Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kids Lie About Child Molestation

Due to the Child Molester Hysteria that has taken over our society in the past 10-15 years, an awful lot of lies are flying around about child molestation. This hysteria has arguably not helped kids one bit, has made an entire nation into an hysterical, witch-hunting bunch of crazies, and has possibly thrown a bunch of innocent men in jail or at least under suspicion on false charges of child abuse.

Malicious females now regularly make up child porn and child molesting charges against husbands they are divorcing. An older man who admits to being interested in teenage girls - science has shown us that this is an absolutely normal desire - is now accused of being a child molester or a pedophile.

First of all, it is quite impossible for a girl aged 15-17 to be "sexually abused" or "molested". She can have sex. If the man is a certain number of years older, this is a crime on his part called statutory. I am confident that in the overwhelming majority of cases, girls aged 15-17 who have sex with older men do so quite willingly and suffer absolutely no harm whatsoever from these encounters.

Second, it is said that kids almost never make up sex abuse allegations - the number of false allegations is said to be on the order of 2% or less. This is one of the most pernicious lies that feminists are peddling these days, and probably many completely innocent men have gone down on child molestation charges as a result of some kid's lies.

I know a 78-year-old male teacher who was accused of molesting a 13-yr-old Black girl (In the middle of class?!) when he tried to break up a fight between her and another girl. Yeah, he had to pull 'em apart. Nowadays, that's called "molesting"!

A good friend, a teacher, was accused by an entire classroom full of 10-yr-old girls of molesting them during class in full view of all the other students! Tell me how that is even possible?! The girls tried to break out of class one day and raided the door. He barred the door, because if he let them break out, he's in big trouble. 15 girls mobbed him and tried to get the door open. He had to fight them off by pushing them away.

He showed up the next day and there was a lynch mob atmosphere in the hall full of enraged parents. Every one of those little diabolical lying bitches had accused him of molesting them! They said he was grabbing their breasts as he pushed them away from the door. He said that the thought that they had breasts had never even occurred to him as he was pushing them away - in his opinion, they didn't even have breasts.

I assume that all of these little girls got tons of useless therapy for their hallucinated episode, and I bet some are "suffering" to this very day.

After these two episodes of kids lying about child molesting to get an adult male in trouble, if I am on a jury in a child molesting case, I will probably vote to acquit any male without priors who is accused of molestation, if the evidence is only some kid's accusation, unless there is some other evidence.

AFAICT, kids nowadays are just little lying machines when it comes to child molestation charges. I figure possibly up to 50% of the child molesting charges out there could be totally made up lies.

I do not mean to say that there are not cases of real child molestation.

Obviously, it is a serious problem, and new evidence seems to indicate that kids are often harmed by adults doing this to them, and that the harm may be long-term. But how can we possibly tell whether a kid is lying or not? Sure, maybe they are telling the truth, but maybe they are lying too.

So, if there is no other evidence against a man (eyewitness, forensic, confession, priors), why convict him strictly on the testimony of some little brat? I’m aware that this attitude may cause some really bad guys to go free, but the other way around seems to end up sentencing a lot of innocent guys on one of the worst charges you can go down on. It's not a pretty picture either way.

This post has been linked at the excellent Entitled to an Opinion blog.

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