Friday, June 20, 2008

Psilocybin Doesn't Cause Brain Damage

Updated July 7:

Told you so.

Hell, I've only taken it, what, 30 times or so? It never fried me, or at least I don't think so. I never noticed any long-lasting harm after taking this drug. One time, I had bright colors for about six months after I took it. Another time, I got depressed and sat around alone on Saturday night feeling sorry for myself. Next morning, I woke up and was not depressed anymore.

One time, I took some, got in my car, and drove from Los Angeles to the Owens Valley, then turned around and drove home again. I think the whole trip took me about 12-14 hours. You can drive great on the stuff if you have a nice, clear, open road in front of you, and the towering Sierra Nevada sure looks great when you are frying. Plus, the stuff keeps you awake for many hours somehow.

I used to sell these mushrooms, and boy was it fun. I was a student, a schoolteacher, a paralegal and a drug dealer. I would sell quarter pounds and pounds and make insane profits like $300 for an hour's work or so. Plus you get to feel like a spy and feel some real terror when you carry the dope around and do the deal itself.

You get to drive past lots of cops with a car full of dope that could send you to jail for a long time. You look at the cops and just drive right on by like nothing is happening. You carry the dope in a briefcase and dress up like an office worker, or you carry it in an athletic bag and dress up like you're going to gym.

There's nothing like the rush you get being out in public with a car full of felonious dope or a wallet full of tainted drug money.

My friends and I dealt dope in the smart way, and most of us never got caught. We were not all totally White, but most of us were raised in a mostly-White beach town. We dressed up like college kids, office workers, gym enthusiasts, and conformed to White middle class society in every way.

Yet we sold dope right in front of the cops and society's noses for years for years and never got caught. There's a luscious feeling in that.

A friend of mine made so much money selling coke that he bought two homes in San Fransisco, one to store the coke and another to live in. He was so hot I didn't dare even look him up. You don't even want to hang around some super-dealer like that.

I just checked him out and he's resurfaced in Southern California, fit, healthy and fifty, selling real estate. A survivor. I guess he never got caught either. Even my Mom shakes her head in admiration of him. White society always respects someone who can outsmart the cops in a not-too-evil way. Why? It places a premium on not being stupid, and not being caught.

I often wonder if other ethnics share this value.

Sometimes I think that these young Blacks and Hispanics nowadays place a premium on getting caught, and therefore being a moron. This I will never understand.

These Hispanic kids around here are the biggest idiots on Earth. They do dope deals, albeit for small amounts of pot, right out in the open in front of everyone. The seem to take special delight in doing an obvious drug deal right out where anyone can see it happen. I guess it's a macho thing.

White middle class me says it's not a macho thing, it's a stupid thing. No wonder they are always getting hauled in on dope-selling charges. They dress up like gangsters and criminals and then wonder why they get stopped by the cops. Duh.

There really is an art to being a criminal.

All in all, psilocybin is a fun drug. You keep hearing horror stories about this stuff, about people who took too much of it and are mentally ill, or people who took too much and are fried in some way or another. Problem is that there is not the tiniest evidence that this stuff damages your brain, unlike almost other drugs of abuse. Yes, the drugs that make you feel the most insane of all do not do the slightest harm to your brain in any way.

I'm not saying take them every weekend. I haven't taken the stuff in about 21 years, and I'm not sure if I will ever take it again. All those stories floating around about people taking too much hallucinogens need to be taken with a grain of salt. If it's harmless to the brain, how is it supposed to create fried-out acidheads? Answer: it's can't.

Taking these kinds of drugs is one of the most bizarre experiences that one can have on this Earth, though, and you can have some really terrifying bad trips. Psychological harm can occur from traumatic experiences.

By the way, it's not harmful to any other organ in your body either. Plus there are long-lasting positive effects, apparently.

On the other hand, this drug can cause HPPD, so I'd advise against taking it. I have HPPD, but I only have bright colors, and it's really not so bad. You're living in a Technicolor world, and if you just accept it, the world looks a lot better this way.

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