Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Incitement To Racism

Over and over, around the world, no single ethnic group pushes anti-racism (publicly at least) more than the Jews. If it were an honest endeavor, we anti-racists ought to tip our hat to our Chosen brethren for being a Light Unto Nations once again. And for many progressive Jews who actually do take the Light Unto Nations bit seriously, our commendations are due.

But for those Jews, progressive, reactionary and all places in between, who continue with the Ghetto-tribal mindset, their constant exhortation to anti-racism is as phony as a three dollar bill.

Number One, their profound Ghetto ethnocentrism virtually insures that they will be extremely racist themselves.

Number Two, their promotion of Zionism, as vicious a form of racism as Jim Crow or Apartheid, insures that their self-righteous super-victim anti-racist game will flounder and splash in the muddy quicksand of hypocrisy.


I recall a recent visit with a Jewish professional I meet with on a regular basis. I informed him, quite honestly, that when I go to certain towns and neighborhoods in the Central Valley, I feel lost, alienated, disturbed and angry.


Because when you go to towns like Madera, California or many neighborhoods in Fresno, California, you feel like you are in a city in Central Mexico. Not a nice, pretty, charming, middle class neighborhood, or even a tony, flashy, ornate, upper-class neighborhood. I mean a dirty, trashy, low-down, smelly, crime-ridden Third World Mexican neighborhood.

Now, many of you have probably not been to Mexico, but most of us Californians have. I feel very sorry for the poor Mexicans, and really anyone who has to live in that Third World rathole. Those who have never been out of the US will experience real, shocking Third World, cardboard shack poverty for the first time. It's breathtaking, infuriating, surreal and repulsive. If you have a heart, it will spark a revolutionary fervor.

Nevertheless, America, for all its faults, is not a Third World country. It is First World country, even in its worst ghettos. When I go to a city that looks like Oaxaca, where almost every sign is in Spanish, where impoverished, often-pregnant, dirt-poor peasant women and their cowboy-hatted illiterate peasant husbands drag their ragged children in tow, I do not feel that I am in the America I grew up with.

Dammit, that is not America! That is Mexico, or El Salvador, or Guatemala, or Peru, or [name your Latin American rathole state]. I feel a profound alienation, and I feel anger. Then I see the cultural cross-breeds - the predatory Hispanic gang members - the children of the illegal alien hordes - sociopaths with tattoos, hard looks and long criminal records.

I see the gang graffiti spattered over almost every walled surface, as if a child had thrown his food against the wall. Those scribbled walls are dirty - dirty with crime, nihilism and malevolence.

I see all of this, and I want to leave that town. I do not feel that I am in America. I feel this town is ugly, degraded, dangerous and overrun by non-American criminals who have no right to be in my country. I do not wish to live in that town, or even visit regularly. I may as well be on the Moon.

Now, I told all this to my Jewish friend and his face curled into a frown. This Jew, a passionate Zionist who is deeply worried that Jewish assimilation (whereby Jews stop being Jews and join the rest of us in being Americans) is a deathly threat to the Jews, informed me darkly that I was a racist. A racist! Because I think America should look like America and not a backwards, feudal, stinking Mexican slum.


The world over, Jews are one of the main ethnic groups pushing something called Hate Speech laws. They are joined in this rather sordid endeavor by Gentiles, PC liberals and leftwingers, usually Whites, in Europe and Canada. Only White Gentiles and Jews are pushing these laws anywhere on Earth - no other groups are. A few cynical Muslims are along for the ride, so that no one can "diss" their precious religion.

One of the core principles behind these extremely problematic Hate Speech laws is the principle of "incitement to racism". The theory is that Hate Speech incites others to racism, and that can be a dangerous thing. Let us suppose for a moment that this theory of Hate Speech is valid and noble. Now let us logically expand it into some outrageous territory.

Let us make a case, a strong, logical, well-attested case, that Zionism - the philosophy on which the state of Israel was founded - is itself incitement to racism!

Now, to pursue this a bit further, let us suggest that persons living in Canada and European countries afflicted by Hate Speech laws file Hate Speech charges against any persons, Jewish or not, who espouse Zionism.

Now, is that revolutionary or what?

For two excellent, progressive, principled, calm, reasoned articles that show conclusively that Zionism is racism, without splashing in the mud of anti-Semitism, see Israeli Apartheid, by Bruce Dixon, from the great progressive Black site Black Commentator . See also Who Are The Real Terrorists in the Middle East? on the always excellent Common Dreams site, by US Jewish philosophy professor Oren Ben-Dor.

Ben-Dor asks what Israeli troops are fighting for. Are they fighting against terrorism and for democracy? Are they fighting Islamofascists intent on starting another Holocaust? No, no and no. What they are really fighting for is the same thing the Apartheid South African military was fighting for - an apartheid, racist system characterized by Ben-Dor as "primordial immorality".

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