Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Defense of White Working Class Republicans

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated December 7:


Doesn't make much sense.

First of all, it starts out with a defense that the White working class is making an intelligent decision to vote on abortion, gay rights and the 2nd Amendment as opposed to economics. Not much to say to that.

Next he argues that Democrats don't really have the economic interests of the White working class at heart; in fact, Republicans do. This is the hoary Republican line, disproven endlessly, especially in these difficult times.

Finally he gets down to some red meat. Turns out that Republicans are better for the White working class because they support lax to nonexistent zoning regulations, which makes homes cheaper! This incredible argument is from none other than Steve Sailer, who apparently works for the Republican Party now. Sailer wants to have a truce with me, but I am thinking of unilaterally violating the cease-fire.

According to Sailer, the Republicans support something called "cheap family formation". A study of economic statistics over the past 30 years should disprove that.

Yeah, I've met so many working class Whites who vote Republican to eviscerate zoning laws so they can get a cheap house ! Lax zoning laws of course being a prime cause of crappy neighborhoods in the first place of course.

Next up. It's smart for the White working class to vote Republican an anti-immigration basis. Though both parties are horrible on this issue, the current Republican Party is one of the most horrible parties for immigration-restrictionists in recent memory. The Republican Party is for all intents and purposes an Open Borders political party.

Last, it's smart for the White working class to vote Republican because Democrats try to desegregate White schools. First of all, few actual desegregation efforts occur outside the South anymore. Second of all, they are ordered by judges, not federal, state or local officials. Third, I am not aware of the Republicans doing anything to stop desegregation of schools.

From the banner:
Half Sigma

The new politics of common sense. Neither Republican, Democratic, nor Libertarian.
Um, don't think so.

Who is this blogger? He's big enough to get written up in the New York Times? How sorry.

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