Sunday, May 25, 2008

Response to Zionist Apologist

Always-excellent commenter James Schipper responds to Zionist Apologist from a previous post.

Pretty good stuff here. The notion that the problem with Jews is Judaism itself is similar to the arguments of Gilad Atzmon and Israel Shamir. However, Kevin MacDonald points out that Jewish ethnocentrism does not go away in the absence of Judaism. A good document that makes that clear is his book review of Yuri Slezkine's The Jewish Century.

I disagree with a lot in that review, but all you have to do is look around at a lot of Jewish radicals, and it's clear that they have not yet, and never will, make a complete break with their Jewish identity. So pulling the Judaism out of the Jew does not solve the problem. As my physician noted when I told him that according to Jewish law, you never quit being a Jew, "So they get a piece of you, eh?"

In an unpublished interview with me, I asked Kevin MacDonald if the Jews would ever become less ethnocentric with time. He said emphatically, "No. The Jews will always be ethnocentric.."

Incidentally, I found MacDonald to be a warm, friendly, sane, intelligent and gracious man. I also did not think he was the slightest bit anti-Semitic, but maybe I am mistaken. He seemed to be a Judeophile in a sense; he was totally fascinated with Jews.

Jewish dual loyalty has been a problem everywhere there are Jews and is a direct consequence of their extreme ethnocentrism and nothing else, although James' suggests that Judaism also plays a role.

James' comments:

Giving Uganda to the Zionists would have been just as unjust as giving Palestine to them. Uganda wasn't empty territory either. As to Argentina, it was a sovereign country and at the time of Herzl it had just learned to develop the pampas. Why on earth would they give some of their pampas to outsiders from Europe?

The best territory to cede to the Zionists would have been Western Australia. At the time it was sparsely populated -- it still is -- and unlike Palestine, it could easily have accommodated all the Jews of the world. Granted, Western Australia is mainly arid or semi-arid, but so is Palestine, with the difference that WA is huge. Unfortunately, the stinking British imperialists preferred to be generous with Arab land.

A diaspora is simply the result of emigration. Since 1880, there has been an Italian diaspora. Are these diaspora Italians sick? No, and their diaspora will soon disappear through assimilation because Italians do not have a tribal religion which tells them that Italians are God's chosen people and that Italy is their sacred homeland, to which they should one day return.

The problem of Jews can be summed up in one word: Judaism. It is because of their religion that Jews can't be fully assimilated and will always remain a foreign or semi-foreign body in Gentile societies. Judaism tells Jews that they are a people, not a religious community. Nobody refers to Lutherans. Orthodox, Sikhs, Mormons as a people because those religions are non-tribal.

Consider the difference between Presbyterians and Jews. Most Presbyterians in the world have at least some Scottish ancestry, but Presbyterianism is not at all about Scots or Scotland. Nearly all Sikhs are Punjabis or descend from Punjabis, but the Sikh religion is not in the least about Punjabis. By contrast, Judaism is all about Jews and their promised land.

If people sincerely believe in Judaism, one can have some sympathy for them, in the way that one can sympathize with a Jehovah's Witness who sincerely believes that a blood transfusion is against God's will.

It is much harder to have sympathy for atheists who remain proudly Jewish and become Zionists. To stop believing in Judaism while continuing to believe that Jews are a people and that Israel is their sacred soil is like stopping to believe in Catholicism but continue to obey the Pope.

In one way, Israel made life more difficult for Jews in Gentile countries because the existence of Israel makes Jews vulnerable to the charge of dual loyalty. This charge is more than a figment of anti-Semitic imagination.


MacDonald, Kevin. 2005. Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR - Review of Yuri Slezkine's The Jewish Century. The Occidental Quarterly: 5(3), 65-100.
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