Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Equality is Not a Prerequisite For Liberalism

On a White nationalist blog that linked to me, I noted that it was possible to be a race realist and a socialist. This provoked the following objection:
...That makes no sense. A fundamental principle of liberalism is that of equality, of human beings being equal and interchangeable. It's false of course, but take it away and all sorts of other leftist and liberal ideas crumble by implication.

I don't see how one can be a race realist without that leading naturally to some sort of white supremacist / white nationalist / white exclusiveness position.
First of all, I would like to say some things about White Nationalism. I've finally concluded that White Nationalism is nothing but White racism and often White Supremacism.

It's just White racism and White Supremacism repackaged with a fancy new name called White Nationalism to make it seem like it's not those nasty things that we know of as White racism and White Supremacism, the latter being largely discredited. Well, if a philosophy is discredited, just invent a fancy new word for it and say it's not the bad thing it really is.

It also explains why White Nationalists are so sensitive about the word racism and always put it in quotes like this: "racism". Of course, they only do this when referring to White racism. Black racism, Hispanic racism, and all the other kinds are quite real; it's only White racism that is phantasmagorical.

It's also interesting how White Nationalists project. While they are denying their own racism, they are often fulminating about Black racism and Hispanic racism and whatnot. That's clearly denial and projection.

There does seem to be a trend now with a lot of White Nationalists to come right out and admit that they are racists. This is to be encouraged. If you're racist, what the Hell, just admit it. It's not like you're alone in the world - the world is full of racists. And it's not like it's the worst thing in the world to be anyway - as White Nationalists note, there are sure plenty of Hispanic and Black racists out there.

White Nationalists think they have excellent reasons to be racists - they've had bad experiences with Blacks and Hispanics and want nothing more to do with them. If that's the case, then just admit it and make your case to an inquiring world.

There are a few White Nationalists who don't seem to be racists, but I would say that 98% of them are.

No, onto this fellow's rejoinder. This is a typical White Nationalist position. To them, one is either a silly race-denying liberal or one is a White Nationalist racist.

It doesn't work that way. I know a number of White liberals and even Leftists who feel that there are intrinsic differences between the races; they just don't think the question is very important. They date, befriend and even marry non-Whites. You might be surprised how common this type of thinking is.

One thing that always bothered me about the race realist crowd is that they insist that there are intrinsic differences between the races, and then proceed to blame races and ethnic groups for various average shortcomings and higher rates of pathologies.

But if those shortcomings and pathology rates are indeed genetic (This is what almost all race realists insist) then it follows that those groups should not be blamed for their shortcomings or pathologies. After all, it's genetic and nothing can be done, right?

So, first of all, they accuse a group of being the equivalent of handicapped, then they throw the crutches away, kick the wheelchair to the side, throw the person into the gutter, all the while cursing them for being a cripple. How cruel can you get? Why does a realization that humans are not intrinsically equal automatically seem to lead to the cruelest sort of Social Darwinism, at best?

And by the same token, if the superior races are only superior through the luck of the dices, what on Earth do they have to feel proud of anyway? Nothing, really. Have they done anything to earn their superior status? Hardly. They just lucked out in the genes crapshoot. Big deal.

If humans are not equal, then it would be up to the state to equalize things. If Blacks, on average are always going to fall behind due to lower IQ (I am beginning to fear that this may be the case), then that is no fault of their own anyway, and it's cruel to force them to suffer the ravages of the market, which is what most White nationalists seem to perversely want to do.

If Blacks were on average the same as we are, and the failures of their group were just due to their being a bunch of willful, perverse and deliberately wicked and stupid pricks, I would just say the Hell with them. But I honestly think that they can't help it.

Nor can Amerindians, Polynesians, Hispanics, Aborigines, or any other group that is going to tend to fall behind. It's really not their fault. Therefore, they should not be punished with failure for things that they can't help.

If Black income is always going to be a lot lower on average than, say, Whites, due to an IQ deficit that they have no control over, then it is the duty of the state through redistributive taxation to equalize things a bit and make it more fair for Blacks who fail through no fault of their own.

Humans are not necessarily equal at all. Even within a race, we are born with wildly differing IQ's and whatnot. I think most liberals would agree with that.

Even from a White Supremacist point of view, libertarianism makes no sense. Libertarianism is not only perverse for conscious White nationalists, it's downright cruel.

If you really love your own people so much, why throw them into a Roman-type pit where they consume each other alive while you cheer on the deadliest and most homicidal of the White cannibals? Only via some form of socialism can Whites really work together to help each other and have real solidarity.

I'm not interested in supremacism or chauvinism or nationalism or any of that. What are you looking for in your acquaintances? There are smart or good or kind, or any combination of many other great qualities, Blacks, Hispanics, Amerindians, Arabs, East Indians and all sorts of other non-Europeans. Just as smart, good and kind as your European White friends.

I love my people finally (after decades of self-hate) but Whites are not the end-all and be-all. I think Whites are a bit cold, for one. Hispanics and Blacks are much warmer and friendlier, and it's much easier to befriend them. Of course, their lower-income neighborhoods also have some big downsides too. There's good and bad with all groups, including Whites.

If people are not equal, that's no argument against liberalism. It actually implies we need it even more.

It means we need affirmative action, progressive taxation, humane prisons and all sorts of things you would never think of.

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