Saturday, August 09, 2008

Music For the Russian Neo-Nazi Video

This is a video of the Russian band Arkona doing the song Rus, featured on the famous Russian neo-Nazi video on this site.

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated August 23:

I'm not encouraging anyone to watch this video who hasn't seen it yet, but for better or worse, there are vast numbers of people who want to see this video on this blog. A lot of people want to see it on a dare, because it is supposed to be one of the grossest videos on the Internet. Others like it because they are Nazis. Antifas watch it to see what a bunch of assholes and scum of the Earth Nazis are.

The purpose of posting the video was the last reason. I hope to awaken people around the world, particularly in the US, just what these guys are up to. I'm not so concerned about US Whites. I really want US Blacks and Hispanics to get a load of these clowns and realize that these Nazis want to kill every single one of you Blacks and Hispanics. They also want to kill Asians, but Asians don't seem to care too much.

Some East Indians in the UK have gotten the hint that these guys are assholes who want to kill East Indians. This video was a hit on antifa boards in Slovakia and especially in Chile. My intention, further, is to discredit Russian neo-Nazis as much as possible around the world, and as part of the larger picture, to discredit neo-Nazis and racist skinheads (the Stormfront idiots) all over the world.

It's not my intention to discredit White nationalism as a whole, because there is a world of difference between Jared Taylor's American Renaissance (racist but very genteel and civilized) and the Stormfront and neo-Nazi militants. I don't agree that they are all the same.

Anyway, I do like the music on that video, and on the boards and on Youtube, people keep asking what the song is, since they love the music too.

The song is by Russian folk-pagan metal band Arkona (Cyrillic Аркона), and the song is called Rus (Cyrillic Русь), after the Kievan Rus (the original seed of the Russian nation). It's off their first album Vozrozhdeniye, or Revival (Cyrillic Возрождение). The band is heavily influenced by Slavic mythology and Russian folklore.

Arkona is the name of the last pagan Slavic city-castle in Russia. Despite the pagan themes, Arkona songs also deal with traditional Russian Orthodox holidays such as Christmas, Maslenitsa (a Russian Orthodox folk holiday), Kupala (equivalent to Valentine's Day - feast in honor of John the Baptist).

Pagan, folk and Orthodox Christian holidays and customs all blend together in Russia and to some extent also in Eastern Europe. To some extent, the same is true here in the uber-commercialized West, but it seems to be much more the case in Russia, where an overtly pagan band can also sing songs about Orthodox religious holidays, and hardly a soul will bat an eye.

They are on Napalm Records (site). Napalm is an Austrian label that specializes in underground heavy metal music. Arkona's official site, in Russian, and in English.

As you can see in the concert, the fans seem to be giving raised fist salutes or even Roman salutes, associated with Nazis. Most of the fans look like skinheads. I'm not too wild about the vibes I got from this band's concert, but there's a lot of this going around over there in Russia these days. The band's lyrics do not seem to me to be overtly racist, White supremacist or neo-Nazi.

Many comments about the famous video have suggested that Russian neo-Nazis are idiots, considering that Hitler despised Slavs and intended to wipe most of them off the face of the Earth.

The Russian neo-Nazis support WPWW, or White Pride World Wide. That's a modern White movement that apparently disassociates itself with Germanophilic and Slavophobic Nazism. I'm not supporting these idiots by saying that; I'm just attempting to clarify some issues.

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  1. yes your right about the russian skinheads,but I want to give you an example of slavic skinheads that are doing something for their country:Serbian SkINHEADS....dont EVER put all the slavic skinheads in the same pot with the russians....Im not serbian Im romanian from the New Right (Noua Dreapta)organization, and just so you would know we are not Corneliu Zelea Codreanu on the internet....or enter and you will see....TLC!

  2. bla bla bla Antifa Scum...

    AUC againts FARC

  3. "I really want US Blacks and Hispanics to get a load of these clowns and realize that these Nazis want to kill every single one of you Blacks and Hispanics. They also want to kill Asians, but Asians don't seem to care too much"

    It has nothing to do with Africans, Hispanics or Asians.
    Neighter Africans, nor Hispanics or Asians killed Russian men and raped Russian women.
    Chechens killded 30,000 innocent Russian civilians in Chechnia before federal government even started war against them. And nobody knows how many Russian women they raped.
    Imagine what US President would do with Iraq, if Iraqis would kill 30,000 innocent American civilians INSIDE the borders of USA.
    What would YOU do if chechens would kill your father and rape your wife, sister and daughter just because you're white, or christian, or American?
