Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More Life or More Stuff?

Cubans live longer than Americans do, and live longer than most other Latin Americans. That's called the Gift of Life. To me, that is the greatest value of them all - time on this planet, and this is what we Commies specialize in - we give you life, time, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years.

The capitalist argument is that capitalism takes away life from you and essentially kills you early, but in your shorter life, you get way more stuff to play with.

As a Communist and a humanitarian, I do not think the trade-off is worth it. Life/time or stuff? I will take every single precious second of life I can get on this Earth. You can have your toys and die young.

This is what this argument boils down to. More stuff and less life and time. Or more life and time and less stuff.

I would also like to note that our socialist brothers in the social democracies have done a fantastic job of providing both the gift of life (they have the longest life expectancies on Earth) and also providing lots of stuff and toys to play with in your short time here. Maybe that's the best solution of them all.

The rightwing argument is apparently the quest for giving you more life in social democracy actually ends up somewhat limiting the amount of money and really high-end toys you can accumulate before you perish. They are certainly entitled to this argument.

So, which will it be? Life or stuff? Let the debate begin!

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