Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is The Political Spectrum Linear or Circular?

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

If you want to take the time, can someone please tell me where this guy is coming from? A lot of it looks like good Left progressive stuff, but then there seems to be this kind of Far Right Ron Paul populism too. I don't get it. What is it? Some kind of marriage between Far Right and Far Left? I'm seeing more and more of this crap nowadays on progressive and Left sites and I must say, I don't really like it.

While we are at it, where the Hell is Jeff Rense coming from anyway? Same place as this guy? He can write about Bigfoot and UFO's all he wants, and there are usually lots of good articles on the site, but his politics seriously creeps me out. For one thing, he's leaking anti-Semitism out of his pores.

My Mom has been telling my whole life, "Well, you know. It's like a circle. When you go so far to the Left and so far to the Right, you don't have two polar opposite ends of a huge ruler. The ruler starts bending and becomes circular. It's a circle. Far Right and Far Left meet, and you just have a nut, a fanatic." I always figured that was just Left-trashing, but now I'm starting to wonder.

There were some people marching against the war in Oakhurst the other day and my brother went to talk to them. Some of them handed some really weird brochures full of all this conspiratorial shit. I went to the site and it was the same thing. Anti-CIA, anti-militarism, anti-Bush, anti-Iraq War, ok, that's good.

Then it starts taking off into all this weird conspiracy theory about the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, the New World Order, Ron Paul, black helicopters, chemtrails, bla bla bla. Kind of like this guy.

Hard economic times really brings this stuff out bigtime.

Is this what the new radical US populism is going to look like? Some Far Right - Far Left mix? I don't mind the Far Left part, but whenever anyone starts talking about "marrying Left and Right", I get the creeps. I hate to say it, but that tends to end up in some weird kind of fascism of one species or other. One of the favorite fascist lines was about "getting rid of Left and Right".


Color me perturbed.

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