Thursday, August 16, 2007

Are Dagestanis and Tajiks White?

In the recent Russian neo-Nazi decapitation video (posted on this site here), the Russian Nazi fools and their moronic White Nationalist supporters on the Internet claimed that Dagestanis and Tajiks are "Black", "non-White", or "muds" (non-White). In this post, we will examine whether or not any sane person could possibly say that Dagestanis and Tajiks are not members of the very large Caucasian, or White race.

Although there is no Dagestani race per se, 75% of them are Lezgins, Azars and Dargins, all of whom are apparently related to Iranians.

A traditional Dagestani couple in traditional dress. The garb closely resembles Chechen garb, at least on the man. Nazi idiots claim these people are not White. Is that dumb or what?

Yet another Dagestani man in traditional dress. That is probably a long sword in his hand. Although the Dagestanis fought against the Czarist White Army during the Russian Civil War, Stalin's industrialization never made it down here very much, and Dagestan remained quite poor.

The Dagestanis fought alongside other Caucasians against Russian imperialism in the 1800's for almost 50 years. As you can see, he is somewhat darker than a Slav, but to me he just looks White, like an Armenian, Greek or Italian.

16% of Dagestanis are members of the Turkic groups the Nogai and Kalmyks. The Nogai often have prominent Caucasian features and interestingly, many have joined forces with the Chechen guerrillas.

The remainder are made up of many tiny groups, often each speaking their own strange and complex language. These tiny groups seem mostly to be related to the Iranian groups mentioned above.

The political situation in Dagestan is violent and unstable, with a highly active violent Muslim and separatist rebellion that the Russians have not been able to suppress.

There are conflicts between Dagestanis and Chechens in a part of Dagestan bordering Chechnya that was hacked off of Chechnya, depopulated of Chechens and donated to Dagestan back in 1944. The Chechens want it back. At the same time, the Lezgins agitate for a separate state in the area of southern Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan where they are most populous.

A map detailing the incredible number of languages spoken in Dagestan. There are 30 separate languages spoken in this tiny area. Many of them are extremely complex and are considered by linguists to be related only to other Northeast Caucasian languages, a language family whose only relatives are the languages of the Caucasus.

I think that the NE Caucasian family is related to Basque, Burushaski, Ket and a few other language isolates, but this remains to be proven. Most of these languages are still unwritten but are still going strong. These are probably some of the hardest languages on Earth to learn as a second language.

The village of Tindi, Dagestan in 1910. The Tindi language is spoken here. This is the reason for the incredible linguistic diversity in Dagestan. Inaccessibility. Every little group tucked into its own plunging valley amidst towering peaks, the terrain kept most invaders out, and those those who did take over wanted little to do with the place.

As each group spoke infrequently with its neighbors, languages diverged wildly in isolation from each other. A similar situation exists in many parts of Papua New Guinea, where an incredible 800 languages are spoken. In contrast, in flat plains or deserts, you often have few languages because it is so easy to talk to each other. As peoples converse, their languages do not tend to diverge.

Tajiks are an interesting ethnic group. Instead of being "Blacks" or "non-Whites", as the Nazi morons in Russia and on the web seem to think, the Tajiks are actually believed to be one of the closest living descendants of the Nazis' beloved "Aryans".

The Aryans are an Iranian people who settled in Central Asia 4000 years ago. The Tajiks are related to the Aryan Bactrian, Sogdian and Parnian peoples. Due to centuries of Persian immigration, they have a lot of Persian blood now. Physically, they resemble Mediterraneans such as Italians and Greeks. A minority are mixed with Asian lines from the Mongol invasions.

A group of beautiful little Tajik girls. Looking at them along with the old woman in the background, you can see that Tajiks are an ethnically heterogeneous group of people. Nazi cretins claim these people are "Black" and "non-Whites". They look that way to you? In fact, they are descendants of some of the first Whites to settle Europe - the original Indo-Europeans.

Aside from "race", both men were Muslim immigrants to Russia, and that is what these executions are really all about.

In other news, the student arrested for the distribution of the video has been named. Viktor Milkov, 23, from the city of Maikop in the Russian territory of Adygea, is a student at Adygea Technological University and a member of the Russian National Socialist Party who has been disseminating Nazi propaganda on the Net for 2 years.

The man said he received the video in an anonymous email from a woman. The man is being charged with distributing the video, but he is not thought to have been involved in making it. He is a known follower of the Russian Far Right and was involved in forming an organization called the Adygea Movement of Slavs.

Adygea is heavily populated by people called Circassians who have been widely dispersed through the Middle East since the capture of Circassia by Russia in the mid-1800's.

The Slavs are now the are the majority in Adygea, and the Circassians are only about 27%, but it was not always this way. The Circassians were always the majority there until Russians invaded the area in the 1800's, finally conquering it in 1850, after which the Circassians dispersed over much of the Levant, especially Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.

Many Russians have moved in since. But it's not like some ancient Russian homeland.

The makers of the video, the National Socialist Society of Rus, said that they were the militant wing of the National Socialist Society, or National Socialist Community (Natsional-Sotsialisticheskoye Obshchestvo, or NSO in Russian) a group that participates in marches called "The Russians March" and is known for attacks on homosexuals. The group was founded in 2004.

Their hard-to-find webpage has of course (wink) been painstakingly tracked down by this blog and can be found here. Milkov is being charged with inciting national, religious or ethnic hatred, a charge that carries up to five years in prison. Nationalist violence is completely out of control, with at least 70,000 skinheads logged by human rights groups, racist attacks occurring every day and an average of one racist murder a week.


  1. Russian people just defending themselfs,muslims are danger for europe culture.

  2. You think beheading one unarmed, bounded people, is self defense?!...This is a joke, right?...I was surprised at this sentiment, you are sick, man..

  3. You are foul dude , u need to see a shrink because if that is normal for u ... u are already retarded :)

  4. Race is not about skin color or appearances alone. Jews are the worst non-White race, and many would assume them to be White at a glance.

  5. I cant bear this sick talk of races any more. why are you, people, talking about things that DO NOT even exist???? maybe it's time to take a look into some books on genetics???? The human RACE is ONE. COLOURS are VARIETIES of RACE. A VARIETY does not meet all criteria for sth to be called a RACE. bloody uneducated morons, all you nazis and other shitheads of kin. shame on you.

  6. defending themselves.. bull shit this gruesome killing can only be done by animals not human beings.....sick people.

  7. Fucking niggers.
