Friday, May 23, 2008

Feminists and "Leering"

I have long noticed an attempt by females to conflate girl-watching or any male looking at any female with sexual interest as "leering". I am now where a group of super-feminists (all over 50) and their vaginized male allies) are once again "taking on the leerers". It seems to me that leering is simply girl-watching in violation of social rules.

I think what matters here is what we in Linguistics call "pragmatics", that is, that there is a difference between say "leering" (what people tell my acquaintance Leonard does) and what I would like to think I do. I've been told that Leonard leers and supposedly I do not. I looked up the word "leer". I always thought it was just a stupid word females used to describe any male look of sexual interest.

The definition said simply a sidelong glance that reflected sexual interest. In that case, leering is a normal thing to do, and it seems females do quite a bit of it themselves, even to me on occasion.

I asked around and it turns out that to leer actually has a creepy connotation. That is, one can "check out the chicks" and "girl watch" (A great way for any male of any age to pass the time!) and then one can "leer". The two things are entirely different, but only in degree. Leering is simply girl-watching done in violation of social norms and rules. Now that I think about it, I have seen some leering in a bar.

There was a woman sitting down next to me, and there were some drunken clueless Mexicans next to her more or less drooling all over all her. I noticed how they were acting and I tried not to act that way myself, as they seemed clueless and moronic.

Social norms say that males should girl-watch in public by looking out of the corner of their eye, looking away, then looking back in a bit. Or they may scan the room back and forth and linger a bit on a woman, then move on.

Or one may just don sunglasses, as my 43-yr-old brother does (he's at junior college now, and he says the 18-20 yr girls are one of the best things about the place!). But he carefully dons sunglasses whenever he does this, positions his face away from the woman, and then looks at her sidelong. Feminists say my brother is a sick, evil, disturbed, perverted child molester because he likes to girl-watch.

Down with feminists!

Leering is staring; it's the way Groucho Marx stared at women in the movies. The gaze is too long, too intense and probably violates other rules.

To characterize all male "sexual-looking" as the creepy and yucky "leering" verges on gender discrimination and smacks of puritanical notions of sexuality.

I supported feminism due to liberatory inclinations; I am a libertine, as readers of this blog may have discerned. There are still sex-positive feminists, pro-porn feminists and whatnot, but so much of feminism has turned puritanical and grossly male-hostile that it really turns me off.

I also blame Western feminists for cultivating a "culture of meanness" among Western women.

Evolution has made male-female sexual interaction such that the male is dominant and the female is submissive. Andrea Dworkin points out that this cannot be overlooked even in the sex act itself, which she mischaracterizes as rape. But the fact remains that one is screwing and the other is being screwed, as I noted in a previous thread.

A culture of meanness turns human evolution on its head. Males are not evolutionarily prepared for aggressive, belligerent females.

They are forced to react to female attempts at dominance (this is what modern feminism is) with compensatory submissiveness (the "wormboy" phenomenon in Western men that women, even feminists, now wail about) or reactive aggression. Neither reaction is evolutionarily normal, so neither one works out well.

As the sex act requires female submissiveness, normal males treat female attempted domination as a gross sexual turnoff. This is why aggressive, domineering women often complain that their male partners are impotent.

Their hyper-aggression, and ball-breaking, castrating mindset is actually deflating the poor male's organ! Men are not so macho and invulnerable as one thinks. I can now have sex with and even reach orgasm with a women who utterly despises me, but the only reason I can do this is because I am now a pretty unemotional guy.

Further, many males regard this attempted domination as a direct threat to their masculinity (there may be evolution behind that too, but I don't have a theory).

Hence you have middle aged men complaining about older Western women with "50 pounds of cellulite and 100 pounds of attitude" and running in droves for Oriental women and even Latinas.

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