Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Great Video on the Israeli Lobby

It's about 50 minutes long, but you might want to at least take a peek.

Of course it's out of Holland. This documentary could never have been made in the US.

The most astute observations are made by Tony Judt, but there's a lot of other gems in their too. Look for the former chief of staff for Colin Powell, Lawrence Wilkerson, and Israeli peace negotiator Daniel Levy, for some great insights too.

Richard Perle is lying as we might expect, but even he says a lot of truths about the incredible power of this Lobby and it's hold on US government and society. He's also not near as nasty as we might expect - no ferocious denunciations of "anti-Semites". In fact, screaming anti-Semite is pretty much absent in this video, a welcome change for the usual tired fare.

It's terrible what these shits did to Walt and Mearshimer, but it's to be expected. First they called them anti-Semites, of course, then they challenged the scholastic integrity of their work. This is Lobby par for the course. It is simply not possible to write anything critical of Israel that will not be torn apart for "poor scholarship". This is one of their classic lines of attack.

It's a common logical fallacy that's used by lots of sleazy people during argumentation (I try not to use logical fallacies against my ideological enemies). The fact that it's impossible to write anything against Israel that won't be torn apart on this basis ought to tell you that these guys are lying. Like rugs they do, and they do it damn well. Surely not every anti-Israel tract ever written is "poor scholarship"! GMAB.

Pretty nasty what they did to poor Earl Hilliard too. Tying him in with Saddam, 9-11 and bin Laden.

The only reason that this bullshit works is because Americans are so damned stupid, but the Lobby is part of these reason why Americans are so dumb on these subjects.

It's pretty amazing, considering the scurrilous behavior of so many US Jews associated with this Lobby (1/3 of all US Jews) that Americans are so philosemitic.

Give me one reason why Juan Cole, Walt and Mearshimer, Hilliard and the endless parade of others ruined by this slimeball Lobby should not turn anti-Semitic? The fact that they have not is testimony to their moral integrity and fortitude, something this nasty Lobby definitely lacks.

One after the other, US candidates for President genuflect before these AIPAC snakes. Such an embarrassing and shameful spectacle.

But it's really our own fault in a way. No one is forcing Americans to believe all this Zionist bullshit. We believe it because we are too stupid to figure out when we are being conned and lied too.

We deserve this Lobby.

We've allowed this parasitical entity to colonize our minds and body politic, and we didn't have to do that. There's plenty of anti-parasite meds out there. For instance, none of this Zionist crap gets anywhere near my brain. If you've got a bug in your brain cuz you're too lazy to excise it, what's your excuse?

Sure our politics is corrupted, but you don't have to let burglars into your house. Blame the Lobby all you want, but the American public itself is more responsible for this mess than most of us want to believe.

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