Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Wikipedia Jews Again

Looks like some of the Wikipedia Jews (see this blog here, here, here, here and here for more on them) are operating out of Israeli government computers and the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC. Well, I guess Wikipedia has really hit the bigtime when the diplomats and spy-types start trying to write it.

This blog has obtained a secret copy of emblem of the Wikipedia Jews, used by them in internal communications via instant messenger and email to ward off spies and infiltration attempts. They make sly references to this motif throughout their communications with each other. This is the first publication of the cabal's secret sign, and hopefully it will stimulate further research into the workings of this very secret and devious cabal.

Even read Thomas Pynchon's book The Crying of Lot 49? It's quite difficult to read, but if you're smart, you can handle it.

I feel it deals with Information Theory. Supposedly Information Theory is this, but my take on that is, "He who controls information, controls the world". Right?

Well, that's what's up with the Israeli government rewriting Wikipedia. Supposedly other governments are doing this too. Only problem: it's against Wikipedia's mission and policy of being an unbiased (LOL!) encyclopedia. So, really, it's not ok. Wikipedia's not ok either, but neither is government encyclopedia manipulation.

The comments are really interesting too. Lots of Zionist Jews chiming in with the usual crap, excuses and lines.

Everyone does it.

That's one of their favorites, from murder to spying to this or that or anything.

The Palestinian propaganda network is just as bad, if not worse.


I used to hear this one all the time in the Middle East Usenet groups. Zionist Jews have this peculiar notion that there is this vast worldwide Palestinian or pro-Palestinian network that almost controls the world's press. Sort of like the Protocols of the Elders of Palestine or something.

It's complete crap.

The Palestinians have nothing, just some terrorists ramming dozers into pedestrian vehicles - looks like this latest attack - 3 dead, 70 wounded - is another Hezbollah revenge attack for the Mossad killing Mughniyeh. I knew Hez would make Israel pay for that. And crappy rockets that don't even shoot straight.

I've been on Wikipedia and edited articles on Israel and Palestine in a completely fair manner, usually using the Israeli government's own statistics to rewrite articles. I was more or less alone in this endeavor. All who went before me were thrown off Wikipedia.

For this crime, I was put on a neo-Nazi list by the Wikipedia Jews and their buddies like this twit Chip Berlet, had 100% of my edits reversed, including all the stuff I got from the Israeli government, and in addition, all the edits I made to articles completely unrelated to anything Jewish or Middle Eastern, and was eventually thrown off Wikipedia and banned forever.

That Berlet twerp is in very tight with the top Wikipedia leadership, and seems to work very closely with Ape Foxman, I mean Abe Foxman, of the spies and thugs of the ADL.

Berlet seems to specialize in finding "rightwing" movements where none can be seen for miles, and in finding all manner of "anti-Semitism" that often never seems to exist either. The man's got quite an imagination. Lately, he's been working on the Jewish Lobby or Israeli Lobby thingie. There is no such thing, you know, sez Chip. And if you mention it, you're an anti-Semite. Neener neener.

Chip also insists that the US is in the midst of some sort of White nationalist and anti-Semitic seizure exemplified by fascist White racist thugs running amok on the streets destroying everything gay and non-White. There's a few of these guys around, but if I were a gay or non-White, I'd rather worry about lightning, heart disease or car accidents. US neo-Nazism is a comically minor movement with almost no support.

Since these Wikipedia toads banned me, I have received repeated letters from editors who tried to put a bit of fairness into articles on the Middle East conflict on Wikipedia. Everyone I talked to was in the process of being taken out by the Wikipedia Jews. Last time I checked, the Wikipedia Jews and their buds were in firm control over anything Jewish or Israeli-related on Wikipedia.

Yeah, Wikipedia's a hotbed of pro-Palestinian propaganda. Snark.

Amazing the crap some folks believe. Almost like they live in some Matrix reality.

Article written by Charles Levinson, an Jewish American journalist based in Cairo and Baghdad since 2002 and in Jerusalem since 2006. Charles did a great job here. Shout out!

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