Saturday, May 03, 2008


How many White Nationalists are not racists, at least against Black people? 5%? 10%? It can't possibly be any more than that.

One thing that is weird about WN's is that their real obsession is with Blacks. It's Blacks that they hate more than anything else in the whole country. They don't much care about Hispanics or Muslims all that much.

As commenters on Amren say, "Blacks are our enemy." I told this to some smart Blacks and they said, "Oh, we know." They knew it all along.

I guess I am some kind of an idiot. I am dubious, to say the least, about the Hispanicization of the US and I hate illegal immigration. I'd prefer not to live around lots of Hispanics. Here in California, we do not have to deal with Blacks all that much. You can always choose not to live around them.

As such, Blacks have not done a whole lot to me in my life and they just don't effect me. Hence, arguments about Black evil and perfidy, Black crime and Black crime against Whites just leave me cold. It doesn't effect me at all.

Further, Blacks are not going anywhere. They are not leaving and they have even more right to be here than most Whites. It's understandable that they are a bit pissed off. This blog is even officially Black-friendly, just to encourage them to come around.

The Hispanics can take off, at least the illegal ones. Then we can put up some sensible barriers to try to make sure that Hispanic immigrants who come here are likely to be beneficial and not drains or detriments to society.

There is nothing to do with Blacks. They don't immigrate here and can't be sent packing. The future shows no significant increase in the Black percentage of the US. They are not a looming problem for the future.

The fact that the WN movement is basically just a Hate Movement against Black people is something that needs to be publicized in a rational, non-name-calling manner. These guys mostly hate Blacks and we can prove it. Let them try to justify their racist bullshit rather than hiding behind fake rationales and subterfuges. Just come out and admit it, White nationalists! You don't like Blacks!

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