Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Insanity of Unilateral Anti-Racism

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated September 2:

In the comments section, Lafayette Sennacherib, a very smart British White guy with no interest in White nationalism, notes, regarding WN, that the WN's do have a point:
A White Nationalist argument that has some merit is that tribal loyalties are unfortunate but inevitable, and in the face of the organised tribal interest of at least one demographic, whites should not have their hands tied behind their backs. Could you deny that there is some merit in that?
I respond: As much as I dislike the WN's for their overt racism and dislike for nearly all non-Whites, they are the only folks here in the US that have the balls to discuss certain truths that no one else with touch with a 10 foot pole and an 11 foot extension.

I discussed this very issue with Kevin McDonald himself a while back, and he agreed with me when I said that Whites either need to go ethnocentric just like the Jews or they are going to get screwed by the ethnocentric group.

That's a problem with the Jews. Their ethnocentrism advantages them.

The only sane way to fight it, or fight any competing ethnocentric ethnic, is to go ethnocentric right back on them. I'm not saying kill em, but do to the Jews whatever they do to us (they don't kill us). Otherwise, in capitalism, an ethnocentric group will tend to win out over a less ethnocentric group.

This is what commenter James Schipper means when he says that unilateral anti-racism makes no sense. It's makes about as much sense as unilateral disarmament. As long as the opposing ethnics are racist, your group has to at least keep its guard up. You can't go around singing Kumbaya and hugging competing ethnics while they are using racism and ethnocentricity against you. You'll get screwed.

What's really happened here in the US is that US Whites have gone overboard for anti-racism, while frankly, I don't think the other ethnics have. I think other ethnics mostly just use anti-racism as a club to beat Whites with whenever they get pissed at us.

We are already hearing stories about Black city governments that preferentially hire Blacks and discriminate against White applicants. The insanity of the H-1B (Hindu 1-B) scab labor scam means that whole IT shops get flooded with crappy Indian cheap labor coders. Eventually, management is replaced by Indian management.

Indian Hindus being very ethnocentric folks, they quickly fire all of the remaining Americans (mostly Whites) and replace them with Hindu 1-B job-thieving invaders.

Jews have long practiced preferential hiring in many industries, particularly Hollywood, and it's actually one of the secrets of their success. Jewish directors have even bragged in interviews that they preferentially hire Jews and dared anyone to do anything about it.

In fact, during the civil rights struggles of the 1960's, I believe that the Jews who were very influential in this fight tried to write the laws specifically so that Jews would not get busted for discriminatory hiring.

In California, we have Hispanic employers who will openly tell you to your face that they only hire their own kind.

What's interesting about all of this is that I am not aware of any Black, Hispanic, Hindu Indian or Jewish employer who has ever run afoul of civil rights and anti-discrimination laws, nor have they ever been sued. Who bears the brunt of these laws? Whites and only Whites. As long as anti-discrimination laws are just used as clubs to beat Whites with, I can almost understand, but not condone, White racists' opposition to them.

There is another kind of discrimination that is more subtle going on now, in that the utter insanity of mass legal and illegal Mesoamerican immigration, especially in the West, has resulted in entire fields, such as construction, that are now de facto Hispanic occupations.

Hispanics, almost all both legal and illegal immigrants, have been working in them for so long that when they have an opening, they just ask the other Hispanic workers, and they go get one of their Hispanic buddies. They often won't hire Whites because they're going to be like the only White guy on the crew. So a de facto "Hispanic old boys network" has been created.

Further, formerly good-paying, often unionized, often heavily-White jobs, fields and occupations have now gone permanently low-wage and immigrant.

At the slaughterhouse in Iowa that finally got raided by ICE and where 300 illegals were then hauled away, the slaughterhouse contemplated shutting down. But they quickly hauled in 300 immigrant refugee Somalis who were perfectly happy to work a very unpleasant non-union job for a crap wage and horrific treatment.

In this way, the insanity of mass immigration, legal and illegal, has destroyed high-paying, unionized, heavily-White working class jobs if not forever, then at least into the foreseeable future. What's terrifying about this is that even deporting the 12-40 million illegals in the US might not necessarily solve it.

We have a venal, traitorous, America-hating capitalist class here in the US that has become addicted to cheap, often illegal, immigrant labor that they can underpay, slide on taxes, insurance and regulation with, and treat like total shit.

Like a drug addict pulled off his drugs, they don't know how to deal with the withdrawal of the crack cocaine of cheap illegal immigrant labor. They go through withdrawals and thrash around looking for some similar substitute. Going through cold turkey altogether, going clean and hiring back mostly-White legal American workers at union jobs is not even contemplated. They're hooked on crack. Illegal alien crack.

*When I say mostly-White workforce, I am speaking from my own biases. My working class friends who got screwed by illegals are overwhelmingly White. That's not because I'm racist; it just represents the crowd I run with. I'd like to point out that the record shows that Blacks, especially Black men, make very good factory workers.

After World War 2, many Blacks moved from the South to the North to work in factories. As far as I can tell, the record shows that these Black men did a good job at their often-unionized factory jobs. Although young Black men have gotten a sense of entitlement lately, I still think that union jobs paying $20 an hour and up would appeal to many Black men nowadays, young and older.

I have noticed that Blacks tend to side with the illegals, possibly due to bonding with a another group they sense as oppressed by Whites. If you have read my post above, I suggest they do this at their peril and to the harm of their self-interests. Blacks need to start thinking about what's good for Black folks, not making common cause with fellow non-Whites.

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