Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Muslim Polygamy = Woman Shortage?

A rightwing lie about Muslims. Polygamy is not even common in most of the Muslim World anymore, and it's mostly found in either the Gulf or places like Afghanistan. Even there, I think it is not that common. In the rest of the Muslim World, it is rare to absent. A number of secular Muslim countries have even banned the practice with progressive laws.

This nonsense is part of theory designed to explain why so many young Muslims are blowing themselves up. It's because of all the polygamy, which means there is a woman shortage, so they can't get married or laid. The resulting frustration turns them into auto-exploding human devices.

Show me the evidence that there is any woman shortage at all in the Muslim World, much less one due to polygamy.

The only places in the world that have woman shortages are in India and China, and in both places, it is due to abortion of females. No one is blowing themselves up because they can't get a wife in those places.

Riddle me that.

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