Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Russia and the Jews, 1795-1916

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated August 23:

A review of Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together, a history of Russia and its Jews from 1795-1916. It's the best thing I have ever read on the subject, and I've read a lot of crap about this area from all sides. The author is Richard Pipes and it's published by Benador Associates.

Benador Associates is Neocon Central, home of all manner of rightwing, Zionist, pro-Terror War and pro-Iraq War nasties. From the About US page:
Among the experts are James Woolsey, A.M. Rosenthal, Richard Perle, Amir Taheri, Kanan Makiya and Saad Eddin Ibrahim.
It's supposedly run by some reactionary Peruvian ruling-class woman named Eleana Benador who I've never heard of before. Her photos are here. I hate to make fun of people's appearances, but I will make an exception in here case and call her a hunchbacked dwarf. Why? Because I don't like her, that's why.

Her biography shows you what kind of nasties make up the horrible Peruvian ruling class. Such a malignant bunch of gangsters could only have produced equally malign revolutionaries like the Shining Path. Like creates like; politics is a mirror.

Ms. Benador is also apparently in deep with International Jewry of the nastiest sort, but that's not unusual, because I understand that some members of the Peruvian ruling class are in with them. These folks are fabulously rich, care nothing at all about their country, and don't even spend much time there, they are so busy jet-setting around.

They spend most of their time in foreign cities or on jetliners and they put most of their money in the US, often in the New York Stock Exchange. They're afraid to invest in their own country because it's so "unstable". The reason it's unstable is due to their existence.

I figure she's fronting for some big money lurking somewhere in the background?

I always thought Richard Pipes was a complete prick. He spent most of his life working for the CIA, more or less, as a Sovietologist. Most prominent Sovietologists like Condoleeza Rice were always pretty much just glorified CIA employees. He's another Robert Conquest. Plus, he produced, from the spawn of his loins, an abhorrent ultra-Zionist maniac son named Daniel, he of the fascist Campus Watch.

Pipes was one of the original neocons, along with Frank Gaffney, James Woolsey and Richard Perle. He even worked for Henry Jackson in the 1970's, and you can't much more seminal neocon than that (the neocons were birthed by a largely-Jewish group operating out of Henry Jackson's office in the 1970's). Of course he wrote for Commentary - that's another classic neocon steppingstone.

He opposed detente, served on Reagan's National Security Council in 1981-1982 and teamed up with Paul Nitze and Paul Wolfowitz and the rest of the Team B "Beware the Bear!" liars.

He dedicated his whole life to US imperialism's war with the USSR. He lied all day, went to bed, dreamed a bunch of dishonest dreams, got up the next morning, poured some liar crystals into his brewing coffee and started off another day of lying. That was his life; every time he opened up his mouth, it was just the voice of the CIA.

Pipes' work as a Sovietologist, while quality scholarship, was also a politically motivated pack of lies, propaganda and bullshit from the very start, though he did have his moments. Check out his thesis on the cause of the Russian revolution, which I agree with:
Pipes is famous for arguing that the origins of the Soviet Union can be traced to the separate path taken by 15th century Muscovy in a Russian version of the Sonderweg thesis.

In Pipes' opinion, Muscovy differed from every state in Europe in that there was no concept of private property in Muscovy, and that everything was regarded as the property of the Grand Duke/Tsar. In Pipes' view, this separate path undertaken by Russia ensured that Russia would always be an autocratic state with values fundamentally dissimilar to the values of Western civilization.
Nice, huh? It's true in part, but avoids the crucial role of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Anyway, like many of these one-sided characters, once you get them away from the subject of their feverish obsession (in his case, the USSR), they can be surprisingly level-headed, because they're extremely smart and they are finally thinking clearly for once.

Since he is Jewish, I expected the usual Jewish bullshit pile of invective towards the Czar, the Russian people and Russia in general, but this nice review is fair to all sides and sums up the role of the Czar, the Church, Russian nationalists, Jews both traditional and assimilating, revolutionaries, etc superbly.

Check it out and learn something.

I assume his evil spawn Daniel will just go on being an asshole for the rest of his life.

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