Friday, August 08, 2008

Down With The (New) UN

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated August 23:

In the comments section, a critical commenter (Yeah, we allow 'em to a point) asks:
Is the UN a neoconservative arm in the US with connections with Zionism?
To which Lafayette Sennacherib responds:
Well... broadly speaking,yes!
Indeed, LS is correct, this is exactly what the UN has morphed into since the horrific browbeating it got by Bush and his super-creepy allies in 2003. I guess they responded to all of Bush's threats by just knuckling under and deciding to become the armed wing of Western imperialism. Well, in that case, echoing the ultra-right, I say the Hell with the UN.

I actually supported the Iraqi guerrillas car bombing of the UN building in Baghdad. I could not believe that the UN endorsed the US imperial and colonial invasion and occupation of Iraq!

In Haiti, the UN endorsed an armed coup by the US, Canada and France that took out a democratically elected and very popular leader (92% support), Aristide!

The US basically invaded Haiti with Steele Corporation mercenaries (sort of like Blackwater in service to US imperialism), ordered Aristide to leave the country otherwise they would let the contras kill him, and then shipped him to Africa, and then refused to let him return to Haiti!

This trick was accomplished by tricking Aristide into hiring the very Steele Corporation mercs who later ousted him as his very own bodyguards! Such treachery, right out of an early Dickens picaresque novel! All with virtually no protest whatsoever from "progressive" sectors in the US! Then the UN went in there with armed forces, policed the fascist coup and stood on hand to prevent Aristide from returning!

And shot any demonstrators who protested the whole mess! And conducted raids on pro-Aristide supporters, killing lots of them in the process! And served as police to keep to the people from rising up as 3,000 Aristide supporters (or more) were murdered by death squads (Haitian military and police)!

While the entire US media (like Time Magazine) sat back and cheered! While the Democratic Party was silent or, worse, cheered!

You know who made up most of the shock troops for this UN Army of Imperialism? Forces from the "Leftist" (and nominally socialist) governments of Lula's Brazil and Bachelet's Chile.

Incidentally, this nasty little Haiti incident, straight out of walk softly, carry a big stick gunboat diplomacy, proved to me that Canada and France are clearly major and very nasty sidekicks to US imperialism, and in effect, are nasty imperialist powers of their own.

What the Hell is the UN doing in South Lebanon anyway? They are there to serve the interests of the US, Israel, the Lebanese government and France to keep Hezbollah out of Southern Lebanon. Why does Hezbollah have to be kept out of Southern Lebanon?

Did Hezbollah sign some peace treaty to that effect? Did that arrangement have anything in it to make any demands or pose any constraints on the Israelis in any way? What the Hell is UNIFL doing there anyway? Serving as police for the US, France and Israel. Once again, as in Haiti, we see the role of France as a major imperialist world power, using the UN as shock troops for its own imperial ambitions.

Also note how France (supposedly evil for not going along with the US imperial and colonial invasion of Iraq) is nevertheless once again a sidekick of US imperialism, as well as imperial power in its own right. I guess 25,000 French dead in Algeria, and Dien Bien Phu, just didn't get the point across. Imperialism must be an awfully tough habit to kick.

Truth is, French imperialism is resurrecting in Haiti and Lebanon due to these being former colonies. Imperial memory is the long-term kind.

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