Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Got Money To Invest?

Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund, United States Natural Gas Fund LP, Apache Corporation, Occidental Petroleum, Anadarko Petroleum, and Schlumberger.

Oil and gas. Can't go wrong, huh?

Can gas go to to $7-10/gallon? Possible, in Europe they are already paying $9/gallon. OTOH, it would slow down the world economy big-time. But energy bull market guys say that the world is headed towards $200/barrel oil, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

Time to invest in some other stuff. I like solar and wind power, but they do have problems. To counter the rejoinders, you can actually store solar and wind power in these things called batteries when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining. As far as nuclear power, I am becoming an agnostic.

Biofuels is one of the stupidest and most evil ideas in a while, and this biofuels commercial was brought to you by Archer Daniels Midland.

I still don't believe that global supply and demand predicate such a ridiculous price for oil.

That refineries are not even a very profitable business in most of the world casts further doubt on whether fundamentals dictate such a high price. If the stuff is really worth so much money, obviously making the actual stuff yourself ought to be actually profitable. But oh no, it is not. Make sense. Not really, there's profit in most anything that sells like hotcakes.

As far as why the prices of all sorts of precious metals are also rising to absurd and insane levels, there is one reason for that: speculation. You can't tell me that the fundamentals of all of these still-quite-plentiful minerals has suddenly changed all that much. GMAB. Well, there are all these concerns about the future. Right, worry about the future. Who does that? No one I know.

When prices of some commodity this or that are rising not on supply demand fundamentals but are instead rising on weird crystal ball stuff called worries about the future, then that is something known as speculation. Increases in prices due to such are known as speculative increases.

It's just a bunch of rich guys in casinos called markets and bourses, and their losses are mostly picked up by the taxpayers, while the gains are all theirs. Any other arrangement would completely destroy the economy.

This is what is known as free market capitalism in the world today! Lulz! Dumb, huh? Good joke, huh? Anyone ever called these free marketeer bozos on any of their bullshit? I am, and right now. Anyone else in the MSM ever do that? Course not. It's the corporate lie machine, mainlined into your brain by IV drip anytime you want to turn on the machine.

What's funny is these brilliant clowns get to play this joke game on us, pretending to be free marketeers when they are really anything but, and hardly anyone ever calls them on the scam they are running.

Sit down and talk to any serious American, and he will solemnly inform you that the "free market" (described with lulz above) is the only way to go, that the government needs to keep out of everything (except covering most of the gamblers' losses with public money that is) so the wild gambling with unlimited credit cards that never max out or get withdrawn can go on.

Some people are so stupid they will believe anything. Yeah, I'm calling you out, America. I realize why you are so damn tarded, but you are really so much better than that, if you would just stick things in your brain more than you stick em in your fat mouth.

Link above is from a horrible magazine totally run by a bunch of Jews! Not cool Jews either, but the lowest of the low Jews! New York Sun Jews, hymies with big noses, neoconservatives who love Israel more than they love even their Jewish mothers and have a pipeline directly to the top offices of the Israeli government.

These are the very same assholes that tried to drag us into Iraq, all for Israeli foreign policies. The same dual loyalty Hebraic scumbags that are trying to drag us into a war with Iran solely to benefit the government of Israel. And into a war with Syria. And into war with North Korea. The ones that are trying to rend Lebanon asunder with civil war again.

The ones that are giving coordinates to the Turks to bomb the noble Kurds in the mountains of Northern Iraq. The bastards that have ordered the destruction of the Mahdi Army in Iraq.

The neoconservatives of the New York Sun. The same clowns in the Administration. The punks are everywhere, and they have media outlets all over the place. Rupert Murdoch is one of their top henchmen, and he is trying to buy up the media of the whole damned world, with scarcely anyone to stop him.

And they are not all Jews. Of the originals, 35% were Gentiles. Bush and Cheney are top neocons, and they are certainly not Jewish. It's not an exclusively Jewish movement by any means, and the number of Gentile supporters in the US must be over 40 million at least. It's important to note this while we point out the New York Sun Jews to the whole world.

These same Jews that go visit their Jewish parents in upstate New York or South Florida. On the wall is a picture of their son, one of the New York Sun Jews. The Jewish parents point to the picture, look at the beloved son, and gush, "This is my son! He is one of the Jews that controls the world!" Grape wine is poured all around to laughs and chortles, and it's a mitzva all right.

Down with the New York Sun! Down with the New York Sun Jews!

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