Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Racists Create Their Own

In the comments on the much-misunderstood On Whiteness Studies post, one of our fine commenters and a great writer to boot, Dano of Hawaii Five-O, notes:
If you treat people with respect and dignity you get the same in return, and create a chain-reaction of civility. If you treat them like shit-enemies, you get a negative reaction, which allows you to point and scream "SEE! Just like I've been saying. They hate us!"
I think Dano hits it on the head. I go to American Renaissance and those White racists on there are constantly saying, "Blacks treat Whites like shit! They've been treating me and other Whites like shit my whole life!" And they say this about other races too. They are convinced that most or all races are completely racist towards most or all other races. Especially all non-Whites are horribly hostile towards all Whites.

It's pretty clear that there is a Hell of a lot of projection going on here. I'm a racist (except wait, I'm not, really) so everyone else is. No wait. I'm a racist, because all those other races hate me and my kind. They done forced me into it.

I guess I must have missed this. I've been around Blacks quite a bit in my life. I taught Blacks in LA, including the inner city, including Compton and even Watts for a day. I never got a whole lot of hostility out of Black students. I mean, some were just antisocial period. They sure had a lot of opportunities to vent on me. There were a few occasions where I got some racist stuff at me, but I can't think of many.

The worst of all was at Centennial High in Compton near Willowbrook (close to Watts). It's the heart of the heart of the ghetto. The students were racially hostile and tried to bust me for being a racist by attempting to provoke me into making racist comments (they lied and the Black principal backed me up). Some of the pretty young Black teachers were just out and out hostile.

In Compton, there were some classes of 8th and 10th graders that were so horrible I just walked off the job and left the kids there with no teacher. Amazingly, they took me back after that. Those kids were just animals, and I didn't get the impression there was some racial thing going on, but who knows?

In LA, I've been to reggae concerts full of Blacks and rap concerts full of street Black rappers. I'm not saying that's a good environment. But none of those Blacks ever bothered me. I've bought fast food in the ghetto in the daytime, quite a few times too. I've driven through the heart of the ghetto in daytime many, many times.

I think once some Black guy yelled something about "What are these RICH motherfuckers doing here?!" at me on a side street. I've dated Black women who lived in S Central LA (Black part of town). I got ripped off once, the day I was in Watts. The Black administrators always treated me like I was solid gold, and the Black teachers were pretty nice overall.

I've taught in Hispanic neighborhoods for years too. Also in Filipino, Japanese and Samoan-heavy schools. No real problems, at least racially, in any of these places. I delivered phone books for weeks on end all through the worst parts of East LA and nothing happened.

I drove an ice cream truck through barrios for months and nothing went down. I hung out in apartments smoking crack with Blacks in the Wilshire District of LA (I only tried it once) at the beginning of the crack era. I bought pounds of dope from teenage Mexican gang members who I never met before, who got it straight from the Mexican Mafia.

Nothing much ever happened.

If these people really hate Whites, they must do a pretty good job of covering it up, or else I am a complete idiot and can't spot the virulent racists who hate me and my kind ferociously every time they deal with me.

I don't really know what to say for why Blacks have not fucked me over more than the few depredations I experienced (one stolen car battery).

I'm a pretty paranoid guy, and I'm always looking around all the time and watching everything and everyone. I don't open up very easily and I'm quite wary and dubious.

Furthermore, I'm reportedly a pretty scary-looking guy, despite my pretty boy preppie looks. That's not really a good thing, but I guess that's one way that looking a little dangerous comes in handy. Everyone pretty much leaves you alone, even the criminals. Criminals like easy targets, just like predators in the wild.

White racists give off fuck you vibes to whichever non-Whites they dislike, and those non-Whites fire it right back on them. Hence the White racist sees the world, partly through projection, as filled with White-hostile non-Whites. You're 21 years old at the university and it's Psychology 100 again. You look up at the overhead lamp and all the points of light come together in an epiphany, and it all makes sense. That's being alive.

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