Friday, August 08, 2008

Western Women's Culture of Meanness

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated August 23:

In the comments section, Lafayette Sennacherib says, possibly jokingly:
I'll go along with feminism this far: it's ok for women to bring in a wage, as long as they still rear the kids, clean the place, cook, sew, provide regular sex, are totally faithful unless it's with another woman and we can watch/share, and don't mind their men having a bit on the side. Fair's fair! We owe them that much!
I don't know if he's joking or not, but I won't even go that far. I decided to ask Sexmaniacman his opinion of LS' post, and here is what he said:
Bob, first of all, thanks so much for inviting me over so I can write about this. My complaint, Bob, is that feminism has cultivated a culture of meanness, at least here in the US. I would say that American women have cultivated a culture of meanness, but I think they reason they have is feminism. Feminism makes women pissed off at us men. Period. Full stop.

As a het guy who chooses to deal with women as more than platonic friends, I don't dig being hated on. It sucks, and it feels deflating to my cock.

I've gotten to the point now where I can have sex even with a woman who completely hates me and is making that clear as we are engaging in the sex act, but it wasn't always that way. Angry, bitchy, emasculating women make men impotent. Either physically, psychologically, or spiritually.

I figure even non-feminist women are bitchy enough sometimes. Add feminism into the stew and now they are way bitchier even than they are normally. Fuck that. I hate bitchy women. Nothing worse.

One thing that I have noticed is that a lot of wimpy, leftwing, pro-feminist men love bitchy women. They sit back and cheer them on.

And these bitchy feminists are attracted to wimpy pro-feminist guys, but the truth is that these guys' wimpiness drives the feminists insane, because even though they are feminists who say they hate macho men and machismo, they are still women, and most women hate wimpy guys and long for a macho man to reduce them to meek, wimpering Southern belles.

That's why feminism doesn't work in practice.

It creates what we've got in Northern California. The stereotypical Northern California male: so wimpy and/or feminized that a lot of people will think the guy is gay. And it concurrently creates the Northern California female: so butch and/or masculinized that a lot of people will think she's a dyke.

These two things attract each other. That's why you will find a fair number of these wimpy-type guys messing around with guys, and you will find quite a few of these dykey women either messing with women or just going full gay either part of full-time.

Macho guys create feminine female counterparts and vice versa. Wimpy guys create bitches at best and vice versa and create macho dykey women at worst and vice versa. At both extremes, normally het people will start moving into homosexuality and bisexuality.

This is another thing I have against feminism: it's full of lesbians. Now, I have nothing against lesbians and gay men being members of gay rights organizations. But why should feminism, objectively merely pro-women's rights, be full of a dykes? Reason is that feminism creates lesbians, and for some weird reason, lesbians love feminism.

Have you ever noticed that the women who scream most about rape are lesbians, probably really butch, dykey, homely and living in some gay community, IOW, just about the least likely women to get raped!

The women most likely to get raped are het women, women who are fully involved with men and men's lives, and who have men in their lives. Straight men, not gay men. Often they are raped by their boyfriends, husbands, dates or just guys they know.

I go to a feminist site and typically it's swarming with lesbians. My first reaction is why? I went to a feminist site, not a gay rights site. Second reaction is turnoff. I'm here to see what straight women think, not lesbians.

Final thought is even more disturbing. A lot of radical feminists and feminist separatists openly hate men. They're into misandry. Yep, the very women screaming most about misogyny are often misandrists themselves. It's it's bad for the goose, it's bad for the gander.

As feminism has cultivated misandry (something many feminists now admit), it's turned lots of feminists into a bunch of lesbians. A family friend was one of the founding members of NOW, and I was a member myself for years. She eventually quit going to the meetings because the feminist women wouldn't stop hitting on her and propositioning her. Even back then, the movement was swarming with lesbians.

I'm perfectly willing to help raise the kids, clean the house and cook the food, but I am sorry that I cannot sew. I'd be glad to learn if it was easy. I'm not sure I even mind if women cheat. I never used to mind and often had open relationships.

I was raised in the androgynous 1970's. In part I was never comfortable with the macho man thing, so I rejected it because it just wasn't me, and though I was always into masculinity deep down inside, I was also influenced by feminism wanting to make us into "New Men" - sensitive, vulnerable, all that.

I turned into a straight Mick Jagger - Steve Tyler - New York Dolls androgynous surfer - rocker - punk rocker - doper - dope dealer - compulsive womanizer.

What did I get for this? Guys tried to beat me up for "being a fag". I even got beat over the fucking head with a baseball bat once. Nicer people were continuously suggesting that I was gay or bi, much to my consternation. Usually it was guys saying I was gay. Females, being more intelligent, usually thought I was bi, because gay men have no interest in women.

I was attacked by my very own girlfriends, heads full of feminism, for being gay, bi, wimpy or just not much a man. Screw this. What did I get out of going along with this feminist "New Man" shit? Not a damn thing. Hell with it. I'm gonna be a macho pig, and the feminists can fuck off if they don't like it.
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