Friday, May 09, 2008

Juan Cole Grovels to Zionism

Disgusting display of sucking on Jewish Zionist toes here.

I guess when they wage nonstop propaganda war on you for years complete with death threats, intimations of poor scholarship and teaching ability (a threat to get you fired), and when they despicably kill your quest to ascend to an Ivy League professorship that would be have been well-deserved, in one of the worst attacks on academic freedom this country has seen in decades (Yes, Zionist Jews and their Zionist Gentile allies are the leading wave of whatever passes for quasi-fascism in the US these days), Hell, if you can't beat em, you may as well join em, eh, Juan?

Nice long sentence/question!

I'm acquainted with Juan, and it's despicable that this guy is called an anti-Semite. He's as far from that as anyone is. He's paranoid of the whole issue. He has even offhand implied to me in private emails that I am venturing into anti-Semitism, where he dares not go, I assure you.

So Juan pens a groveling post to his "Israeli readers" (Who needs em? Tell em to take a hike if they don't like it!) replete with gushing prose about how great Israel is. The post mostly talks about all the cool and brainy things smart Israeli Jews are coming up, but Jews would be making all these brainy scholarly breakthroughs just as much in the Diaspora.

Actually, I suspect that the latent anti-Semitism in the Diaspora actually sparks Jewish creativity through some weird psychological mechanism, and that Israel, the biggest Jewish ghetto ever, stunts Jewish intellectual creativity, but that's another matter.

Suck up, suck up, suck up, Juan.

I tell you. You've angered the Zionist Jews, and no sucking up short of overt groveling and toe-sucking will ever do, and even that is usually contingent forever, since your "anti-Semitism" of the past will always be held against you.

Jewish Zionists are paranoids by definition. If you have ever known any paranoids in life, you know that they never quite trust you, especially after they catch you working for the enemies.

Give it up, Juan. Go all out and just tell Israel to go to Hell.

Just do it! You'll feel so much better. You will be free!

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