Sunday, September 21, 2008

Many Political Parties, One Illegal Alien Flavor

In California, we have several political parties. On the Right, we have the California Illegal Alien Libertarian Party and the California Illegal Alien Republican Party. On the Left, we have the California Illegal Alien Green Party, the the California Illegal Alien Peace and Freedom Party and the California Illegal Alien Democratic Party.

The parties differ in some ways. Although they all love illegal alien criminal invaders who are destroying this state much more than American citizens, they do seem to differ in their love for the criminal aliens and bristling hatred for the citizens of our nation. The California Illegal Alien Republican Party probably loves the illegals and hates the citizens the least, though it's hard to say.

There's no difference for all intents and purposes between the wackjobs in the local Democratic Party and the flat-out idiots in the parties of the Left. All anti-illegal alien legislation has ended in this idiot state. We have stupid sanctuary cities all up and down our blighted Golden State. Raids against illegal aliens are few and far between.

I frequently see illegals working at workplaces, even large corporate stores, but I never bother to call ICE. San Fransisco is reeling from crimes committed by illegal alien criminals, including a high profile recent set of murders.

That these criminals were all minor illegal aliens, convicted of felonies, whom the lunatic city of San Fransisco then shipped out to group homes in order to keep the punk garbage from being deported back to whatever Banana Republic they invaded from, was the telling point. The city was shipping the felons to group homes at vast expense.

The punks would escape from the group homes in 2-3 weeks. Then they would come back to the city to prey on American citizens. Vast numbers of them are in gangs.

Los Angeles has been destroyed; a wasteland of gangs, graffiti, crime and foreigners where the English language is seldom heard and signs in English are hard to find. About 50% of the workers in Los Angeles County are illegal aliens, according to the City Council. The city mayor is a La Raza traitor.

California is not necessarily the land of the fruits and the nuts. One of my best friends is a Communist who is so furious about illegal aliens that I am a bit worried about him. That's not so unusual out here. The Hispanics here are hopeless, and most of the legal immigrants and Hispanic citizens are out and out traitors, supporting the armies of locust-like invaders.

It seems that an awful lot of Whites here have swallowed the Koolaid and gone over to illegal alien lover. There's a lot of pressure in that direction. If you speak out against the criminal invader army in public, people will jab you with their elbow and order you to shut up. Voices get raised, even White voices.

If there are any Hispanics around, you are going to get some sharp looks. It's downright dangerous to diss the illegals in most parts of this state, so a lot of Whites just wimp out, go native or wigger or the Hispanic equivalent, and just run up the White flag. We're outnumbered as it is, our existence is precarious, the Hispanic majority is rather dangerous, so why piss em off?

On the other hand, check out the San Fransisco Chronicle's recent articles on the City's raving nutball Sanctuary City bullshit policy. Probably 90% of the population of San Fransisco are Democrats and most are pretty liberal. What really struck me reading through the comments was how many apparently liberal Democrat San Fransiscans were frothing at the mouth over this Sanctuary City madness and illegal aliens in general.

A couple of decades ago, San Fransisco was home to some fine Democratic politicians, generally liberal, often ethnic. One thing they were, unlike this latest Leftwing cancer, was patriotic. They had names like Sam Alioto. I don't think for a second that Alioto would have stood for this Sanctuary City bullshit.

On the national level, things are the same. We have the Illegal Alien Republican Party and the Libertarian Party on the Right. The position of the Libertarian Party is variable. Talking to hardcore Libertarians on the ground, it seems almost 100% of them are pro-Open Borders. However, Ron Paul seemed to be running on some sort of an anti-illegal alien platform, although this goes against standard Libertarian philosophy.

On the Left, we have the usual gang of traitors and idiots.

There's the Illegal Alien Democratic Party, of which I am a reluctant member, which has as its unofficial policy the utter insanity of an end to workplace raids, an end to fines and an end to jail terms for criminals who hire invaders instead of real Americans, and complete amnesty for all of the criminals who invaded our land and displaced real Americans from their jobs, and spread crime, gangs, graffiti, massive dropout rates, ghettos, decay, squalor, degeneration, lowering of the quality of life, and devastation all over our fair land.

That is basically the same stance as the the Illegal Alien Green Party, of which I am also a reluctant member. On the far Left, we have the Illegal Alien Communist Party USA, of which I am once again a reluctant member.

The two parties are running two traitors for President. Barack Obama, whom I otherwise support, was the co-sponsor of the Kennedy-McCain Amnesty Insanity bill that was thankfully shot down last summer. John McCain, as the name of the bill implies, was sponsor, along with Ted Kennedy, an otherwise fine liberal politician.

McCain now says he would vote against his own bill. He goes around the country speaking to Hispanic groups, telling them in public meetings that he opposes amnesty and in private meetings that he still supports his Kennedy-McCain Amnesty Psychosis Bill.

Other than that, Obama is actually even worse. He wants to end all of the otherwise meager workplace raids. Even Bush still carries out one of those once in a blue moon.

I kind of like to go to liberal and Left websites. I have lots of choices. I can got to the Daily Kos Illegal Alien site or I can go to the Counterpunch Illegal Alien site. Can someone show me a liberal or Left website doesn't love criminal invaders and despise real Americans?

I can and used to subscribe to liberal and Left magazines. I had some choices. Mother Jones Illegal Alien magazine, The Nation Illegal Alien magazine and Utne Reader Illegal Alien magazine. On the Right, I have some more choices. I can subscribe to Time Illegal Alien magazine or Newsweek Illegal Alien magazine.

So many choices! Plenty of parties, websites and mags for the illegals, and almost none for the real Americans.

When it comes to a bunch of invader criminals tearing up our land and devastating our wages, just about 100% of our political and media class supports them. When it comes to workers who are real American citizens, most all of the parties on the Right and Left and all of the media on the Left and Right are out to screw them by empowering their enemies, the illegals. For the illegals, everything. For American citizens, nothing.

What a bunch of crap!

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