Monday, August 11, 2008

The 14 Points of Fascism

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated August 23:

Excellent article.

I'm usually the last person on Earth to throw the word, "fascist" around promiscuously, but this article lays it out pretty clearly that the Bush Administration is what I would call a pseudo-fascist or quasi-fascist regime (pseudo-fascist is more like it).

This shit has actually been going on since Reagan came in. I'm not usually one to dog on my fellow Whites, but the US movement towards fascism can be laid directly at the feet of US Whites. Not only that, but I think that this whole movement by US Whites is related to racism and their fear of losing their demographic majority.

As Euro-Whites decline to 65% (61% if you don't include Jews, and many White nationalists don't wish to include them) of the population, note that the US Whites have been getting more and more fascist as their majority shrinks ever more.

We went through a similar thing here in California when Whites were on the verge of losing their majority. Now that Whites a definite minority here in the state, the nasty, ugly and reactionary tendency of Whites has faded as a movement, but we still see traces of it in Arnold Schwarzenegger.

For instance, in order to "balance the budget", the CA Republicans have called for cutting Medicaid below its already incredibly low figures. CA's schools are at about 29th in funding, but have the largest teacher-to-student ratio in the US, because CA schools are flooded with students. The reason for this is simple. Whitey is still in just-enough in charge here in California.

Whites look out and see schools full of non-Whites and say, "Fuck you *niggers and Mexicans, we aren't giving you one thin dime." What's sad about this is that California's schools are still full of lots of White kids, especially in certain regions like the Sierra foothills. They're getting screwed too.

In Oakhurst and Coarsegold, where I spend a lot of time, a large percentage of the local poor Whites are on Medicaid. These Whites are getting the shaft by wealthier Whites in the cities, all because these Whites want to "cut off the niggers* and the Mexicans."

Right now, the Legislature is mostly non-White and liberal, and the governor is in the hands of a fake-progressive Republican who was put in by a fraudulent lie of an election. So we have gridlock to the max, but really it's just non-violent race war played out at state government level.

It was amazing that the Republicans managed to scam one of their own into the governor's seat, but here's how the scam worked:

The Republicans deregulated the electricity industry in California, which nearly ruined the economy and pocketbooks of Californians. They pretty much knew this was going to happen, and Schwarzenegger himself attended these meetings and helped to plot this scam.

A pro-business, extremely fake-liberal Democrat, Gray Davis, was in power, and he got screwed by the resulting skyrocketing bills, power outrages and wild profiteering by Enron and the rest. Californians being idiots like most humans, they (mostly White Californians) turned around and blamed Gray Davis for the energy crisis that he had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with.

He kept appealing to the Bush Administration to shut off the disastrous experiment, but Bush refused. It's true that Davis diddled and fiddled. As a pro-business Democrat, he was determined to craft a solution that benefited the various energy companies that were maxi-profiting from the whole mess.

The "final solution" ended up raising California homeowners' energy rates by three times over the long term. California businesses, especially big businesses, more or less got rate cuts, as you might expect.

Nevertheless, White homeowners and small business owners (at least from my asking around) were still 100% supportive of energy "deregulation"! I tell ya, free market ideology is more insane than religion. If your religion is actually killing you or fucking you over, most even religious nuts will get a bit less religious.

Free market fundamentalism is an odd beast. The more it fucks over Whites, the more they support it. I think it is because free marketeerism in Whites is rooted in racism.

"Free market", "deregulation", "privatization", and all that crap means "less government". US Whites hate government because government takes hard-earned White money in taxes and gives it no-good, worthless, criminal, gangbanging niggers* and Mexicans for various welfare schemes.

This is the only sense I can make of US Whites' lunatic dedication to extreme freemarketeerism. Either that or someone has done a damn fine job of brainwashing.

Anyway, the Republicans then engineered a recall election which was one of the sleaziest elections in California history. Even though the Republican Party is on its last legs here in California, they picked a very popular actor who is especially popular with Hispanics to run for governor. I am convinced that this clown got a majority or close to it of the Hispanic vote.

Hispanics here normally vote pretty liberally, but they are unbelievably uneducated, and vastly less sophisticated politically than even Blacks. Hispanics and even a lot of young, fairly liberal, know-nothing Whites marched off and voted for "The Terminator", who ran as some kind of fake-liberal.

It's true that the state's present economic crisis is partly rooted in the massive invasion of illegal aliens that has turned much of our state into Tijuana Norte. But the California Republican Party and Schwarzenegger are 100% pro-illegal alien all the way. Forget the California Democratic Party. They're long lost to the illegals and their traitor Hispanic-American politicians.

I like to say that here in California, we have two political parties, the California Illegal Alien Republican Party and the California Illegal Alien Democratic Party. There's no political party here in California to represent actual American fucking citizens in this state.

Anyway, check out the article. The author compared Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto, and Pinochet to come up with his analysis. I'm glad he included Indonesia and Chile.

It would be nice for an intelligent person to look at this list and point out differences (and similarities) between Communism and fascism, but this post is a bit long as is. Maybe another time.

Secular Humanism Magazine
is pretty cool, by the way, if you don't mind in-your-face atheism.

*used sardonically.

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