Thursday, August 10, 2006

"Hinduland" - A Thought Experiment

Let us deal for a moment with a particular piece of Israeli propaganda - that Zionist colonization and dispossession of the natives was valid because it was ratified by international law - the League of Nations Mandate in 1922 and the UN Partition Resolution in 1947.

This is a particularly difficult bit of Zionist propaganda to deal with because it requires us to oppose the UN and the League of Nations. Furthermore, it wraps the Zionist conquest of Palestine in the patina of legality.

First, I do not consider either the LON Mandate or the UN partition (which violated the UN's own charter) to be valid, and they are definitely not moral. Basically, the UN and the LON decided it would give away land that was not theirs (Arab land) to people who in general had no right to it.

I may acknowledge that Jews had a right to live on the 6% of Palestine that they had bought, often from corrupt absentee landowners, in 1948, much as I disagree with their goals. But the UN did not give the Jews 6% of Palestine - it gave them 55% of Palestine!

Look. Let us attempt a thought exercise. For this exercise, we need to suspend belief.

First, the Palestinians will be transformed into Americans. Palestine and Israel will be transformed into the USA. And the Zionist Jews will be transformed into something called "Hindus", a category that is purely theoretical and has no basis in reality.

Canada will become Syria, Mexico will become Egypt, Guatemala will become Lebanon, Brazil will become Iraq and Argentina will become Iran. Islam will become Christianity. Like I said, suspend belief.

Suppose many "Hindus" immigrated en masse to the US over about a 30-yr period, to the point where the "Hindu" population was now 30% of the US population. They had gotten permission of some world power to do so and the US was somehow unable to stop them.

These "Hindus" came here with the explicit intention, stated early on, to dispossess, supplant, disperse and replace all of the Americans living here now. Why? "Hindus" need a state. They had been repeatedly pogromized and millions had been killed. There was an extermination attempt.

Besides, "Hindus" used to live here 2000 years ago - in fact, between 2000-3000 years ago, most of the US had been a "Hindu" state. But most of the "Hindus" had long since departed, though a small minority stayed on. And the "Hindu" religion always said the US was their homeland, though most Americans scoffed at this notion and were hostile to it.

As "Hindus" immigrated here, they belligerently tried to acquire as much land as possible. As soon as they bought up a town, a business, a farm or an apartment block, they would fire all of the Americans or throw them out. They turned their "Hindu" settlements into armed camps.

Some patriotic Americans started using violence to resist this nonsense and started attacking and killing some of these settler-colonist "Hindus", who frankly, the adults anyway, deserved to be killed. This was soon referred to as terrorism. The "Hindus" formed their own militias and fighting became generalized.

Within 30 years, by 1947, the population of the US (48 million) was 30% Hindu (14.5 million) but they only owned 6% of the land, because hardly any Americans had sold land to them once we caught on.

But for at least 16 years now, armed "Hindu" gangs had been invading American towns at gunpoint and throwing the Americans out, or sitting on hilltops sniping at us until most of us fled. Then they would move into our homes, businesses and farms and steal them for themselves.

At some point, the UN stepped in and decided to give 55% of the US to these "Hindu" invaders, who had no right to be here in the first place. The UN drew the line around the Mississippi and gave the "Hindus" the Western US for their "Hindu" state.

Now, over 90% of Americans violently opposed the UN giving away 1/2 of America to a bunch of invaders, but the "Hindus" used this UN decision as a legal fig leaf for their plans.

A war ensued and the "Hindus" won.

The war went something like this: The "Hindus" conquered their whole 55% of the Western US that the UN gave them plus most of the rest. All the rest of the Americans were crammed into 30% of the territory, all on the East Coast. Most of the Americans living in the West (80% of them) were thrown off the land. They moved to the East. Some fled to Canada and Mexico where the UN set up refugee camps for them.

After 30% of the Americans living in the West had been thrown off their land and much of the Western US was already conquered, the "Hindu" state unilaterally declared its existence.

A bunch of weak countries allied with the US thought this was outrageous and attacked in support of the Americans. They were routed and another 50% of the Americans in the West, and many Americans in the western part of the East as well, were tossed off the land. The Americans who were thrown out fled to the East, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, even all the way to Brazil.

80% of American towns were eradicated by the "Hindus", who simply bulldozed the smaller towns.

The "Hindus" rebuilt the towns and cities and renamed everything with names in "Hindi". They made "Hindi" an official language of "Hinduland" and declared that "Hinduland" was the state of all "Hindus" on Earth, and any "Hindu" could immigrate here and come here to live. It was not the state of its citizens.

"Hinduland" refused to define its borders and aggressively laid claim to all the rest of the US for "Hinduland". Not only that, but it also claimed part or all all of Canada, all of Mexico, and even a lot of Central America and South America. Most of the nations of the Americas became alarmed and soon "Hinduland" was on hostile terms with all its neighbors.

After the war, 93% of all land in "Hinduland" was confiscated by the state for the use of "Hindus" only. Americans could not buy, sell, rent or own this land.

Vast numbers of Americans continued to live on this 93% of the land. All of their towns were declared illegal and were denied all government services. Periodically, the state would invade these illegal towns and just steal them outright for the "Hindus", throwing out all the Americans.

Americans were forbidden from expanding their towns, cities or even homes. All such expansions were declared illegal. If the state found out you were building on your property, they would demolish your home with a bulldozer.

Some smaller US "illegal towns" were just bulldozed. "Hindus" would come in and give the Americans 10 minutes to leave, and then just bulldoze the whole town with all of our homes and possessions burying in the rubble.

Many US farms were also declared illegal since they were on "Hindu" land. "Hindu" planes often flew over these farms, spraying them with poison. All citizens were required to carry ID cards saying either American or "Hindu". A card saying "Hindu" granted you much more rights than the other. Only "Hindus" could serve in the military, and many of society's benefits were reserved for those who had military service.

Over time, many Americans in the East, their army smashed, had joined armed organizations, many of which degenerated into carrying out terrorist attacks. At the same time, the military of the "Hindu" state was one of the most menacing on Earth.

The "Hindu" state carried out repeated policies of "Hinduization" in which American communities were forbidden from expanding and surrounded with Hindu communities in a blatant racist effort to drown them out or surround them.

Many towns were "Hindu"-only towns and most schools were "Hindu"-only schools. The Americans had their own schools and towns, but they were given only a fraction of the state funds that "Hindu" towns and schools got. Despite being one of the most racist states on Earth, "Hinduland" claimed it was the World Headquarters of Anti-Racism.

A lot of violent resistance started up against "Hinduland" and even its "Hindu" residents, who were seen by many Americans as usurpers. There were frequent attacks on so-called innocent "Hindu" civilians.

There were more wars. In one war, "Hinduland" conquered about 15% of Mexico and built settlements there. Mexico went on a permanent war footing against "Hinduland" as a result. For this behavior in defense of their stolen homeland, Mexicans were compared to Adolf Hitler.

After another huge war in which Canada and Mexico were routed, 20 years after the UN resolution, 100% of the US was under "Hindu" control. The Hindu state now covered 78% of America. The rest of the Americans were hanging on on the East Coast, but now that was all under "Hindu" military occupation.

There was another war, and "Hinduland" conquered a good slice of Canada (10%) and promptly annexed it and settled it. Canada went on a permanent war footing against "Hinduland" and aggressively funded US armed and terrorist groups to attack "Hinduland". For this action in defense of their lands being annexed by an invader, Canada was compared to Hitler's Germany.

In the 3rd war, "Hinduland" also conquered part of Guatemala but refused to give it back because it said it was really Mexico, not Guatemala. Guatemala was transformed into a permanently hostile state and "Hinduland" waged repeated wars against it, including a long occupation that it finally abandoned after suffering casualties.

After a while, "Hindus" started to build colonies in the Occupied Eastern Territories, stealing most of the water, making "Hindu"-only roads and military bases all over, continuously destroying more and more US homes, businesses and ag fields, all for the continuing expansion of the "Hindu" colonies in the East. By this time, many Americans were living in refugee camps.

A lot of Americans were really angry at these "Hindus" for good reason. They were accused of racism and compared to Hitler and Nazis and the worst racists on Earth, all because of their justifiable anger at these "Hindus".

The "Hindus" waged wild propaganda campaigns the world over against something called anti-"Hinduism" which was coincidentally exploding around the world in tandem with "Hindu" colonization of the US. This was said to be the worst form of vile racism and was compared to KKK and all forms of wicked and murderous racism down through time.

Americans who resented the colonization of their land were accused of being genocidal and wanting to kill all 150 million "Hindus" in the US. After they got done exterminating the 150 million "Hindus", the Americans, often armed only with rocks and pieces of concrete which they haplessly hurled at top of the line armored vehicles, would supposedly proceed to wipe out every single last "Hindus" on Earth.

It was never really explained why Americans would conduct such a dastardly campaign, and few, if any, Americans even talked about it, despite what the "Hindus" had done to them. Yet still, the Americans were constantly accused of harboring genocidal wishes every time they picked up a gun to defend their lands against the invaders.

The general assumption was that Americans were just bizarre, genocidal, clinically insane criminals who were out to exterminate "Hindus" out of blind, vicious hatred.

In reality, the Americans were just resisting the colonization of their land. Furthermore, in fighting the colonizers of their land, most Americans were said to be religious bigots who hated the "Hindu" religion, though before colonization, most never cared anything about "Hinduism".

After a while, a peace treaty was signed with Mexico and a few Caribbean states. In return, "Hinduland" gave back the part of Mexico it had annexed. A bizarre historiography was created in which America and Americans never existed. Americans, due to their terrorism, were said to represent primitivism and barbarism, while "Hinduland" represented the force of Worldwide Modern Civilization.

Over time, "Hinduland" gained the support of the largest world powers, including one whose military was larger than that of the rest of the world combined.

"Hinduland" and its huge ally decided to wage a worldwide war against "terrorism", which was really mostly just a war against Americans fighting colonization and dispossession. It was also a war against Guatemala and Canada, whose lands were still occupied, annexed and colonized by "Hinduland".

Other large powers, Brazil and Argentina, became involved in the conflict and starting funding US terrorist organizations due to the fact that they were also Christians, like the Americans. The war had degenerated into "Hindus" versus Christians. Since Christians were engaging in terrorism, the entire Christian religion was said to be a gutter religion out to dominate the world by force.

Soon, it was said that Christians wanted to exterminate or forcibly convert all non-Christians on Earth. This made-up lie was inferred due to their resistance against non-Christians in "Hinduland". The war on terrorism was soon transformed into a war of Hindus against Christians in general. Many Christian states were targeted by "Hinduland" and its allies in one war or another.

"Hinduland"'s imperial partner invaded Brazil but the whole invasion and occupation turned into a massive debacle and soon Brazil was wracked with Civil War, with Catholics and Protestants killing each other. The imperial power wanted out of Brazil.

In June 2006 a fake pretext was made for "Hinduland"'s invasion of Guatemala. "Hinduland" soon set about destroying most of the country. Canada and Argentina started supplying Guatemala with weaponry and Guatemala fired missiles at "Hinduland". This missiles caused some deaths, but "Hinduland" killed 20 times more civilians with their invasion of Guatemala.

"Hinduland" waged this war of aggression and choice because tiny Guatemala was said to be intent on destroying "Hinduland" and slaughtering all 150 million "Hindu" residents, even though this was not possible with its puny arsenal.

The real reason for the war was to try to drag Argentina and Canada into the conflict. Argentina was said to be developing nuclear weapons and the world would not allow this, even though the world stood by while "Hinduland" acquired 300 nuclear weapons. The future looked bleak. A huge "Hinduland" force was in Guatemala but was making little headway amidst heavy casualties.

There were continuing efforts to drag Argentina and Canada into the war so that they could be destroyed by "Hinduland" and its imperial partner.

It was August 2006 and but it may as well have been 1939 or 1914.

A terrifying yet exhilarating edge was in the air. The older folks were saying, "I remember the last time the world felt this way". The world seemed on the edge of, if not world war, a major world conflict.

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