Sunday, August 31, 2008

Interesting Comments on Sex Offenders

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated September 2:

From the comments section on the Child Molester Mass Hysteria post, a commenter writes:
Incest and friends of the family make up approximately 98% of all sex offenses (I think they mean child molestation and not rape, but I'm not sure). There has been estimated that 60 million individuals in this country that has experienced child sexual abuse. 50%, 30 million will go on to abuse a child. This is the crux of the problem, and we are not addressing it.

Instead, law makers are creating laws that do more harm than good. For example:

The public registries: 98% of those come from the family and friends of the family. It is a fact, that once caught, 95% of them never repeat another sex crime. And that's without therapy.

The remaining 5% are hiding in the registries. Those who did not know their victims, the violent rapists and the repeat offender.

And, approximately, 95% of all new sex offenses are committed by individuals NOT on the registries. Is it no wonder, because law makers have totally ignored the fact that Incest and friends of the family are the crux of the problem. There are 30 million abusers out there and lawmakers have done nothing to address prevention through education.

By ignoring incest and friends of the family, law makers have created a greater risk to children and society. If we do not openly discuss it, do not propose any educational models to better inform ourselves and keep ourselves afflicted with guilt and shame which washes over all concerned, perpetrators, victims, and other family members alike, we all help shield and perpetuate the crime.

These sex offender laws are being passed without advice of the experts. They are knee-jerk regulatory reaction which is just another way of saying, additional punishment is justified. Congress and the Legislatures have ignored the experts in the field.

But when it comes to light bulbs, they clamor for expert testimony. There is something very fundamentally wrong with their approach when it comes to sex offender laws.

Randy Lopp, treatment subcommittee chairman of the Oklahoma Sex Offender Management Team said, ''Most people who know anything about this are frustrated. It is just not helpful -- the laws as they are now.

I think if the general public understood the research, they would be willing to back the legislators to change the laws to make more sense and to protect children, because the laws as they are written are not protecting children," he said. "They are doing more harm than good.''

US Department of Justice, 2003

• Sample size - 9,700 sex offenders

• Length of time - 3 years

• Re-offense trigger - reconviction (Doesn't mean a new sex crime)

• Results - 5.3% sexual offense. 3.3% child molestation.

Arizona, Department of Corrections, 2006

• Length of time - Ten years

• Sample size - 2,444 sex offenders

• Results - 3.2% returned for a new felony sex offense, 1.4% returned for a new felony case of child molestation

• Reoffense trigger - new conviction (Any conviction)

And there are many more studies and they have the same results. Low recidivism rates for first time sex offenses.

Law makers pass these laws as non-controversial. Without debate and there is nothing I can think of that is more controversial.

Constitutional rights are being side stepped and it has been said that when you deny the constitution to one, you deny it to everyone. Please, look at the real problem. Incest and friends of the family and Prevent through education. Do away with these draconian laws that protect no one but endangers every child.
I don't really know what to say to any of this stuff. I don't have much personal interest in it.

I'd be interested to see how these laws are endangering kids and doing more harm than good.

Surely life is often Hell for these sex offenders. And you can see here that these insane laws are being used against all sorts of 18-21 year old guys messing around with 15-17 year old girls. The guys are totally normal, and now their lives are fucked forever.

They're on Sex Offender Lists, it's hard to work anywhere, they go to jail and get threatened by other inmates as "pedos" (that's weird, I figured most prison inmates would gladly fuck a 16 year old girl if they could get away with it). They can hardly live anywhere and often have to move back home.

Their career dreams are shot, and the military won't take you (I guess fucking a 16 year old girl is evil, but actually killing human beings, albeit towelheads, is cool). Lots of guys are also going down due to lying little girls telling tall tales of fake molestations and teenage bitches screaming rape.

I thank God I'm not on one of those blasted lists! I have enough problems as it is; I couldn't imagine what Hell my life would be if I was on one of those things.

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