Monday, May 19, 2008

Cool Website on Race

In the fine tradition of Dienekes, a new race blog, Racial Reality, has appeared. It's apparently in conjunction with the Racial Reality website, which is actually really cool! The Racial Reality site dedicates itself to taking on idiots of all kinds, including White nationalists, Afrocentrists, race deniers and multiculturalists.

Cool! It actually is possible to discuss race without turning into a racist idiot or maniac. Really cool site here taking apart the "Padania" fantasies of Northern Italians - that they are some kind of a Germanic separate race separate from the Southerners. I didn't have time to go through it, but it looks like a lot of fun. Bottom line is that there is not a Hell of a lot of racial difference between Italians as one goes north to south.

Some nice findings: Britons are actually very heavily Mediterranean. Scandinavians are much more Nordic than Germans, who are heavily Dinaric. The purest Meds are from Spain and Portugal, while Italians and Greeks are heavily Alpine and Dinaric. Eastern Slavs and Southern Slavs are quite distinguishable racially. The Eastern ones are classic Balto-Slavs, while the Southern Slavs tend to look like Alpines, Dinarics or even Meds.

There's more stuff on there, like a five-race split (Africans, Caucasians, Amerindians, Asians and Pacific Islanders) and a review of facial flatness versus prognathism (degree to which the jaw projects outward).

Significant facial flatness was found in NE Asians and some SE Asians. Significant prognathism was found in Sub-Saharan Africans and Australo-Melanesians. Other populations in general did not have significant trends in either area.

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