Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bill Ayers, Rapist

Evidence here (Hat tip Entitled To An Opinion). I realize he's unrepentant about the bombings (Good for him!) but I sure hope he's repentant about this nefarious act.

It was long known that the New Left was full of a bunch of guys who spouted all the feminist bullshit when on prime time but when the doors were shut, were complete sexist pricks. "The best place in the movement for the women is on their backs." Geez, that's really crappy.

I still get chills thinking about Eldridge Cleaver, who was just nothing but a Black rapist criminal who especially loved to rape White women like so many Black rapists, defending rape (of White women) as an "insurrectionary act" in Soul on Ice. Oh, screw you, Eldridge. It's sad that books like that even got famous.

"I'm a Black criminal, I love to rape women because I'm evil, but the racist system made me rape White women." Nothing but criminals seeking to justify their behavior like they always do. Cleaver changed his name and calmed down.

Recall that I was a hippie back in the 1970's, when California dopers and longhairs looked up to a lot of these radicals like heroes. My friends were in the Brotherhood of Eternal Love in Laguna Beach where Timothy Leary and his pals cooked up huge doses of Orange Sunshine LSD and distributed it to the world. These guys were living in treehouses in Laguna Canyon in the 1970's and selling vast qualities of acid.

We ran around quoting Timothy Leary, Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman and believing that pot and psychedelics would transform mankind for the better.

I remember once I opened my top drawer and there were 1,000 hits of LSD in there. I ran around with pounds of psilocybin mushrooms in my briefcase, disguised as an office worker, or in my gym bag, disguised as a yuppie going to the gym. I never got caught and it was all in good fun. My friends knew Timothy and Rosemary Leary and used to hang out at his house in the Hollywood Hills.

I've known that Ayers raped a woman for some time now. I don't think I've ever done anything that evil.

I did support the Weathermen bombings though, and I still do. They only did property damage, they gave warning calls, and no one got hurt. In Summer 1980, I was riding around Long Beach, California on my bike, stoned out of my mind, with Prairie Fire Organizing Committee and a big red star scrawled on my t-shirt, pissing off rednecks.

Other than that, they were a bunch of New Left ultra-wackos. I recall a Weatherman standing up at some party meeting and saying that all White women must abort their White babies in order to drive the White race into extinction. This is where these clowns were really coming from. They were in with the really radical Black Separatist Black Power crazies from Day One.

One of their 1970's splits was called the George Jackson Brigade. All of the communiques of the George Jackson brigade are here (cool link!). I think that the GJB is nothing but the WU in the mid-1970's. As you can see, these nutjobs were allied with the Symbionese Liberation Army insane people. Patty Hearst and all that. It was a great time to be a Californian.

Note also where they say that 50% of the women in the movement were lesbians. Well, of course. That's one more reason these idiots leave me cold.

Jackson was some Black criminal who got sent to prison for armed robbery. While there, he turned into a radical and decided it was all the system's fault. Later, Angela Davis helped smuggle guns into a courtroom, and a judge got murdered. She got off, too, and so did her radical White attorney who smuggled the guns in in a wig or something.

Later, after more splits, the remains teamed up with Black Liberation Army separatist assholes, robbed a Brinks truck and murdered a cop and seriously wounded the Brinks driver.

As an aside, I used to subscribe to the journal of their above ground journal, called Breakthrough, published by the John Brown Book Club, in the late 1980's. The journal was actually OK. I subscribed just to piss off as many people as possible and as part of my ongoing effort to act as evil as I can legally get away with.

These guys were funny. I would write them a check for $6, and it would never clear. I would wonder what happened, until finally, 10 months later, they finally cash the $6 check. I guess they're a bunch of Commies who don't care about money.

PFOC is apparently still active in Seattle politics.

This interesting, but extremely radical blog seems to be coming from a similar point of view. They call themselves Maoist-Third Worldists. They often see workers in the First World as a de facto pro-imperialist grouping that is actively attacking Third World workers. I would not exactly put it that way, but sadly there is a bit of truth to that.

These characters are also some of the only folks out there anymore who will ferociously take on nationalism itself, not ultranationalism, not national-chauvinism, but, yes, nationalism itself, as a load of reactionary crap. There are times when I find myself nodding sadly.

They also say that what needs to be done is to get the Third World together and smash the First World. It's First World versus Third World, and it's a war, dammit. You find a lot of White nationalists on the Right insisting that this is the real Commie agenda, but I've been around Left circles for years and at least hardly ever heard anyone come out and say it. These guys are the real deal.

Does the Third World need to smash the Third World. As a 1st Worlder, I'm obviously biased. Um? I don't know? Camp of Saints, anyone?

Anyway, these guys are raising some pretty interesting questions, at the very least!

Just because someone is a radical doesn't mean he always has his head up his ass. Sometimes a radical is the just the only one nuts and ballsy enough to say what's really true. Everyone else has been brainwashed by whatever the Zeitgeist of the culture is.

In case they are still in business, here's where you order. Fight Republican dirty tricks! Become a Weather Underground supporter today! Haha.

Prairie Fire Organizing Committee

PO Box 14422
San Francisco, CA 94114

$6 per year (4 issues)

Also: John Brown Book Club

Self-Description: Supports liberation of internal Black colony

Comments: Armed Struggle now. Descendant of the Weather Underground Organization (WUO, "The Weathermen").


Jacobs, Ron. 1997. The Way the Wind Blew: A History of the Weather Underground. London & New York: Verso.

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