Saturday, August 18, 2007

Over 400 Yezidis Killed by Al Qaeda in Iraq

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated January 23, 2008. The official report is now at 354, not 400, with 80 people still missing. There are 600, not 400, wounded, and many are not expected to make it. 10 more bodies were found on Sunday, August 19.

Genocidal Al Qaeda Sunni Muslim Nazis continued to attack non-Sunni Muslims in Iraq, this time driving four vehicle bombs at two Yezidi villages, Qataniya and Adnaniya, in Iraq near Sinjar, near the border with Syria. The attack occurred on Tuesday, August 13.

They drove four vehicles towards the two villages at once, aiming them at the residential compounds where many Yezidis were milling about outside in the cooling evening air. Some reports say the villages are near Mosul, but actually they are right next to the Syrian border.

Large areas of these villages lie in ruins and the scene resembles a nuclear bomb blast. 334 were confirmed dead as of Friday afternoon, August 17. Other reports on the same day said the toll had gone over 400. Another 400 were wounded and another 70 or so are feared buried in the rubble. All of the homes in both villages, 150 homes, were leveled.

Many of the wounded are missing hands and legs. Many of the wounded are critically hurt and have been dying in the hospital. It surpassed the previous high death toll for an attack of over 200 for an mortar and multiple car bomb attack in Sadr City in November 2006.

The Islamic State of Iraq was seen handing out flyers near the towns in the past week telling Arabs to stay away from the villagers because the Yazidis were anti-Islam.

There is little Iraqi government presence in the region near the Syrian border and Iraq is not able to control the border. Recently, dozens of local Iraqi security forces resigned after receiving threats from guerrillas. There is an excellent BBC video analysis of the attack on this page.

I do not agree with the US imperialist talking head in the video, Anthony Cordesman, who implies in the video that the US "surge" is working and that Al Qaeda is being driven to the far corners of Iraq and is desperately seeking to ignite divides between all of Iraq's ethnic and religious groups in order to set off a civil war.

There is already a civil war in Iraq. This blast shows that the surge is hardly working and that Iraq is a clusterfuck to nowhere. Worse, it's genocide in slow motion.

Juan Cole suggests that this attack shows that Sunni Arabs are fighting with the Yazidis over territory. Cole also carries an excellent comment from "Ivorybill" that shows the attack may indeed have been an intergroup battle over territory.

The Yazidis supported the Kurdish rebellion in the 1970's and subsequently Saddam's Arab Nazis (Arab nationalists) destroyed the villages, rebuilt them and repopulated them with Arabs as part of Saddam's sickening fascist "Arabization" policy.

In 2003, the Arabs were moved out, typically at gunpoint, and they fled to Mosul. I think they could have been put up in housing nearby if the Arabs wanted to be reasonable about it. The Arabs are now concentrated in Ba'aj, a Bedouin town in the desert, and relations between Arabs and Yazidis are very tense.

Interestingly, the Yazidis captured a videotape of Saddam meeting with Izzat Ad-Duri, his right-hand man, in 1998. Ad-Duri suggested "completely eliminating" the Yazidis in the Sinjar area, whatever that means. Saddam said no.

There is a possibility that the Baath Party (now led by Ad-Duri) may have been behind this attack along with Al Qaeda. In that case, we may blame Arab Nazis along with Muslim Nazis. Al Qaeda are a genocidal mixture of Arab Nazis and Muslim Nazis.

Along related lines, Yazidis report that all of the Yazidis in the area had been threatened for some time now by local Arabs because the Yazidis had planned to vote to annex their part of Iraq into the Kurdish Zone. The suggestion is that this is an attack to get them to flee so they won't vote to leave Iraq.

And pickup trucks from the surrounding Arab villages had recently been spotted scouting out the Yazidi towns that were attacked. This shows clearly that the local Arab villages were involved in this genocidal attack and probably enlisted Iraqi Al Qaeda to do it. Iraqi Al Qaeda now styles itself charmingly "the protector of the Sunnis", and the Arab-fascist dog "Marxist" Al-Kubaysi, discussed below, this sort of Nazi BS is just dandy.

But I agree with Eugene Robinson that this looks like something more - genocide. Like an ancient feud between two groups of people. And it's genocidal bigotry too - a Yazidi survivor notes that every time they go to Mosul or Tel Afar, the (Sunni) Arabs or the (Shia) Turkmen try to kill them.

Why? Because these Muslims feel that the Yazidi are "devil worshipers", that's why. For an article on this blog that effectively destroys that notion, see here . It's just Iraqi Al Qaeda taking their usual 1-100 revenge (a philosophy another tribal people called Jews are fond of) for the stoning of Dua Aswad Khalil.

A photo of Dua Khalil Aswad, a beautiful young Yazidi teenager. At age 17, Dua fell in love with a Muslim man, eloped with him, converted to Islam and married him. Her family was furious, but she was told that she would be forgiven if she went back home. She had been staying in a Muslim cleric's home.

When she went home she was accosted by 10,000 men in her village, then stripped and stoned to death by her own relatives. The death was captured on cell phones and can be seen on this blog here. More civilized Yazidis in the cities were appalled by her death and ashamed of the backwards tribal behavior of the Yazidis of the countryside. Al Qaeda, a radical feminist organization if there ever was one, was so outraged by this barbarism that they pledged to kill every Yazidi in Iraq.

Sure, Al Qaeda kills women all the time, Sunnis, Shia, Christians, Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen. Hell, they don't discriminate. But this was different. "Infidels" killed a Muslim and the evil Takfiris of Al Qaeda would not stand for that affront.

As if Al Qaeda does not murder Muslim women every day of the week in Iraq! After the stoning, Al Qaeda murdered 23 Yazidi men on a bus in Mosul. They distributed literature in mosques urging the killing of all Yazidis. They hate the Yezidis because they are infidels and because, even worse, they are suspected to be devil worshipers.

If Al Qaeda ever moves into any other nation in large force, they will do the same thing they are doing in Iraq - they will target the non-Muslim religious, Muslim Shia and Sufis and the secular for genocide.

We wiped fascism and Nazism off the face of Earth in WW2. We need to do the same to the Sunni Takfiris of Al Qaeda and their allied groups - wipe them out. I am sorry if that sentiment is not "progressive".

Online responses to the attacks varied. At the excellent MPACUK forum (derided as terror-supporting Al Qaeda-loving British Muslims by British Jewish Zionists) there was a civilized and heartwarming outpouring of sadness for the mass murders of the innocent, showing the Zionists to be the liars they always are.

The British London Times Online has a very nice story about the Yazidis, complete with a neat photo of Yazidi men in full religious garb. They also have one of the nicest looking news websites around (a redesign). There is another nice writeup on the MSNBC site. Incredibly, on this website heavily populated with supporters of Sunni Takfiri-Salafist jihadis, there were cheers for the genocidal attack on the Yazidis on the grounds that
  1. They are devil-worshipers.
  2. It's a legitimate revenge for the stoning death of Dua Aswad Khalil, the Yazidi woman who converted to Islam and then married her Muslim boyfriend.
1 Muslim = 400 Yazidis.

Dua Khalil Aswad at age 5, the "Muslim" whose death was worth 400 Yazidis is here. I am sure she would not approve of that calculation. I must admit that I just adore girls of about this age. Not really sexually, my fantasy chamber is full of mature females and I don't want or need room for much else. I just think they are the most beautiful and adorable human creatures on the planet. Of any race or culture, the 5 year old girl is the same. I love the way they play, laugh, run, tease and sing.

They are uninhibited, curious, and quite intelligent. I'd like to father a young girl myself some day if I could. At one, they are "cute" but very stupid. At 2, they are crying too much and too shy and afraid to show off their amazing intelligence of language. By 9 or so they are are more serious, the energy and non-stop joy level has declined.

This is, curiously, called maturity. The 5-year old girl is bold, curious and friendly, full of joy, happiness and incredible energy, yet still cautious enough to be reasonable. Life is to play, no? What else are we here for anyway? And ideally, is it not, if your work is play, as mine has been in the finest days of working life?

At one job I told my co-workers, "Coming here every day is like going on vacation." And of course it was. I didn't want to go home at night. What for? I wanted to come in on weekends. Why not? The spirit of the eternal 5 yr girl suffused my office, and the other workers, who, sensibly, all hated their jobs, resented it.

I love 5 year old girls. What real human could not? There is nothing sexual there, just the normal appreciation of a wonder of nature, like a waterfall or a wild animal in nature. Call me anything you want, quit reading my blog, report me to Google, or whatever you want. I will shout it to the sky with no shame.

Sure, that's fair.

This blog has posted two articles on the Yazidis, Do the Yezidis Worship the Devil? and The Yezidis, a Mysterious Kurdish Religious Sect. The first article is quite long and goes into exhaustive detail about the group. Here is another take on the Yazidis from a fundamentalist Christian POV, saying that they are the precursors to all of the Abrahamic religions - pre-Jews, that is. I find that a little dubious.

On the subject of Al Qaeda and the increasingly insane and evil "Iraqi resistance", this Maoist blog incredibly prints an interview with the repellent "Leftist" Abduljabbar al Kubaysi, leader of the Iraqi "resistance" and secretary-general of the Leftist Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA). I always worried about this guy, but now he has proven to be a complete maniac.

First, according to him, 99% of the mass murders attributed to Al Qaeda are not done by them - apparently they are done by Iran, the CIA, the Mossad or all three. Right. Then he defends the few mass murders that are supposedly actually done by them as a good revenge against the Iraqi Shia, since they support the evil Iran and all that. The usual Arab nationalist (Arab Nazi) BS.

Kubaysi is a funny kind of "socialist" - I suspect he is a Strasserist or a "National" Socialist, like so many Arab nationalists. Or maybe he is a National Bolshevik (flag look familiar)? All progressives need to stay clear of this fascist cancer. Guys like Kubaysi show just how dangerous playing with nationalist matches can be. And shame on the Maoists at Naxal Revolution for praising this fascist rat.

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