Tuesday, November 04, 2008

African-Americans, This is Your Day

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Barack Obama is POTUS.

Hundreds of thousands of people were already converging on Grant Park in Chicago before the election was called. Wow, that must have been an incredible sight to behold. I wish I could have been there. I love to be part historic crowds like that. The crowd that heard Barack's speech was estimated at 500,000.

I thought at first that they would almost all be Black people, but the crowd contained just about anyone you could possibly imagine - including a very large number of Whites. His speech was very good, he called McCain a war hero and complimented him in other ways he probably does not deserve, and so was the crowd, as nary a boo was heard. But it's easy to be magnanimous in victory.

The election had not been called yet, and I was driving around town running errands. The radio was on again, and they were going to John McCain speaking in Arizona. This early, with the polls in California just closed, there could only be one reason for that.

I listened intently as John McCain got to the punch. Congratulating Barack Obama for winning the election to POTUS. A chorus of boos flooded out McCain's voice and he tried to hold them back, but they kept on booing. Later, he mentioned that Obama was now McCain's President, and McCain was ready to serve him. Boos again. Every time he mentioned Barack's name, the boos poured out.

I think McCain is going to resign his Senate seat. Despite a charitable and honorable concession speech, I feel that at core, he's still a nasty little man. He reminds me of some folks close to me I can't name.

He wants the ultimate, and if he can't get it, he quits. Daddy was an admiral and John McCain always wanted to be an admiral. He couldn't get admiral, so he quit the Navy. He immediately ran for Barry Goldwater's Senate seat in Arizona, with an eye towards running for President. Although an effective Senator, he always really wanted to be POTUS. Now that he can't get it, I figure he quits the Senate. Any thoughts?

I used to have some respect for McCain for being the Republican version of a maverick. He's not a wingnut, and he never was. He hates those people, he has for years, and they know it. That's why the base has always hated him as a RINO. He especially despises the White Christian fundamentalist wingnuts, since he's a secular and reasonable man. This election, he ran as the as Wingnut Supreme, and I lost all respect for him.

At some level, you have to at least respect a man who has principles, even if it's Hitler. Give them less than 1% for that at least.

George W. Bush is what he is. He's a real wingnut. He really believes all that crazy religious crap. None of the traditional noblesse oblige of his family's, and his father's, white-bread East Coast Episcopalian elite for him. He moved to Texas and grew spurs from his shins. Bush is no pretender. He's the God of the Republican Base made flesh.

For running as the wingnut is not, never was, and never will be, McCain showed me that he ultimately has no values and no shame. In particular for running this uber-sleazy Rovian campaign. We expect it from W.; he's never made any pretensions to respectability or decency. McCain always acted like he was above all that. Guess not, when the throne itself is at stake. Too bad.

Soon after Barack was declared winner, thousands of Blacks were parading through the streets of West Philadelphia, the Black part of town. Good for them. It's certainly more commendable than rioting.

This is your day, African-Americans. Savor the historic moment.
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