Saturday, May 31, 2008

Introverts Versus Extroverts!

Yeah! I love it! The fight I've been waiting for all my life! All my life, I've been waiting to fight you extroverted bastards, and now I can finally do it, online even!

An (obviously extroverted, or at least thinks they are) commenter noted that my piece on race and personality was contaminated with personal experience, notably, my jihad against extroverts. Commenter suggested that I split up the piece into two posts. Good suggestion! Done!

However, I want to point out that commenter makes the usual extroverted error. I discuss problems in my life (inevitable in any existence) which commenter then labels with the extroverted slur of "personal problems". "Personal problems" is an extroverted slur that extroverts use to describe anyone who is honest and up front about their normal problems in living that anyone experiences.

Got problems? Course you do. You're alive. You got problems. Duh. If you're an extrovert, you're problems are all other people. After all, you're fine. No wait, you're actually perfect! You're fucking perfect!

But if you're an introvert and you don't shut up, then you have "personal problems".

That means the problems are inside of you, and all your fault, whereas, with the extrovert, it's the same, but they manage to project it all out to where it seems like it's everyone else.

There were few "personal problems" on display in that post.

Instead, the post discussed the obvious and inevitable problems that all introverts face when dealing with opposite species known as extroverts.

To say that introverts having problems with extroverts is a "personal problem" is a gross misrepresentation. Instead, it is an interspecies conflict. No one assumes that a human - coyote conflict is a "personal problem", so no one should assume that an introvert - extrovert conflict is "personal problem" either.

And yeah, extroverts are the human equivalent of coyotes. Precisely. Is it a blast to watch a coyote running around in the wild! Damn right it is. Do you want to invite that same coyote into your home to share some quality time with you? Don't think so. Same with extroverts.

That's it for now! This is fun! Hopefully some extroverts will come around so we can have some all-out world war type conflict.

I've been waiting all my life for this fight, and I have a lifetime's worth of hate saved up for all of you extroverted fucks.

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