a Jew...

[RL: Unger is definitely a Jewish surname.]

...never once mentions the Israeli connection to the war “they wanted”? Certainly Vanity Fair has put its voluntary and obligatory blindfolds on with regards to that one, as is typical of the rest of Zionized US media.

Certainly Vanity Fair seems intent on countering the courageous and important paper about the Israel Lobby and its push for the war on Iraq, The Israel Lobby, written by Ivy League professors Mearshimer and Walt, which has been predictably uniformly ignored by Vanity Fair and the rest of the Zionized US media.

“They” are doing their best to make sure that the Israeli connection goes down into the Memory Hole. Typical, so typical.

What would have been a really courageous act is for Michael Moore to have chased down and harassed Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (before he went to the hospital, of course) and asked him a few questions, or perhaps Elie Wiesel, whom many people accuse of complete and utter hypocrisy and even lying, since he does not have any tolerance for the human rights of Palestinians in their own ancestral homeland of Palestine.

No, rarely does anyone do that. Why? Do you really need you really ask? Have you not noticed that is not kosher to even legitimately question and verbally challenge some people of a certain religion/ethnicity? That to do so invites typical name-calling such as “anti-Semite”, “Nazi”, “Klan member” and such.

This is an intentional, systematized attempt to censor those who disagree with Zionists with regards to Palestinian human rights. Apparently it works with a lot of people, especially now that there is a Department of Anti-Semitism here in the US trying to make it a crime to criticize Israel and Zionism.

[RL: There is not really a Department of Anti-Semitism in the US. Condoleezza Rice has appointed a Special Envoy for Anti-Semitism, a Jewish man. He is to produce a report on worldwide anti-Semitism every year, for what purpose I do not know. Why the emphasis on this particular group, who, compared to other ethnic groups, suffers far less?

On the other hand, there is no evidence at all that this Department exists to criminalize criticism of Jews, though the fact that it was created in the first place is at best a waste of money and at worst downright spooky.]

They want to make the entire world a criticism-free zone with regards to Israel and Zionism, yet the rest of the world is a fair target, especially Muslims and Arabs. But note how it is even more than tolerable to criticize Bush, Christian Fundamentalism, the concept of God, Jesus, Islam, and corporations than Jews.

Let’s face it! Caterpillar bulldozers do not have minds of their own! Zionist Jews are the ones who are bulldozing Palestinian homes in order to chase them off their land so that the Zionist Jews get to take over the land for a “Greater Israel”.

Our politicians are giving Israel the money to terrorize the Palestinian people, billions of our tax dollars every single year, without conditions, and in fact, tacitly approving of Israel’s crimes against humanity.

Let’s get back to Moore’s film about 9/11.

Moore's film is misleading, smug and cowardly. He picks on the easy usual suspects (Arabs) and ignores the driving forces behind the so-called "War on Terror": Jewish Zionism (with the support of the Christian Zionists), Zionist Israel (the Jewish state of Israel) and the neoconservatives, who are largely Jewish Americans, or you could refer to them as Israeli-Americans.

[RL: I happen to think of the Sunni Takfiri Salafists of Al Qaeda and its many related groups, and its tens of millions of Muslim civilian sympathizers, as co-participants with the Neocon-Zionist Axis in this war.

I also think that Salafist-Takfiri Sunni Islam needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth, and I am not too worried about how to do it or how many of the enemy get killed in the process.]

Moore is like a politician who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. And he knows whom to please in order to get rich.

As a side note, Madonna apparently knows how to brown-nose too, with her gushing on about the Jewish cult of Kabbalah for example, on the Larry King Show and any show that will have her. As if she doesn’t have enough money already.

Sharon Stone also follows suit with similar politically correct gushing about certain people of a certain ethnicity/religion. It’s a great career move! No doubt about it! Especially in Hollywood! Especially for aging celebrities. Oh yeah!

Michael Moore’s documentary raises many interesting issues with regards to 9-11 and the Bush Administration, as well as the war on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Note: And now Iran and Syria are in the neocons' crosshairs. Syria exports no oil. Hello. By the way, the Democrats are just as bad these days. Note their silence when they should be pushing for the impeachment of Bush. They are almost all enablers, and should be forced to resign for allowing this war to happen as well as the continual erosion of our freedoms.

However, Fahrenheit 9/11 avoids many more important but politically hot questions.

Why does Moore focus only on the Saudis, yet never mentions the well-known role of Zionist Israel, Israeli spies and the Neoconservatives, who are mostly Zionist Jewish Americans (make that Israeli-Americans) as well as Zionist Christian Americans, in the war on Iraq?

Check out the most notorious of the neoconservatives' websites.

See how they called for an attack on Iraq even back in 1996, and how they “needed” a Pearl Harbor-style event “to happen” to “motivate” Americans to allow such a war, where Iraq would only be the beginning of endless war (the so-called “War on Terror”, when it really should be called the “War of Terror”), to achieve a Zionist-American empire.

This website is also known as “Project for New America” or PNAC (Pee-Nack) for short. I hope you have heard of it by now! By the way, the Neocons may have cleaned up their website by now...

[RL: I do not think so. These brazen fellows have always delighted in conspiring in plain sight for some reason, probably because Americans have been brainwashed into believing that all conspiracy theory is either racism or a symptom of mental illness.]

...but there is plenty of information about it on the Internet if you do a Google-search. I highly recommend it. If you want to preserve your constitutional rights, you owe it to yourself and this country.

Here are some more questions for you to ponder…

Why does Moore omit facts such as that bin Laden and Al Qaeda never even publicly claimed credit for 9-11?

[RL: I believe that bin Laden took credit for it in a controversial video. Also, a number of other top Al Qaeda members like Khalid Sheik Mohammad have confessed that they did it.]

Yes, apparently bin Laden stated publicly he was happy about 9-11, but so did former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Netanyahu stated that he was happy about 9-11, since then Israel’s “war on terror” or more accurately, Israel’s racist ethnic cleansing campaign against indigenous non-Jewish Palestinians and neighboring Arab countries outside of Israel, would now be fought by Americans against Israel’s self-made enemies.

[RL: Netanyahu did not exactly say he was happy about 9-11, but he made some telling remarks that could be read that way by a careful reader. For that matter, Condi Rice admitted right away that 9-11 was "very useful" for the US. For US imperialism, that is.]

By the way, Israel’s enemies are not necessarily America’s enemies, especially if it weren’t for America’s unconditional support of Zionist Israel.

According to many sources on the Internet and elsewhere, 9-11 very well could have been an “inside job” in collusion with the Mossad, and for all we know, it could be true. It could have been what is known as a “false flag” operation.

[RL: Just for the record, I would like to say that I feel that 9-11 was 100% done by Al Qaeda. There is controversy whether the Mossad or Israeli elements had inside knowledge of the attack, but did not try to stop it. There is evidence for and against this theory, and I regard it as inconclusive.

But apparently unnamed Israelis in Ontario and Hamburg made millions of dollars via suspicious stock market trades based on apparent inside knowledge of the 9-11 plot. Why these Israelis have not yet been brought to justice is beyond me. I've lost the link about this insider-trading stuff, and if anyone who can find it, would you please email it to me?]

Why is it taboo to explore this possibility? Why is it that an Arab conspiracy nicknamed “Al Qaeda” is the only conspiracy that we Americans are allowed to consider? Don’t we live in a democratic country?

Ask yourself: Who has benefited most from the war on Iraq?

[RL: The qui bono game is a favorite of Arabs, Muslims and liberal and Leftist conspiracy theorists, but I am not impressed by it. First of all, it implies that armed groups never do stupid, self-destructive things. In fact, they do all the time.]

Certainly not the Saudis, who even had to back out of the Halliburton war profits as Moore’s film shows. Even the American corporations aren’t getting too much out of the deal. And Bush is getting bashed everywhere. The fact is that Israel has pushed for this war, and has to most to gain from it.

[RL: Although Israeli support was crucial for this war, I do not think that this war was all about Israel. In particular, I find it ridiculous the George Bush attacked Iraq solely to benefit Israel.

There were all sorts of reasons for this war, and while the Zionist aspect was very important, it is just more reductionism to say that it was the only factor. Complex political and military decisions by large states are rarely done for only one reason anyway.]

They even expect to get free oil from this war, with a pipeline from Iraq to Haifa, Israel out of the deal. Do a Google search on “pipe-line from Iraq to Haifa, Israel”. The Israel-firster Neo-Conservatives are pushing for this as a “bonus” for Israel’s “support for the US war on Iraq!”

[RL: It is correct that while these head-in-the-clouds neocon clowns did indeed expect to be able to get an oil pipeline to Israel out of this war, that plan presently lies in the dust, or sand as it were, blown to bits along with 250,000 Iraqis. In the foreseeable future, that plan is about as likely to come back to life as those Iraqis are.]

Yet, not only is Moore too afraid to “bash” Israel for its covert, but hugely influential role in this imperial war, he’s afraid to even mention Zionist Israel’s and the neoconservatives’ roles in the Bush administration. Note that the Democrats these days are just as bad.

The furthest Moore goes out on this limb is to show a couple of cameos in the film of the top dog Neoconservative deputy of defense Paul Wolfowitz, without even naming him, or explaining who he is and who he represents (the Neoconservatives, and mostly Israel).

Please keep in mind that this war is all being financed with our tax dollars, without giving us a chance to vote on it, and the Zionized US media are deliberately keeping Americans in the dark about all this.

Why does Moore not mention that at least five of the so-called Saudi hijackers were cases of stolen identity? (Do a Google-search on “mistaken identity of 9-11 hijackers”.) While the American media under-reported this fact at the time, it was widely reported in foreign media, including BBC). Therefore it is a fact that we really do not know where all the hijackers came from or who they were.

[RL: That is right, but that does not mean that Al Qaeda did not do it.]

Why does Michael Moore never even mention the “dancing Israeli spies” and their suspicious behavior while videotaping the 9-11 WTC attacks and whooping it up? They were detained for a couple months by the FBI and then released on “visa violations”. (Do a Google-search on “dancing Israeli spies 9-11”).

There are many reports of Israeli spies who lived on the same block as the 9-11 terrorists and were engaged in suspicious activities during that time as well as recently, as a general Google search on “Israeli spies” will reveal.

Note how Michael Moore didn’t include any footage in his film from the now famous Fox News four-part series on Israeli spying in the US with Brit Hume and Carl Cameron, which was amazingly broadcast shortly after 9-11 happened, although it was deleted from their archives shortly after. Here is a link to a website that now allows you access to it.

Why does Michael Moore never mention in his film the fact that employees of Odigo, an Israeli-owned company that had offices in the WTC, were forewarned to leave the WTC offices a couple hours before the attacks

[RL: The problem with this analysis, which is the obvious source of the insane Arab, Muslim and anti-Semitic rumors of "6,000 Jews stayed home from work that day", is that it implies that Israel had foreknowledge of the attacks.

If that is so, why did they not warn the huge number of Jews who were working in the World Trade Center not to come to work that day? US Jews got absolutely devastated by 9-11; they were hammered far worse, proportionatetly, than any other ethnic group by that attack.

The number of Jews who were killed by 9-11 has not been tallied, but it is surely in the hundreds. Looking through the list of victims, I tried to count the Jewish surnames, but kept losing count - there were so many.

Why would Zionist Israel, nasty as it is, sacrifice hundreds of innocent US Jews in the carnage of the WTC, and only bother to warn a tiny handful of Israelis? The more I think about this supposed Israeli 9-11 plot, the more nuts it seems.]

(a fact confirmed in the esteemed Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, and even, believe it or not, the Washington Post!)? Here's the story as printed in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz:
Odigo says workers were warned of attack

By Yuval Dror

Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack.

Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI.

"I have no idea why the message was sent to these two workers, who don't know the sender. It may just have been someone who was joking and turned out they accidentally got it right. And I don't know if our information was useful in any of the arrests the FBI has made," said Macover. Odigo is a U.S.-based company whose headquarters are in New York, with offices in Herzliya.

As an instant messaging service, Odigo users are not limited to sending messages only to people on their "buddy" list, as is the case with ICQ, the other well-known Israeli instant messaging application.

Odigo usually zealously protects the privacy of its registered users, said Macover, but in this case the company took the initiative to provide the law enforcement services with the originating Internet Presence address of the message, so the FBI could track down the Internet Service Provider, and the actual sender of the original message.
Isn’t this incredible?

[RL: This interesting article has become fodder for anti-Zionists and anti-Semites who are intent on showing and proving that Israel had foreknowledge of the 9-11 plot. Unfortunately, not only does it do no such thing, but also this is not the only warning of the 9-11 plot before it occurred.

If you check out Michael Ruppert's 9-11 Timeline on his From the Wilderness webpage, you will see that there were actually many warnings of this plot before it occurred, from all over the world. I don't have time to list them all right now, but feel free to go to the website and check them out.

As far as why they were not acted on, note my comment below on how intelligence agencies get bucket loads of such reports all the time. Almost all of them turn out to be false alarms. Since the Odigo revelation was neither unusual nor unique, I feel it is improper and suspicious to emphasize it to the exclusion of all the other reports.]

Don’t you think someone in their offices might have at least called the building security? Isn’t that standard procedure when you get an anonymous e-mail like that? You know, if there is ever a bomb threat or similar threat made anywhere, you notify whoever is in charge and the police come and evacuate everyone from the building.

But no, this did not happen in the WTC on 9/11. Why not?

[RL: The threat was only received two hours prior, and intelligence agencies themselves, not to mention third parties, receive mountains of threats of attacks, including threats specific to time and place, just about every day in this country. Separating the wheat from the chaff is not so easy!]

This question goes unexplored in our Zionized US media. Somehow investigative journalism has gone the way of the dinosaur when it comes to anything having to do with 9-11 and Israel. I wonder why?

The fact is that the Zionized US media has been covering for Israel for decades, censoring at worst and downplaying at best anything negative about Israel and, in order to keep Americans blindly supporting the Jewish state, especially financially, and to stop all dissent against Israel. They apparently figure that ignorance is bliss.

Why does Michael Moore fail to explain how bin Laden was excommunicated from his own family and that the government of Saudi Arabia also not only permanently expelled bin Laden for his militant activities against the Saudi government, but also froze his bank accounts?

[RL: I would argue that blood runs deep, and many of bin Laden's family continue to have contacts with him despite this "excommunication", and some of them even support him. Furthermore, I feel that a number of prominent Saudi princes also support bin Laden, and he has deep support in the Saudi security forces.]

Why does Michael Moore not mention the reasons that bin Laden gave when answering the famous question, “Why do they hate us?”

[RL: Hope springs eternal, and liberal and Leftist optimists, including Andrew Cockburn of Counterpunch, continue to naively believe that Mr. bin Laden can be bought off at some point.

Whereas, if you study the Takfiri philosophy of Al Qaeda, to me it becomes clear that this war between us and AQ will end only with the defeat or marginalization of one side or the other, as their goals are non-negotiable from our point of view.]

By the way, it’s not “because they hate our freedom”? Helllloooo!

Bin Laden has many times stated that he and his colleagues consider the United States as the enemy of the Arab world because of the unconditional US support (financial, political and military) gives to the apartheid, ethnic-cleansing Jewish state of Israel, as well as the continuing stationing of US troops on Saudi Arabia’s soil. The Arab world wants its freedom - from the Zio-American imperialists!

Do you really think the Arab world in Iraq or anywhere else wanted the new American crusade dubbed “The War on Terror”?

[RL: Yes, I am certain that Mr. bin Laden et al wanted it. After all, they deliberately provoked us into this conflict in order to "wake the sleeping Muslim masses", or to "deepen the contradictions", to use a Marxist revolutionary phrase.]

If anything, this has won Islamic militants even more supporters in the Arab world.

Have you noticed how it seems more and more like it’s the current US government that hates our freedoms? As in the Orwellian-named (like everything else these days with regards to whatever “our” government and media says) “Patriot Act”?

As in “our” government spying on American citizens? As in allowing certain kinds of crimes to be called “hate crimes” and others not (depending on your race, ethnicity or “religion”)? There are many more examples of complete and utter hypocrisy, but let’s move on…

Why does Michael Moore mention the bombing of the USS Cole by Al Qaeda but does not mention the massive bombing of the USS Liberty by the Israeli Air Force in 1967, which killed 34 US soldiers

[RL: Sailors?]

and wounded 120 more? This was also completely suppressed by our own government and media until recently. For the details, go to this website.

Why does Michael Moore focus only on the money that our government receives from Saudi Arabia?

Why does he fail to mention the billions of dollars that our US government gives to Israel every year in exchange for the financial political contributions from organized Zionist Jewish political committees and individuals, as well as the largely Zionist Jewish-owned and dominated US media, which, combined, can make or break any politician who fails to constantly pledge 120% allegiance to the “security” of Israel?

The US media completely dropped presidential candidate Howard Dean for even just suggesting that the US government should have a more “balanced” approach towards the Palestine-Israel conflict.

Why does Moore not mention that the Saudi Arabian government has pleaded with the American government to publicly release ALL of the pages of its findings on 9-11 that supposedly have “something to do with Saudi Arabia”?

[RL: I have no idea why the Saudis would do that. My information is that those missing pages implicate Saudis heavily in the 9-11 plot, and were redacted by corrupt US politicians who are on the Saudi oil payroll in one way or another.]

Certain people for their own reasons do not want this to come to light. Could it be because certain people want Americans to imagine the worst about Saudi Arabia and to then thereby serve as a convenient scapegoat for 9-11?

[RL: For the record, my opinion is that 9-11 was all about Saudi Arabia, and was designed that way by bin Laden himself. Bin Laden deliberately chose mostly Saudis to participate in the attacks, especially those from under-served regions like Asir.

He did this to shame and humiliate the Kingdom by putting a Saudi face on the attack. I do not have recent statistics, but a few years ago, Saudi dissidents estimated that 80% of Al Qaeda's cadres were Saudis. Al Qaeda is, for all practical purposes, a Saudi organization.]

Why does Michael Moore fail to show footage or photos of the many occasions that President Bush has stood in front of the Israeli flag with his hand over his heart in allegiance,

[RL: Excuse me? Exactly how many times has George Bush stood in front of an Israeli flag with his hand over his heart pledging allegiance? "Many" times?! Can anyone tell me?]

including at the 2004 AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) Conference where he got 22 standing ovations from Zionist Jews and their non-Jewish sycophants in the audience?

By the way, since then, AIPAC has been exposed and embarrassed by the arrest of two of its top brass for illegal spying on the US for Israel. Yet another story that has been downplayed in the complicit US media.

Why did Michael Moore fail to show President Bush calling Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a “man of peace”, while the Israeli army continued to demolish entire sections of Palestinian cities as he spoke the words, killing scores of Palestinian civilians, as in the case of Jenin?

This gave Israel the green light to continue its massive campaign of ethnic cleansing against the indigenous non-Jewish Palestinian people. And it’s still happening today, despite the Gaza pull-out, which was mostly a publicity stunt to fool the American public in particular, but in truth, was designed to turn the Gaza Strip into one big open air prison, where the inmates are continually harassed, even killed, while being starved.

When it comes to the Israelis, it’s all a deceptive shell game. Meanwhile, they are continuing to aggressively steal more Palestinian land in the West Bank, unilaterally making new “borders” with their massive Apartheid Wall. Again, the Zionized US media puts a veil on this to deceive the American public.

Why does Michael Moore gratuitously show a rapid clip of someone being beheaded in Saudi Arabia, while ignoring scenes of Israeli depravity?

Why does he fail to show scenes such as the aftermath of an Israeli Air Force helicopter (courtesy of American taxpayers) dropping a one-ton bomb (again, courtesy of American taxpayers)...

[RL: I am almost certain that this bomb was dropped by a jet, and anyway, helicopters don't drop bombs.] the middle of the night onto a crowded Palestinian apartment building, killing hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians, including women and children, in order to kill one Palestinian militant?

[RL: Actually, I believe that 13 civilians were killed in this attack, mostly relatives of the top militant. On the other hand, he was cynically surrounding himself with civilians everywhere he went at the time.]

Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon said publicly that he was pleased with the results of this murder spree.

Why does every Hollywood filmmaker, in addition to the US media, fail to address the unjust way in which Israel was created in the first place?

After WWI, Britain took over Palestine and made contradictory promises, promising a Jewish state to Eastern European Zionist Jews, and at the same time promising the native, indigenous Palestinians their own sovereign state of Palestine.

After WWII, Britain “gave” Palestine, which was Arab land, over to the United Nations.

The UN was made up of White European Christian countries, with influential Jewish politicians and bankers...

[RL: This is not true at all, though those were surely the most powerful nations in the organization. Even at this early date, probably the majority of UN states were in the Third World non-aligned block. The threats and bribes that the US and Britain engaged in to cajole and buy off non-Western opponents to the creation of Israel are legendary.]

...who then unilaterally decided that because of the Holocaust (which happened in Europe and the Palestinians had nothing to do with it), it was somehow “moral” and “necessary” to give away the Palestinians’ lands to Eastern European Zionist Jews for an ethnocentric Jewish state.

[RL: Though Ashkenazi were the majority of the Jews in Mandate territory, there were definitely many Sephardic and Mizrachi Jews in Palestine at this time.]

They never even talked about compensation to the displaced Palestinians,
[RL: Well, according to the UN plan, there were not supposed to be any displaced Palestinians. But the Israelis had other ideas.]

not that anyone should have to give up their land because they are not the “right” religion or ethnicity.

[RL: They never discussed compensation, because according to the UN resolution, which in my opinion was illegal anyway and violated the UN's own charter, no Palestinians were supposed to be displaced in the creation of this Jewish state.

Another resolution a year later demanded the return of all refugees to the places they fled from. Note that Israel has always thumbed its nose at this resolution.]

The war that Zionists began back in 1948 when Israel was created, by stealing Palestinian lands for a Jewish state, continues today due to unconditional support of the US government and with US taxpayers’ money.

Could it be that Michael Moore ignored the major role that Israel, Zionists, the US government, and specifically the neoconservatives, play in the War on “Terror” (As if “war” is not “terror”!?) because he would have a hard time getting it distributed by the Weinstein brothers of Miramax, or anyone else in Hollywood for that matter (like Mel Gibson with his The Passion)?

Could it be because Michael Moore’s agent is Ari Emmanuel, whose brother is none other than Rahm Emmanuel, a former Clinton advisor and current congressman from Illinois, who is reported to be a rabidly hyper supporter of Israel? Other rumors swirl around Rahm Emmanuel on the Internet as well. We’ll leave it for you to do your own Internet research on that. Just Google him and see what you come up with.

[RL: Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most powerful men in the Democratic Party. He is the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. By the way, I have never heard of any sordid rumors about this master political manipulator. Can someone clue me in please?

I realize that such persons as Mr. Emmanuel are necessarily sleazeballs in order to survive in the 8th grade playground of US corrupt, hardball politics. However, Emmanuel is trying very hard to win back Congress as much as possible for the Democratic Party, so I'm not really interested in bashing him right now.]

Could it be that Michael Moore prefers to get rich rather than tell the whole truth? Why is it that he still continues to fail to address the more daring politically hot questions that have been left unasked and unanswered?

Could it be that Michael Moore is a useful and willing pawn for the Zionists, as well as a glutton for money and guilty of moral cowardice?

We must deal truthfully with all the issues involved in order to achieve justice and peace in this world. There must be equal rights for all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender in any country that our government supports, and that includes Israel. If segregation and apartheid were bad in the U.S. and in South Africa, then they are also bad in Israel.

Let’s remember The Golden Rule, rather than “The Gold Rules”.

By the way, I have a few movie recommendations for you that you may not have heard of (Gee, I wonder why?):
  • The Last Mogul: The Life and Times of Lew Wasserman to get the true history of Hollywood, and see how very interconnected politics and media are. Also tellingly, one of Wasserman’s favorite mottoes was “Dress British, think Yiddish.” See how Lew Wasserman helped put Ronald Reagan into the office of US presidency. If it would not have been made by Jewish filmmaker Barry Avrich, I doubt very much that it would have gotten distributed. As it was, it got limited publicity and limited distribution.
  • Jenin, Jenin and Gaza Strip, both available at this website. See the racist persecution your tax dollars are massively supporting.
  • USS Liberty Survivors: Our Story available at our website. See how the history of our government’s protection of Israel despite its treacherous actions, and subsequent cover-up of such. Yes, the tail does wag the dog, and has been for decades.
We at Marwen Media also offer a few films you may be interested. They are available on our website:
  • Truth: Exposing Israeli Apartheid
  • Neturei Karta: Jews Against Zionism
  • Rosa Remembers Palestine
  • Syria: Land of Friendly People and Hidden Treasure
To reach Wendy Campbell, e-mail her at

Please note: There are Zionist Jewish activists in the US trying to make laws that forbid any criticism of Israel and Zionist politics.

[RL: I am sorry. Can someone please show me an example of how Jewish interests are trying to pass laws criminalizing criticism of Israel and Zionism? Am I missing something here?]

Please do your part to make sure that the Zionists do not succeed in infringing on our freedom of speech. Call your representatives today and demand that all funding for the development of the Department of Anti-Semitism be rescinded.

There must be no double standards and no infringements on our freedom of speech. We must not tolerate apartheid, land-stealing and ethnic-cleansing in the Jewish state of Israel. Palestinians deserve completely equal rights too. Demand that our government stop funding Israel’s war of terror on the Palestinian people!

Here is the toll-free number to Congress: 1-877-762-8762. Make the call today!

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