Monday, May 26, 2008

Race, Gender and Masculinity/Femininity

Steve Sailer got pilloried for saying what I will repeat and elaborate on below, but I really do think that he was onto something.

Truth is, men want a woman who is somewhat more feminine and women want a man who is somewhat more masculine.

White men think a lot of White women are bitches (too masculine), so they go for Asian women, who are relatively more feminine. White men avoid Black women, as they are even more masculine that White women.

A lot of White women think White guys are wimps, so they go for Black guys who are more masculine. An Asian guy is even more feminine than a White guy, so forget that.

Black women like Black men, since both are masculine. They think White guys are wimpy, and Asians are out of the question.

Black men want a woman who is more feminine, so they go for White women. Asians would be nice, but they are probably out of reach.

Asian women want a guy who is more masculine, so they go for a White guy. A Black guy is probably so overmasculine that he seems scary.

The losers in this game are Black women and Asian men, at least in the US. The above only applies to the US. In Asia, Asian men seem just fine because there are no White men to compare them too. In societies with few Blacks, White men may seem just fine to most White women. In Black societies, Black men come to appreciate Black women as there is no one to compare to.

There is actually some good evidence that all of the above is occurring. I am involved in a Yahoo group about romance fraud on the web. This group is swarming with White women who are hooking up with Black men. There is also good evidence that large numbers of Asian women are going for White guys.

Asian men are also extremely sexist (as their cultures dictate) so many Asian women think a White guy is going to treat them better.

Black men have told me that Black women think White guys are wimps, and my not-so-great experience dating Black women (Hopefully not to be repeated!) tells me the same thing. Black women are also the most cynical, manipulative and materialistic women I ever dated, but I've only dated a few.

I actually never considered Asian guys wimpy or feminine at all, since they have cultivated a culture of extreme sexism, contempt for homosexuality, and respect for classic masculine and male norms.

However, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence out there that many Asian women in the US are finding many Asian guys to be feminine (they are saying this because they now compare Asian men with White men, whereas in Asia there are only Asian men, so Asian guys seem fine). Asian men do lack body hair, etc. and probably have lower testosterone.

You can go to Asian nationalist sites in the US that are swarming with furious young single Asian men ranting about so many of their women dating White guys. They are also cultivating an image of masculinity, with lots of posts about Asian athletes and famous Asian warriors. They seem to want to date White women as a way to get even, or even get some period, so there are lots of posts about Asian guys and White women.

There also seems to be a tendency that the female goes for the more masculine guy, and then he treats her like crap. For instance, we have tons of stories of White women going for Black guys due to their being more masculine, and then the guy just refuses to work and lives off the woman, cheats on her and treats her like crap. She puts up with it because she wants a masculine man so badly.

We are also hearing of many Asian female - White male relationships where the same thing is going on - the White male refuses to work and just lives off the woman, cheats on her and treats her like crap. She puts up with it once again because she wants to be with a masculine man so much she will tolerate being mistreated.

It even works within races. I'm White, and since high school, I have been hearing nice guys wail about how women and girls won't fuck them and even treat them like crap and how the biggest assholes who treat women like total shit have women coming out their ears. Women say they want a nice guy, but then they get with one, and his niceness seems wimpy to them, so they go for a more masculine guy who treats her poorly.

Obviously, there are a lot of folks for whom this stuff doesn't apply, but I think that Sailer has hit on something here.

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