Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ricardo Lopez Live Internet Suicide Video

The story of Ricardo Lopez is a very sad one. He grew up in Florida and was remembered well by many of his friends as a kind, sensitive, artistic and intelligent boy.

After high school, he moved out and moved away from home to another state. He always had a weight problem, but it got a lot worse. He got holed up in his apartment all the time, never going out, and his mental health got worse and worse.

He decided that he was in love with the singer Björk, and turned into a stalker. He become one of those obsessed fan types. He made many videos on the Internet in which he was obviously not very stable.

He talked about his love for Björk, how he was in love with her, and also how he wanted to torture and kill her. Why stalkers wish to kill the woman they think they are in love with is not known. He made an acid-spraying bomb and mailed it to Björk, but fortunately it was intercepted before it could do any harm. It later turned out that he was furious at her for dating a Black man.

Before the police could arrest him, he had videotaped his own tragic suicide, blowing his brains out on cam for all to see.

Later it turned out that there were about 20 hours of videotape that he had made documenting his descent into psychopathology, including painting his face green, shaving his head bald, walking around naked showing off his fatass body and his huge moobs, making and testing the acid bomb, and just generally being crazy as fuckall.

The entire 20 hours of tape is apparently available on Internet, possibly for free, possibly for money. It's fascinating to watch if you want to see hours and hours of sheer batshit nuts psychopathology and a man's descent into utter whackery. I'm thinking of getting ahold of the tapes and watching them for the sheer sick fascination of it.

There are sites on the Net about Ricardo Lopez, including testimonials from many people who knew him as a youth. Many expressed deep sadness about his descent, since when they had known him as a boy he had been such a nice person. Something went terribly wrong somewhere with Ricardo Lopez.

Ricardo Lopez is an interesting study in psychopathology. He's clearly not healthy, but I don't have the foggiest idea of what mental disorder to give him, if any. He may not be diagnosable at all, and the best diagnosis may be as it is in many cases: criminal.