Tuesday, October 21, 2008

First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All the Teenagers

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated October 30:

Bernhard Goetz, one of my all-time heroes. Why? Because he shot five teenage thugs who were menacing him on the New York subway. How old were they? 18 and 19, a prime age for culling the human race.

What sex were they? They were males, but the more teenage females I meet these days, the more I wonder why we allow so many of them to suck our precious air either. What color were they? They were Black, but honestly, I really don't think White or Hispanic teenagers are any better.

What happened to poor Bernhard? He got 6 months in jail for attempting to improve humanity five punks at a time. What an outrage. He should have gotten a national holiday named after him instead.

I'm sorry he didn't kill all of them, and I'm happy the one teenage piece of shit is still paralyzed. It's not that I hate Black punk kids all that much; I just hate punk kids altogether. I'd love to see scores or hundreds of White and Hispanics kids getting the same or similar treatment every year in this country.

I'm not racist; I'm ageist. Truth is, the White ones are the worst ones of them all. It's the same as it was when I taught school when the White kids were the worst race of students - White kids have no respect and act like they own the town and the world.

I hate most kids from 16 to 20 or so (a few are ok, and younger ones are just fine) - White kids, Hispanic kids, Black kids, you name it, I hate em all. I wish we could just kill all of em at age 16, put them in deep freeze until age 21 or so, and then maybe bring them back to life when they've got some fucking sense.

Or take them at age 16, throw them all onto islands with enough food, water, iPods, birth control pills, guns, bullets and dope to last em four years, and let em fight out. Hopefully, the worst ones would get killed off, but we would save on trials, imprisonments, burials, and bullshit payouts for cop shootings of worthless punks.

I think that's why I don't want to teach school ever again - I hate teenagers way too much, especially White teenagers. I'm not sure I would want to teach community college either - I hate lots of 18-20 year olds too, especially the White ones.

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1 comment:

  1. I fully agree with this, Quality over Quantity I say! Stupid teenagers are a waist of tax dollars, they are walking STDs and HIV, plus they are a perversion to the human race. But the white bashing is not needed though, I mean come on lets get out of that still fighting WW2 mentality ha ha.

    I say we should have big concentration camps to re educate them, and they cannot leave until they become smart and learn that democracy is evil, then they will be of good use. I do say this though, some of them are good people and smart too, but not all.

    Ohh ha ha how about those stupid white teens who dress and act like whiggers, what a joke! Half of these whiggers are asking to be beat up big time ha ha.You cant be rappers retards!!! get over it freaks.
