Thursday, June 05, 2008

I Don't Support Mugabe Anymore

Forget it. This guy has just gone way too far for me. On the other hand, I absolutely hate the opposition, the country-selling traitors who are controlled by imperialism, specifically US and British imperialism, and I have nothing but contempt and hatred for the campaign that World Imperialism is waging on this poor nation.

It's beggared the country, destroyed the economy and driven the population to try to throw Mugabe out. In other words, it's the exact same thing that the US imperialist garbage did to Nicaragua under Ortega. But the Sandinistas never resorted to the terrible behavior that Mugabe has.

There is a tendency on the Far Left to support anyone who is opposing imperialism, and make no mistake about it, Mugabe is an anti-imperialist. His instincts are correct, he is trying to help his people by steering his economy in a more socialist direction, and he is right to seize the land of the criminal White farmers, whose ancestors stole it in the first place.

5,000 White farmers owned 50% of the farmland, and 100% of the good farmland. The teeming millions of poor Zimbabweans were crowded onto the remaining marginal land, which quickly became badly eroded and even more marginal. The land reforms were the right thing to do.

The pro-imperialist opposition advocates re-establishing US/UK imperialist control over Zimbabwe by allowing the imperialist World Bank and IMF to go back to destroying the country the way they were before Mugabe told them to go to Hell. The country-selling traitors also propose to halt the confiscation of White farms and possibly even to revert these farms back to their White owners.

It is for these criminal White farmers, all 5,000 of them, that US/UK imperialism declared war on Mugabe! Incredible. We really ought to note that Mugabe was going along with the World Bank/IMF crap for years and going along with the fake British "buy out the White farmers" plan, when his people finally had enough and started revolting.

The British buy-out plan was specifically designed to not succeed in order to keep the land in the hands of the White farmers. As his people started revolting, Mugabe went along by telling the lenders to buzz off and then finally allowing the seizure of White farms.

Mugabe did not start this seizure - his own people did, and at first Mugabe opposed it, going so far as to arrest those invading the farms and to protect the White farmers. After a while, popular pressure forced him to support the farm invaders. This whole thing has been horrendously misreported in the Lying MSM Media.

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