Saturday, May 17, 2008

Can't Make It Without Immigrant Scabs? Just Go!

We hear over and over again about all these businesses that supposedly are going to go out business if they can't hire immigrant scabs. And that's what every single illegal alien is in this country - a scab. Let's make that loud and clear here.

And H-1B "non-immigrant guest workers" that have totally destroyed the computer industry for US engineers and programmers are nothing but scabs too. Indian nationalists tell me that without H-1B's, all US computer corporations will have to go out of business. Well, first of all, that is complete nonsense. It's not going to happen.

This is all based on the premise that there is such horrible competition from those great computer corporations in INDIA that are, you know, going to put Microsoft and Intel out of business.

I've also heard it from a fish processing plant in New England that now hires all illegal aliens. Back in the 1980's, this was a union shop paying high wages. Bottom line is they broke the union. Now they pay crap wages and the only people dumb or desperate enough to work there are illegals. I suppose they are treated just wonderfully too.

So they need to hire illegals. As always, Americans will do the horrible, smelly and dirty work, but you need to pay them a good wage. This is what happened to our meat packing plants too, exactly. This is also what happened to the US construction industry. One by one, they broke the constructions unions.

In the 1970's and 1980's, my friends were working union construction. It paid good money, enough to buy a home and raise a family. That's all pretty much gone now. The jobs that once paid the equivalent of $30-45/hour in today's wages are mostly history. There are still union jobs around, but not that many, and they have to wage continuous war against illegals.

There's also a serious problem with legal immigrants from Mesoamerica who we have insanely allowed to flood in here. The result has been a complete glut in unskilled labor, such that many legal Mesoamericans are happy to work construction for $10/hr.

These jobs used to pay $30-45/hr. One would think that with a 30-75% decline in the cost of labor, even including inflation, that the cost of a house would have gone down. Forget it. Instead, we have seen insane increases in inequality and lopsided returns for those at the top of the heap.

I blame the Left in part for all of this. For the destruction of the US middle class and working class, for the crime and gang wave among young Americans in our cities (all the unskilled work goes to illegals, so young men turn to crime, gangs and dope).

For the mad increases in inequality, for the decline in wages for US workers, for workers have to work two and three jobs to get by, for the entire rightwing and Republican revolution (created in part by the empowerment of a 20% upper to upper middle class that benefited tremendously by massive wealth redistribution), for the ruination of US unions.

There were many factors at play in the development of these sorry reactionary and backwards trends over 35 years, but the US Idiot Left cheering on mass legal and illegal immigration into the US, especially in the past 20 years, has played its own sorry and significant role.

The American worker doesn't really have any friends anymore. Both parties are supporting his total and absolute replacement by a never-ending tidal wave of immigrant scabs.

There have been some posts lately about a particularly gratuitous, outrageous and in your face abuse of immigration law in a town called Postville, Iowa in a plant that was managed by Orthodox Jews.

They came into Postville, took over the plant, got rid of all the Americans, and hired all illegal aliens. They are now polluting the water supply. I doubt they have paid much taxes either. Apparently they were also allowing the plant to be used to manufacture methamphetamine! How low can you go?

This incident has been written up a lot, including a book by a Jewish author that was quite critical of these Orthodox Jews - Steven Bloom - Postville - A Clash of Cultures in the Heartland. They came into the town, would not talk to or be friendly with anyone not Jewish, filled the town with illegal Mesoamericans, and basically created a lot of havoc.

This particular Jewish family - the Rubashkins - have been crooks for a very long time. They've been not only ripping off the Gentiles in the traditional Orthodox manner, but they have also specialized in ripping off their own people. That's actually a violation of Jewish dual morality, and it may explain why they got some fellow Jews after them.

The Jewish press, as usual, wrote glowing articles about this wonderful situation in this small Iowa town, and Jewish Hollywood made a stupid documentary narrated by Glen Close and sponsored by Hallmark that lied and said how wonderful everything was in Postville, Iowa.

Here is Steve Sailer's excellent article on this situation. The comments are also enlightening. There is a Jewish commenter (apparently) on there defending the Lubavitchers running the slaughterhouse (the Lubavitchers are the very worst of all ultra-Orthodox Jews). His line is that if they shut down the plant, it will be an economic disaster for Postville.

I get to the point of my post.

So shut it down already! Seriously, just shut down the fucking plant. They aren't hiring any Americans anyway. Just move it to Mexico and take the 800 Mexican scabs with you.

That's basically my response to all these idiots who say we need to bring in Indian H-1B job thief scabs and illegals to do all this work that supposedly Americans just won't do. Supposedly it's going to harm US business too much to get rid of all the immigrant scabs, legal and illegal.

Look man, if you can't make it paying American workers the wages that they want (not too high, actually) just take the fuck off. Go overseas. Offshore. Move your damn business to a foreign country. What good is a business in the US that isn't even hiring Americans anyway?

Who's making money off that, besides the criminal owner? A bunch of immigrant scabs, that's who. And they are worthless. They add nothing to this country, they and their jobs can go in a NY minute without a tear to be shed. These businesses are nothing but parasites in our country. If all a business can do in our country is just be a parasite, then just move your damn operation offshore and get the Hell out of the country.

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