Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Screw the Dream Act

Blog dedicated to illegal immigrants currently ripping off the broke state of California by going to our universities without paying the foreign student fees that everyone else has to pay.


California really is that stupid.

If you're an honest foreigner and admit you are a legal immigrant to the US, you have to pay out of state or foreign student fees to go to university here in the US. If you come from another state of the US, you need to pay out of state fees.

If you lie and invade my country like a criminal, sneaking in here in violation of our laws, you get the royal carpet treatment. You don't have to pay out of state fees, and you don't have to pay foreign student fees either.

Hell, why not just waive the fees altogether? Let all the illegals go to school for free, and make the real Americans and the legal immigrants pay through the nose. That's about where this lunatic state of ours is headed. California is writing the book on insane with all this illegal alien coddling.

The folks who run this blog are apparently illegal immigrants at UCLA. They are obviously highly intelligent, and they probably behave quite well. They'd probably be an asset to society, except they broke all the damn rules and cheated to get in. That's not fair to everyone who did it right.

It's dedicated to their misnamed Dream Act, which I hope is never passed. And yeah, it is amnesty, by the way.

If they only wanted to pass the Dream Act, it might be tolerable. But they want to legalize all the illegals, and that would be a complete catastrophe. A poster here notes that illegals are now being forced to turn into con artists to sneak in here. Wow. I thought the whole idea of being an illegal in the first place was a gigantic con, with US society as the butt of the joke.

I'd really like to know the whole agenda here. OK, we legalize 12-20 million illegals, and insure that another 40 million chain migrants are coming in later. After a disaster like that, what do you do for an encore?

Ok, so now what? Secure the border? What's to stop more illegals from pouring in? I have a sneaking suspicion that almost all of these illegal alien activists really support Open Borders. Prove to me that they don't.

I supported the Dream Act until 1½ years ago when I moved to a city totally overrun by Mesoamerican illegal immigrants. Now I oppose it with every fiber in my body. I will say that if this town was full of folks like the undergrads running that blog, I'm not sure if I care. Those undergrads are not typical illegals, and that's the whole problem.

It shouldn't be real difficult for them to head back to Mexico and enroll in a university there. If you ask me, Mexican universities are actually more demanding than American ones, at least at the BA level. I think Mexican universities are even free. What's stopping you all?

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