Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Conservative Math: Liberals = Nigger Lovers = Queers

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated October 24:

In the comments section, huy, a Leftish Brit, is stunned by the weirdness and stupidity of American conservatism, and really White American society as a whole:

I'm still amazed by the American right wing.

According to them:

Liberal = sexually liberal = faggot.

Liberal = left wing = socialist = Commie.

Thus Commie = faggot.

Rich Texan Oil tycoons who wear cowboy hats and drive SUV's and only date blond women and drink jack Daniels, or violent redneck skinheads on crystal meth or Harley Davidson gun loving biker gang members are the only real men in America.

The more individualist and selfish you are, the more manly you are.

In Europe, its the homosexual men that are most individualist with their fancy clothes etc.

Interesting stuff. I have noticed that the Democrats = liberals = socialists = Communists = fags thing is worst of all with the White racists, I mean White nationalists, excuse me!

This seems to be a standard line of their discourse. Not only are we queer because we are liberal - Democrat - socialist - Communists, but there is something uniquely faggoty, unmanly and queerish about a White man being a nigger-lover. After all, that is the White racists one and only beef against the Left. We support their racial enemies (anyone not White) and we supposedly oppose White folks.

The image they have constructed is of an ubermasculine White man as super-racist. If you're White and you're not a racist, you're not much of a White man, therefore not much of a man. It's a most interesting construction, and I wish more people wrote about it.

It's a bit beyond me why the pinnacle of masculinity is to be a racist shit, and why the commanding heights of faggotry are reached by loving humanity before one's tribe, but I'm trying to get my mind around it.

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