Saturday, November 15, 2008

Death Tolls For Western Imperialism, Colonialism and 3rd World Capitalism

Via Gideon Polya. In general, the figures are post-WW2. He also takes to task the "incompetent governance" in South Asia (Bangladesh, Nepal, India and Pakistan) with massive deaths.

The Global Avoidable Mortality blog looks pretty interesting, and I have mucked around there a bit.

The part about 500 million dead Muslims post-1950 looks pretty interesting, but I haven't looked into that yet.

More Polya here.

Total excess mortality per year as of 2004:
Iraq        122,000

Afghanistan 359,000

India 2.2 million

Pakistan 478,000

Bangladesh 288,000
In Iraq and Afghanistan, those are the excess deaths that are probably occurring due to Coalition activities (especially in Iraq). In Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, the excess deaths are probably due to the lack of socialism.

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