Friday, May 30, 2008

I Don't Like You Extroverts

At. All.

I mean I like you, from a distance, but as far as the relationship thing, well, it's just never going to work, you know?

It's interesting that in the US, we introverts are considered weird, sick, mentally ill, unhappy, dangerous and creepy. We are potential killers, criminals and especially nowadays with Child Molester Mania, pedophiles!

The truth is that despite all the lone gunman stuff, the vast majority of violent crimes, and real crimes period, are committed by extroverts. I'm leaving out non-crimes like drug use here. Most sociopaths are extroverts, in fact, the two things are nearly synonymous. Sociopath, narcissist, histrionic, borderline, these are some of the logical pathological endpoints of extroversion taken its to its predictable extremes.

The reason America hates introverts so much is because we are an extroverted nation. The Northeast Asian nations are almost the direct opposite of that - introversion is considered to be the norm.

The main problem is that extroverts just can't understand us.

A while back, I was ill (chronic fatigue) was not working, and was just hanging out at my place alone most of the time. Everyone insisted I was depressed (this causing the fatigue, but actually it was being caused by chronic sinusitis), but honestly, I was not at all.

A relative confessed that she insisted I must be depressed because she could not fathom how anyone could have such a crappy life as I had and not be depressed about it. Truth is I had plenty to do, plenty to read, a computer, computer friends, a newspaper and a coffee shop to spend an hour or two a day for the social fix.

Life wasn't exactly optimal, but I expect almost zero out of life anymore anyway, so can make some fine lemonade out of some pretty horrid lemons.

I'm actually kind of a mixture. Long ago, I used to throw parties with live bands, kegs, and 200 people that kept on getting busted by the cops. Later I would go to eight or nine parties in a night. I would go out in the evening and visit five or six different people on the endless round of parties.

This was before I got OCD pretty bad, but it's still a part of my personality. I still talk to strangers out of the blue all the time, and my introverted friends think that is just horrible.

But yet, I still don't get along with extroverts well. They just don't understand us. They insist I must be miserable, hurting and in terrible pain, but truth is, that's just normal life for me. Life's a bitch and then you die, but I don't mind that much, and I'm just going to be happy anyway. I really suspect most older introverts expect very little out of this world anyway, so the tiniest positive thing seems like manna.

I've never gotten along with extroverts. Most of them treated me pretty badly at least part of the time we were together, and I never did anything to deserve it (other than being lame and being an introvert with HIT ME on my back), nor did I ever do anything aggressive to them.

I still resent all their crappy insults and stupid mood swings. Why can't they control themselves? You can hardly even tell if an extrovert likes you or not. One day they do; the next day they don't. One hour they do; the next hour they don't. I guess if they really hate you, they just blow you off totally.

Anyway, at 50, I'm at peace. They are what they are and we are what we are, and nothing can be done about it, so no worries.

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