Monday, August 04, 2008

Sexmaniacman is a Rapist

Updated August 23:

I thought this definition of a the crime of sexual violence was interesting:
Regarding the "incapable of giving consent" hypothetical you posited, my response is, violence and/or a crime occurs when anyone's body is touched beyond incidental contact or for more than a brief instant unless the person being touched affirmatively gives permission for such contact.

It is not the "responsibility" of the person being touched to give permission. It is the responsibility of the person doing the touching to ensure that the other person has voluntarily given permission. If the other person is "incapable" of giving permission, for whatever reason, that means no permission has been given, and a crime has been committed.
Along the same lines, the feminazis says every time you have sex with a drunk woman, you are raping her. I decided to ask Sexmaniacman his opinion on this definition of rape.

According to that definition, I've been raping women and girls all my life! I've always touched women, I've reached around and jumped them and started kissing them, I've grabbed them, thrown them up against walls in public and kissed them, I've done all these things. I always grabbed women or touched them, and I never asked permission first.

In general, most of the time, permission was granted, though sometimes, when I tried to go beyond kissing, she stopped me.

I picked up a hot 20 yr old woman at a Hollywood nightclub, the Anticlub, two minutes after walking in the door, then had sex with her in my car while driving around Hollywood at 1 AM (to the extent you can have sex with someone while driving a vehicle) then after the show, she tried to weasel out of coming home with me.

I pointed to her, pointed to the car, and said, "You are going home with me. Now get in the car." It was an order, but she was free to refuse, and I was laughing. I sneered at her like Johnny Rotten. She smiled, sneered back, and said, "Says who?" I said, "Says me." Women love guys who give them orders and they love to follow orders. So she got in the car. Quite willingly.

I drove her home and we had sex on the 5 Freeway in Downtown LA at 3 AM while going 55 miles an hour, to the extent one can do such a thing. Good thing I didn't crash the car. I deny that this was either kidnapping or rape, but it was pretty fun.

Another time I had sex with a drunk 14 yr old (I was 16) on the rooftop of an apartment building at 2 AM, and later she went around telling everyone I raped her. I didn't rape her; she was drunk. I deny that this was rape.

Another time I went to a punk rock show with this beautiful 20 year old named Linda and we both came back, drunk, to my house. I got her on my couch, pulled up her top and started feeling her breasts. "Pleease let me go home," she whined unconvincingly in her best little girl voice.

"No!" I said. "You're staying right here!" I was pissed that I went to all this damn trouble and she was trying to weasel out of the dicking, like they always do.

Plus, earlier in the evening, both of us drunk, she had put me in a shopping cart and raced me up and down some 2 AM streets. She kept "dropping her lighter" on my groin in the cart, and then "having to fish around to find it". Now she was trying to get out of the boning. Well fuck that. The Hell you are, woman.

She was free to leave at any time, as the cops say. "Now get over on that bed right now!" I said, half-smiling and not really threatening. I'm not sure what happened later. Finally I just said, "Fine, you don't want to have sex, I'll just sleep on the couch. You take the bed. See you in the morning."

Then I lay back on the couch and closed my eyes. Next thing I remember, she was saying, "Come on over to the bed." And so it went. I deny that this was false imprisonment or rape, but it was pretty fun, except when she started to puke in bed while we were having sex, grabbed her mouth, and ran to the bathroom and puked for a while.

Basically, with women, you have to read their minds. At some point, via telepathy, you figure you can make your move. At that point you just grab her and start kissing her. You can do it really aggressively or you can do it real soft and nice. Most of the time, it goes just fine. Having to ask permission for everything you do sexually is insane. If we had to do that, no one would ever get laid.

I've been having sex with drunken women most of my life, and I hope to continue doing so. A lot of women are way less inhibited when they're drunk.

I'm embarrassed to admit that there have been quite a few times when I grabbed at women and they did not want to do go along, so they pushed me off or said no in some way or another, along the lines of, "Hey! Knock it off, asshole! Get your hands off me!" Most of the time, I did just knock it off right then, though sometimes I kept trying my luck, and she kept knocking my hands away, raising her voice.

I deny that this is rape or attempted rape or any crime at all. It's actually something called "dating", and I never got any sex any of those times anyway. Once they brush you off once, you might as well give up, because you aren't getting any.

I don't believe I've ever raped a woman according to the legal definition of the word. If she's not interested, no problem. She has ownership of her body and the right to decide not to do this or that with me. As far as the feminist version of rape law above, well, they can just fuck off.
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