Thursday, May 08, 2008

Pure Zionism, Unadulterated

The Samson Blinded blog. In this (linked) case, a category called The Arab Problem, but there is way more here. I can't quite remember exactly what this fellow is advocating, but it's far to the Right. It's also often hard to argue with! He compares Israel do other states around the world and points out how Israel could act even worse than it already does and plausibly get away with it.

I believe he even advocated legal discrimination against Arabs. And Arabs would be allowed to discriminate against Jews too. He advocates threatening surrounding nations, cutting off ties with them, and in some cases even attacking them. The reason all of this is so hard to argue with is that it is all precisely within the theoretical workings of Zionism! That is, if one is to be a proper Zionist, this sort of mindset would logically follow.

And it would even seem reasonable and proper. Israel does have lots of enemies, and has poor relations with Arab states. Why why not attack some of them and cut off relations with others. Clearly, Israel does have an Arab problem. What to do? Why not discriminate against them, since Israel already ferociously discriminates against them.

What's actually much harder to advocate for, as long as one is to accept proper Zionist principles, is the sort of Peace Now, Labor-liberal, Meretz type soft Zionism. That doesn't make any sense at all. If you are going to be Zionist, go all out. Go Zionazi, KKK-Jew all the way. Attack your enemies, both internal and external, in various ways. Cut them off and discriminate against them even more. Go for it!

It's interesting that this guy is actually an astute and interesting writer, and doesn't really come off like a fanatic at all. He comes across as quite reasonable, and he is very well-educated on everything about the sociopolitics of the region.

In an email, he also told me, properly and sensibly, when I protested that I opposed anti-Semitism on my blog, that he did not care about anti-Semites. Actually, he said that he kind of liked anti-Semites and saw them as allies. Anti-Semitism was good because it prevented the assimilation of the Jews and helped to drive the Diaspora to Israel.

Once again, perfectly logical within a Zionist framework. Of course Zionists love anti-Semites. One feeds the other. Without anti-Semitism, Israel shrivels up and goes away. Amazing how many yucky things start to make sense when you put the proper spectacles on.

The guy actually contacted me a while back asking for a link, and he was unbelievably civil and friendly. I'll hand him that too. He realized that his worst enemies were also his best friends. Only in a combative philosophy of eternal war like Zionism could such a mind-bender actually make sense.

Three cheers for Samson Blinded ! Zionism without the whitewash.

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