Monday, December 08, 2008

Blog Status Report

Blogger locked this blog due to violation of the Terms of Service Agreement and the Content Policy. An investigation was undertaken and it was determined that while this blog is, like a lot of us, offensive, it, like most of us, does not yet deserve to die.

I guess some poor sensitive souls complained about the blog and a lot of people started crying, saying it was offensive.

There were people crying everywhere, all over the country and even in some other nations, all because of Robert Lindsay. A lot of people couldn't go to work because they were too tearful, and traffic even got held up in some major US cities because of all the people crying. People would go into work and start crying and they would have to go home.

"Men" would come to read Robert Lindsay and start crying. Then they would go home and try to have sex with their girlfriends and wives, and halfway through the act, they would start crying again, lose their hardons, and curl up in a ball of tears next to their diabolically cackling women.

Robert Lindsay was starting to effect the economy and sex life of the nation itself.

Health experts warned that pretty soon some of these emo tards were going to start cutting themselves, burning themselves, acting out in Borderline ways, and even committing suicide on the Internet. All because of Robert Lindsay. It was a Goddamned public health issue, and Blogger had to do something quick.

Complaining about Robert Lindsay? That's like complaining about the sky for being blue. The whole purpose of this blog was to be offensive. It was the spirit of Tony Clifton, Wally Gator, Lenny Bruce, the Sex Pistols, the Germs and the /b/ section of the Chans transmuted into a blog-shaped form.

Now you have to click through a content screen before we let you in here to be eternally scarred and corrupted.

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