Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Institute on Religion and Public Policy

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated August 23:

Joseph Griebowski is one odd fellow. He's head of a very strange organization called Institute on Religion and Public Policy. It will be discussed in an upcoming post. Griebowski himself is some sort of a hardline Zionist. He's also a weird, Strangeglovian-looking character. It's apparently got some kind of big neoconservative and possibly Jewish money behind it.

He goes up on Capital Hill and travels all over the world agitating for "religious freedom", generally in lands that are being targeted by the neocons and International Zionism. He's also apparently waging US imperialism's war of words with China. His specialty is humanitarian intervention bullshit as my commenters have been discussing lately. His particular angle is "religious freedom".

If your country is not allowing enough religious freedom (which, frankly, is none of our Goddamned business) then he's going to wage fake human rights war on you in service of International Zionism or US imperialism. Lately his targets have been South Sudan, Darfur, China and Kosovo. Imperialism doesn't care about S Sudan or Darfur, but Zionism does. Imperialism hates China though.

For Kosovo, imperialism supports them, but probably hard right Zionism hates them for being Muslims in Europe. Looks like they have conned all sorts of suckers into going along with this scam. Looking through the officers and staff, I can't see any reason why most of these people give a flying fuck about "religious freedom".

Furthermore, they for the most part seem to be serving US imperialism in one way or another. So I figure this is just some bullshit "religious freedom" garbage to push the interests of US imperialism and Zionism. On their Board of Directors is a motley collection of Christians (almost all rightwing Catholics, fundamentalist Protestants or Baptists), Jews of various types, wacky New Age kooks, etc.

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