Saturday, September 13, 2008

Reports of the FARC's Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

Following up on an earlier post, it appears that reports of the FARC's death have been greatly exaggerated. For example, in the very short period between when the media learned of the death of FARC commander Manuel Marulanda in late May 2006 until the accession of Alfonso Cano, an anthropologist, in late June, to the top leadership position, many attacks were waged by the FARC.

I count 23 attacks over a 27 day period, and those are only the attacks that were covered by the press. Many others are not even reported.

The FARC bombed the Caño Limón-Coveñas oil pipeline in Norte de Santander, shutting it down.

On May 27, the FARC's 50th Front bombed a train carrying coal in La Guajira department, derailing it.

From May 30 to June 3, there was heavy fighting between the FARC's 21st Front and the Colombian Army in Zaragoza, Antioquia, which caused the displacement of 500 civilians.

Around May 31, the FARC's 59th Front blew up power pylons and burned trucks at roadblocks in La Guajira department.

On June 4, the FARC's 50th Front used a roadside bomb to attack a police convoy with three trucks and 30 policemen near Génova, on the border between Valle del Cauca and Quindío departments. Three police were killed and three more were wounded in this attack.

On June 4, the FARC detonated a land mine on an army patrol in Quebrada Seca, near the city of Peque e Ituango, in northwestern Antioquia. 1 soldier was killed and seven more were wounded.

On June 4, a member of the paramilitary death squad The Heroes of Granada was assassinated in the middle of Medellin in the district of Manrique-Las Granjas. The FARC may have been responsible.

Between June 7-11, the FARC carried out five attacks on military personnel in Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca.

On June 9, the FARC shot down a Colombian Air Force UH-60 helicopter in Mayoyoque, near Puerto Guzmán in Putumayo. The helicopter was destroyed and three soldiers were wounded.

On June 9, the FARC's 8th Front destroyed three power pylons in Patía, Cauca.

On July 14 and 15, the FARC bombed a police station in Tarazá, Antioquia, wounding four policemen.

On July 14 and 15, the FARC's 9th Front bombed a hotel in Granada where army intelligence was staying and bombed a police station in the same city. There were no casualties.

On June 15, the FARC's 50th Front detonated a land mine on an army patrol in Quindío, killing two soldiers.

On June 16, the FARC bombed four targets in the heart of Bogotá, including a police station in the Suba district in northwestern Bogotá.

On June 22, a FARC detachment attacked a police patrol near a police station in Caguán, Huila, killing one policeman and wounding one more.

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