Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Benefits of An Obama Election: No More Excuses

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

One great thing about the coming election of Obama as POTUS is that hopefully Blacks, other minorities and Leftist Whites will finally have to STFU about White racism (to some extent) and quit screaming racist at White people all the time. Heck, I'm a Leftist anti-racist, and these idiots call me racist incessantly. This has gone way overboard for many years and it's time to call the dogs off.

It's hard to believe that a virulently racist and White Supremacist US, dripping with White Privilege and other nonsense, would voluntarily choose to elect the antidote to its racism, supremacism and privileges.

Also, hopefully, Blacks and Leftists won't have any more excuses for the problems of Blacks and other minorities. If these problems continue under a Black President, just how much of it was due to racism anyway?

I'm probably dreaming here. The Left, Blacks and other minorities are hooked on the crack of screaming racist at Whitey and blaming us for everything. The habit feels so good and has so many excellent psychological benefits (Why do you think fools go through so much of their lives blaming other people?) that there's really no reason for them to stop it and face the harsh music.

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