Monday, May 05, 2008

Uncle Semite

Subtitle, "Not Your Father's Anti-Semitism".

Ok, this site is pretty funny. I don't think it's really anti-Semitic at all, but I'm not sure. The whole thing is pretty much tongue in cheek, and after a while I thought it was another one of those fake anti-Semitic sites those hilarious Jewish comedians are always putting up.
According to recent studies by the Anti-Defamation League, anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe, Russia, and the United States. In Arab media, diatribes against Jews are increasingly overt and commonplace, "the elevator music for the Arab world." Much of this anti-Semitic expression is characterized by shrill rhetoric and old prejudices, leaving little room for fresh dialog on the subject.

Uncle Semite seeks to elevate the conversation, moving the rhetorical, knee-jerk anti-Semitism of the past towards a progressive, "green" anti-Semitism, relevant in our time.

We hope you enjoy your stay with us at* If this site displays improperly, please install the latest version of Fire Foxman, Sephardi, or your favourite web browser. Until this site can be fitted with a proper Content Management System, brief postings will be made below.
That's actually pretty damn funny right there. Haha! As far as the articles go, it's mostly leftwing anti-Zionist or at least anti-Israel stuff, pretty much like this blog.

I did read Shitler's List, and that was pretty damn funny too.

Shilter's List is an archive of the 120,000 people who signed the petition to have Jew-Watch removed from Google's search engine, because when folks typed in "Jew", the first link they got was Jew-Watch, which is run by some sort of anti-Semite Holocaust Denier type with a German name. Creepy!

I don't really like Jew-Watch, but it's one of my brother's favorite sites. He never had anything against Jews until he sued the local cops for tasering him with stun guns just to torture someone for fun. The lawyer was some Jewish guy. Well, my brother found out and told my grandpa, who, bless his departed heart, was also an anti-Black racist and mild anti-Semite, but that's what happens when you are born White in St. Louis in 1890 or so.

My grandpa made some cryptic comment about Jewish lawyers that meant Jewish lawyers were crooks, but I thought it meant they were the best to get you off the hook. Well, my brother repeated the comment and the lawyer went nuts, wanted to know all about our grandpa, wanted to know what kind of name my brother's last name is (his last name is German, but he has a different last name than I do).

When he found out my brother had a German last name, he went totally psycho. My brother was just trying to apologize. Well, after that day, if you know Jews, things were never the same. My brother was an anti-Semite from an anti-Semitic German family. The lawyer quit trying to get a good deal and just sold out for peanuts and moved down to Mexico to retire. Plus, he sold out via a sweetheart deal with a Jewish judge.

Then my brother started developing some anti-Semitism and read all up on da Jews. Result is my brother is a good guy, and he's brilliant, but he's a bit of an anti-Semite, and it's all cuz of some stupid Jewish lawyer with a persecution complex.

Anyway, if you go through Shitler's List, it serves sort of like a WhoozaJew software program, because it is chock full of Jews! This is unfortunately important to know, as it's important to try to figure out why some public figures act like they do and why some writers write what they do.

Jews are sneaky and tricky and use fancy hairstyles to cover up the horns on their head. They deviously change their names and take Gentile names, but almost never Christian or Christina.

Run the WhoozaJew program and uncover any suspicious dark-haired person's deepest tribal connections.

I usually just go to Google and type "last name" + Jewish and try to go from there.

Keep in mind that a lot of Jewish names are also German names. As the Germans say, there's a little bit of Jew in every German, which makes the Holocaust all the more poignant really, as it makes it seems suicidal.

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